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About .:vVv:.rock3r

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. .:vVv:.rock3r

    Bandits Wanted

    There were some scripters on the server earlier but they were dealt with. That was not us.
  2. .:vVv:.rock3r

    Bandits Wanted

    Bring it. I have an overwhelming desire to kick some ass..
  3. .:vVv:.rock3r

    Bandits Wanted

    Hello I am an admin on US1180. There are two clans who play on this server, my own .:vVv:. and SLF and rather sadly... we have become friends. This has me rather bored. Having close to a dozen friendlies around makes the game far less tense. So personally, I want some bandits around. We all have excellent gear (I for one am running around with a M4 SD and an SVD camo) so there is your motivation for shooting us. We have just grown a bit complacent as of late and need some competition.
  4. I was meeting up with a a friend just outside of Zelenogorsk. I had an M4 SD and he had a DMR at the time. I started to move towards the market as my friend was saying that he saw me... and the zombies chasing me. I turned around and didnt see anything so I started looking for another player. It didnt take me long to spot him with the 6 or so zombies on his tail. I ran up to him and saw that he had no weapon so I started to pick off the zombies. He thanked me and we went into the barn together where he managed to find a Winchester. He moved into such a position that he was visible from outside the barn. This is when my friend started shooting. He missed the first couple of shots (it was a little over 800 meters who can blame him?) giving the guy time to get into cover. Instead of telling my clan mate to cease fire I freaked out and pretended like I was getting shot at too. I then lured the guy behind the barn and got him into a position where my friend dropped him with a single shot to the head. The poor guy didnt have anything worth looting and was just trying to get back to his previous body in the north.
  5. .:vVv:.rock3r

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Well I just had a lovely encounter with Antariuk. He showed up in my server willing to help up at the NWAF. Lo and behold I fell victim to the bug that teleports you to the coast. He was such a good guy that he ran all the way from the airfield down to Prigorodky and gave me a grand total of 11,580 blood back. Thanks a ton for the assist.
  6. .:vVv:.rock3r

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I sure do. Add me on steam: .:vVv:.rock3r
  7. .:vVv:.rock3r

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Hi there. I posted earlier today about needing a medic and recieved a very nice response from Trooper. Due to my own idiocy he was unable to help me though. In my previous post I indicated that I was in the northeast airfield. This is incorrect. I am, in fact, in the northwest airfield with 400 blood. I have several bloodbags and will be more than willing to donate them to any medic who can help me. So if anyone feels like braving the northwest airfield to help a poor scavenger who recieved a cheap shot to the head by a zombie, I would be eternally grateful.
  8. .:vVv:.rock3r

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Several weeks ago I had a pleasant run in with Paraskies. He found his way into my clan server late one night and helped someone out. He ran into me in Stary and we got to talking about medics and medicking. I thought and still think that this is just the coolest concept and I remeber thinking that I would love to receive help from one of you guys if the need ever arose. Well my time has come. While bouncing around the northeast airfield I recieved a cheap shot to the head by a zombie. He managed to get me down to about 400 blood before I got up and riddled him with bullets. Alas my entire clan is very far away and cannot help so I thought one of you might be able to. I have the blood bag (as well as several spares which I would be more than willing to donate) and just need someone to administer it. my apologies I meant to say northwest airfield.
  9. .:vVv:.rock3r

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Several weeks ago I had a pleasant run in with Paraskies. He found his way into my clan server late one night and helped someone out. He ran into me in Stary and we got to talking about medics and medicking. I thought and still think that this is just the coolest concept and I remeber thinking that I would love to receive help from one of you guys if the need ever arose. Well my time has come. While bouncing around the northeast airfield I recieved a cheap shot to the head by a zombie. He managed to get me down to about 400 blood before I got up and riddled him with bullets. Alas my entire clan is very far away and cannot help so I thought one of you might be able to. I have the blood bag (as well as several spares which I would be more than willing to donate) and just need someone to administer it.