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Everything posted by Sawyersheppard

  1. Sawyersheppard

    Chernarus National Transportation Service

    Okay so where to meet?
  2. Sawyersheppard

    Chernarus National Transportation Service

    Go to kamyshovo Ice?
  3. Sawyersheppard

    Chernarus National Transportation Service

    What do the stops look like?
  4. Sawyersheppard

    Chernarus National Transportation Service

    Alright, on second thought (since I don't have a map) I'll be waiting on the hill near the sign entrance on the very left of cherno (can't know where your green bus stops are exactly). Tell me here when to come. Also I will probably be logged out until you reply for me to come.
  5. Sawyersheppard

    Chernarus National Transportation Service

    I'll go to the bus stop on the very left in cherno on your map.
  6. Sawyersheppard

    Chernarus National Transportation Service

    Where exactly is the bus stop located? Wait.. I'll use your map.
  7. Sawyersheppard

    Chernarus National Transportation Service

    I've gotten some basic supplies now (akm, g17, food). I now can confirm I am in cherno.
  8. Sawyersheppard

    Chernarus National Transportation Service

    I am quite sure I am in cherno. Should I meet you near the coast?
  9. Sawyersheppard

    Chernarus National Transportation Service

    OOh, I see you on the server ice caps :), please contact me here. My IGN is blazecrafter.
  10. Sawyersheppard

    Chernarus National Transportation Service

    I have just died with a very good char, (DMR, medical, etc). I would very much like it if I could join your bus service as a body guard, or any other sort of job. I am mature and love the idea of helping people.
  11. Sawyersheppard

    New 4 person group/clan

    I am 15 and been playing for a month or so. I know my way around the game quite well. Steam:Sawyer7x7 Skype:Sawyer.sheppard I would perfer skype.
  12. Sawyersheppard

    Starting 3-6 Person group

    I would really love to join. I am 16 and very friendly, I'd like to get some gear with a group of guys and survive together!
  13. Sawyersheppard

    [ZH] Zombie Hords is Recruiting

    In-game Name:Blazecrafter Steam name: Sawyer7x7 Age:16 (Very mature for age) The current time zone you're residing in(UTC): Pacific Time Mic: Yes How long you've been playing: A month Your preferred role and/or weapon: M4A3 CCO Humanity(bandit/survivor/hero): Survivor
  14. Sawyersheppard

    Last Resistance - Recruiting - Final Thread

    Steam Username: Sawyer7x7 Age: 16 You must have a mic: Yes Are you willing to use Team Speak 3: Yes Have you been in a clan in the past? If so why did you leave? No Questions you have for the Last Resistance?: Nope
  15. Sawyersheppard

    Team of 6 looking for more players!

    1) How old are you?15 2) What time are you usually on? (time zone) Pacific 3) What is your preferred roll to play on the team? such as a sniper/CQC/looter/spotter CQC 4) What is the preferred wep you like to use? M4A3 Red dot 5) What is your current wep you are using? M4A3 Red dot 6) Why should we choose you? I'm a mature player and would like to join you guys. I really want a group to play with.