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Everything posted by craigst

  1. craigst

    Consumable fluids etc

    hell yes !
  2. craigst

    Suppy Convoy!

    shoot out tyers to stop the escort , u could have stranded convoy request for help + say gps location , so u can kill them take there stuff , or help them againt zombie waves and they reward u , random stuff
  3. craigst

    Suppy Convoy!

    i love it , sounds great , 2 trucks with escorts , just 1 thing people could nick trucks !!!! witch is a problem
  4. craigst

    Confirmation on Respawn Button

    +1 i did it and lost alot !!!!
  5. craigst

    Items in trucks

    i duno y , but i lose alll my food in the truck when server resets ? twice now its happened defently no stolen
  6. craigst

    DayZ Update 1.5.7

    rocket , i love you !! u read my mind for the game i want , y no advertisements , i had to wait for sumone to tell me !!
  7. need sum programer help i run all my steam stuff off E:/steam ....... as i have ssd 120gb as my operation system but i have a list of start errors , all extracted first error : addon 'dayz_code' requires addon 'cabuildingparts' second : no entry 'bin/config.bin\cfgvicheala\citzens1.scope' no . 3 : You can not play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.cherarus i tryed on my own and dayz mod updater , with says done , and tryed manual update , i useing arma 2 fee + a2 : oa on steam help pleaseeeeee :)
  8. craigst

    [Solved] Errors :(

    i brought the full version not the free one , and run combind , now it works :)