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About Njordin

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  1. Njordin

    What Day Z really needs: Bicycles

    more of those pictures please :D love them, also love bicycles. action-driven chases between bandits and survivors with a horde of zeds behind them inc.
  2. Njordin

    Allow the settling of towns

    you sir deserve a medal. would really like to see this idea implemented !
  3. Njordin

    Allow stmovement!

    yay ! please add this, its really great.
  4. Njordin

    Huge FPS problems?

    some of us are getting these problems too. ( World´s End Gaming )
  5. Lootable skins and kevlar wests.... and i´m happy.
  6. Njordin

    make zombies slower

  7. Njordin


    nobody wants to understand i think @ gigabit making it a bit brighter wouldnt break with any gamemechanics, it would be like before... except you could see at least 3m or your own feet / hand.
  8. No bandit skin, but some kind of penality for low humanity. The game will get more immersion if everbody doesn´t kill others on sight just because all have a human-phobia.
  9. the reason for giving easy-bandits some kind of penality, disadvantage or some kind of advantage for being friendly is an easy one: In games many are just shooting for sport or the lolz, IRL that wouldnt happen. You would kill for surviving but not just for fun. ( except you´re totally crazy ) Most would team up and be really happy to find others surviving.
  10. Njordin


    i have to totally agree with you gigabit. i love that the nights are really really dark, sneaking, hiding and stumbling into bad situations. the need of flares sometimes even if it is very dangerous. but i think its possible to have all that with a night just a little bit more brighter. i´m living in germany, countryside, many big woods and the "blackforest" in my directly neighbourhood and i have to agree: you can see something, even if its a bit cloudy. your eyes adapt enough light, thats my experience. the moon shines most of the time, and things reflect even through clouds. you get problems in forests with totally closed treetops ( depending on which trees the forest consists ). the nights actually are way more realistic than in other games, but still unrealistic. a little bit too dark.
  11. Njordin


    bikes are an absolutely good idea ! easy to implement, not overpowered ( slow, easy target ) and yeah, funny epic moments inc. !
  12. We are now partners of World's End Gaming, another survival group.
  13. there is no requirement at the moment, you are also free to add your friends. feel free to join : )
  14. Hey there, there are many survivors out there looking for others to team up and not getting betrayed by some bandits pretending they were survivors. Way too many bandits out there are just shooting us for sport or the lolz. Survivor-Life is neutral, bandits are the bad-boys and we just want to give a boost to teamplay and pvp the other way: Be a Sheriff. We like helping others, especially mates from our own team. its up to you how you treat others. We are a group with nearly no rules except that you don´t betray others from the same group. Many of us like to shoot bandits on sight. Others just want to survive. Add "marcelaqua" in Skype and i´ll add you to that group. We´re relatively new and you have nothing to loose. We´re also open to new ideas and suggestions. ( clan, projects, homepage, ... ) We speak mostly english and german ! - Njordin -------- Edit: Now with official TS: ts43.gamespeak.com:9210 provided by World's End Gaming : ) feel free to join and team up with us !
  15. Njordin

    Suggestion [New Zombie Type: Screamer]

    slower zeds and much more zeds : ) thats what i need.