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Everything posted by Dinoburt

  1. Dinoburt

    DayZ hive maintenance

    So is the "new hive" the rolled back version moving forward? or will the "new hive" be data saved from say last night?
  2. someone on my clan forum page just forwarded this to me. Im X/0 Dinobrutalityx admin and part owner of undefined private server. if you still feel wrongly accused you can go to fireywater.com and sign up to our forum to put in a ban appeal. why you put a request on here to hold us accountable is a bit beyond me but non the less now you have your opportunity to argue your case over a month and a half late.
  3. Was playing on US1284 at 10:20EST. Found a base with a UH-1h, a ural, a UAZ. Was going to loot the ural when I was kicked by the admin. Logged back in again, was then banned when trying to loot it again for "cheating". Would love to see the log on this one.
  4. Go figure. Guess I would really like an admin to look into this server. Too bad he still hasn't provided these hacking logs nor unbanned anyone. Cool story.
  5. Agree'd I'd love to see this one.
  6. Glad that's all cleared up. Being banned wasn't the issue. Being an abusive admin was the point of this thread. Get off your high horse and troll somewhere else. We've all moved on to other servers .
  7. Its cool I'm sure we all sit in our camps in the dark for hours waiting for people to walk into it to ban them. Since you must have been there for at least 2 hours to get myself and the other guy you banned. Highly doubt you were there. No reason to admit you have some sort of map reader or something to make sure no one goes near it. Convenient timing on the bill payment. Just in case I submitted that the account holder at your service provider be blacklisted.
  8. not getting any of mine!
  9. Oh hey 1284s servers down, would you look at that. Went offline at 2012-08-23 19:42. so 3:42 EST if I can do -4gmt correctly in my head just for notification for those who are not following the other 3 threads about this server and its admins
  10. Server has Went offline at 2012-08-23 19:42. so 3:42 EST if I can do -4gmt correctly in my head. Any official notice if this has been taken offline? or is in maintenance mode?
  11. Oh hey 1284s servers down, would you look at that. Went offline at 2012-08-23 19:42. so 3:42 EST if I can do -4gmt correctly in my head.
  12. Probably still googling how to edit the log and trying to find what a teleport hack looks like to put us in to justify his right to ban us. Just waiting for his proof . And to explain how in the log it would show us on the bike driving all the way from stary but no worries we won't gay that in-depth here . *sigh*
  13. Good to know. Just goes to show they know they've been put on blast and all they were concerned with was their gear. Bet the next poor group of people to find it will be banned for cheating as well. Thanks for your feedback ! A can of beans for your crawl good sir.
  14. Don't forget the uaz the UH1H the motorcycle I took to get there! And it does seem their method is to ban anyone who finds it
  15. I wonder once they see people there how many more will get banned. The lack of response from their side is shockingly quiet. Granted they have better things to do ie. Work or school. Looking forward to seeing their proof and defense as to why they feel the need to ban people looting their camps. And as of 3pm Est my ban has not been lifted by any of the admins of this server. Tempted to know if all of the vehicles were still there ? WooT or anyone care to confirm ? Also curious if a motorcycle is by the Ural or in camp since that is what harette and I took to get there.
  16. It should be noted that when posting my appeal I did NOT mention a location. The location was first mentioned by araefel. And the logs wouldn't show any mention of location in game because we obviously ( we being harette and I ) did not want to broadcast our location. Not that it mattered since the admin clearly was monitoring people's location using some method that I'm going to guess is not legal.
  17. See you tonight. Glad to see honest admins responding to threads. I give the benefit of the doubt to most people. Just obnoxious that Jose who are supposed to be moderating the server are often the worst offenders of abuse.
  18. I'd like to get some metrics on how many people are going to check this spot out now. Considering a majority of servers I've been on have had bases in that area. People camp hunt its much easier to do then trying to kill people or farm stary for hours. But if anyone does have a chance to check out their camp I'd be interested to know how much they cleaned out or if people will keep getting banned. I see that harette as well as another have posted the location. I'd like some feed back from the admins of this server with their excuses. Or they can pull their heads out of the sand and unban those who crossed upon their cache of loot since most of us on here know this is a crock and they are just fearful of people finding their goods and taking it. I'm not even going to get started know how they knew so quickly we were there stealing their stuff because you must have had a pretty good view point in the middle of the forest at night time whirl I was behind a tree and between a truck to know I was there . But hey must have been all that teleporting eh ?
  19. Just noticed this, that you could see a motorcycle. Oddly enough thats what we drove to get to their base and considering you are an hour after my ban, they didn't even bother moving it.
  20. Here's what is going to happen. Either they will just keep banning people who find their camp and saying it is always due to hacking. Or people are going to go to that spot mentioned and there wont be anything there because they are using this time to "check for mistakes of banning people" to move their stuff. What makes me chuckle is at first they kicked me for getting to their camp. The ban did not occur until I started looting their vehicles. The first ban notification said "cheating". when I tried logging in after that they changed it to "cheating/hacking". So if we put their base camp on blast i.e. [Their base camp with all of their vehicles was just south of malinovka with 3 vehicles and a UH-1H] and see how many people get banned for looking there. Or they will unban people after they "check the logs for improper bans" aka move all of their stuff to a new location so that people don't steal everything. Either way its still admin abuse and rather disheartening that you find a base full of stuff to loot and the admins have to be poor sports about it and can't handle losing anything and have to ban people when they find it.
  21. Please show this log of me "teleporting", considering I was on a motocycle with a friend on the back of it going up the mountain when I ran into your ural. Oddly enough in the same location as where a previous poster mentioned that were banned at. Coincidence I think not.
  22. I have been playing on US221 which is run by the [GM] clan for quite some time now and over the past couple of days I have been getting teleported to people then dying. Or people teleporting to me and killing me. I had not had a chance to catch who it was in action until today. [GM] Defilez teleported to a friend of mine while we were in our camp. I hid in a tree after Defilez killed my friend. I alt tabbed to start fraps. As you can see in the video, he has a AS50 TWS, which is an illegally hacked gun. You can also see me open fire and see the shots register with blood splatters and he does not die. Instead he turns and fires three shots to kill me after missing the first two. This is not the first instance of this happening but is the first time catching him in the act. See attached youtube video for proof of the exploited gun as well as him taking no damage. http://youtu.be/_nh2EilJ6VY
  23. Dinoburt

    Admin Abuse US221 [GM] Clan

    I appreciate the link. cheers mate, see you in game.
  24. Dinoburt

    Admin Abuse US221 [GM] Clan

    Thanks for clearing it up though. I'm sure we will have more heated battles. (handshake) /thread
  25. Dinoburt

    Admin Abuse US221 [GM] Clan

    Didn't say you issued the global ban, just saying that it wasnt me. I know thats a battleye issue, and not an admin issue. Just saying that I was on at the same time when the #55 error happend and I am not globally banned.