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About Mattz

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. If you are playing alone its not worth it. It takes alot of time to fix a car, parts you put in your backpack often bug and dissappear if you switch server or relog, especially tires. Don't pursuit long term goals unless you have at least 2-3 friends or you are in for some serious hardcore early morning sessions .. Heli sites are pretty easy to find once you know where to look (around stary,vybor and the airfield) but really just grab a gun and have some fun instead of server hopping or that kind of business, with all the bugs, exploits and hackers it is just not worth it.
  2. Mattz

    Has duping been fixed?

    The bug where you pull items from your backpack into a zombie corpse back and forth has been fixed but there is still a very easy and "logical" way to dupe items.
  3. What solved the artifact issue for me was deleting all my config files and starting a fresh profile.
  4. So Im playing on a low pop server where I had the opportunity to chat with the admin and his mates when he mentioned they do not find any crashed helicopters on their server and they would only restart the server after the next patch so.. do they respawn or is a restart needed? tia
  5. Mattz

    Is up north dead now?

    If I go there a billion polygons in various colors flicker over my screen blocking my view so I can't really play there..