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Everything posted by Ipurgepeople

  1. This is actually slightly erroneous. There is ONE place on the map I've found that spawns loot and NOT zombies. Kustryk Mountain, just northeast of Kozlovka. There is an outhouse in the middle of the woods. Answers the question "Does a bear shit in the woods?" eh? Anyway, it's just an outhouse, can spawn loot (Found a makarov there once), and no zombies spawn there.
  2. Ipurgepeople

    WTT NVG's,Ghillie,? for GPS/.50cal

    Trade went off without a hitch, he even tossed in a ghillie suit as a bonus. My partner is going to be very pleased. :D
  3. Ipurgepeople

    Traders and Traitors

    TravisT3 +1
  4. Ipurgepeople

    Just found Mountain Dew please help me

    My stories? I kill a guy who scared the living FUCK out of me (Nighttime, storming, can't see SHIT, suddenly lightning BAM! HE. IS. RIGHT. THERE!) loot him, get a mountain dew, and the next day I'm killed by a hacker. And today after being respawned on the coast with all my stuff except my damn food, on my way back to my previous position, I found a second mountain dew. Got to my destination, logged out for lunch, logged back in BACK ON THE COAST. Happened a third time as well... Yeah, I'm sore about it.
  5. Ah, the evil piggies from frogguts. Win.
  6. My buddy and I just light cherno up like a rave for shits and giggles on low-pop servers and just run around like a couple of morons. Luckily, so far when we've done this, we haven't had any players spawn in cherno to surprise us...
  7. Yeah if I can get my hands on another pair of NVGs I'll still play on night servers (And my videos will be much easier to see!)
  8. If you're having zombie problems in elektro, you're doing it wrong. If you aggro, lure them into firehouse/church/school or really any building with multiple entrances (even those tiny industrial sheds with 2 different doors work) once you're through there, start crouch walking (not RUNNING) away and you'll be good to go 90% of the time. If it didn't work, try another building, and if you've still got a couple following you, consider lining up a shot with a lighter background behind the zombie and take a shot (a road or a light-colored building work great, though my preference is inside a firehouse).
  9. Ipurgepeople

    Crashed Choppers Sites - Smoke glitch?

    Not sure, but I saw some random smoke on the NWAF last night, went to investigate, and as I got closer, it and what I will now assume (thanks to this post) was a chopper just vanished right off the map.
  10. I prefer night servers, even without NVGs. If the server has a moon, then playing at night is actually quite a pleasant experience. If the server doesn't have a moon, staying away from the woods as much as possible is absolutely crucial, because with no moon, the woods are just a pitch black mass all around you. As per where I like to explore... pretty much anywhere. Especially on low-pop servers I like to go on a loot-cycle in cherno of church->store->firehouse->hospital->apartments rinse and repeat until I find what I'm looking for (usually ammo or food). I've also had some pleasant experiences at the airfields whilst stumbling around in the dark. If you have a silenced weapon, playing at night and accidentally aggroing a zed isn't a big deal, just pop it and move on. If you don't have a silenced wep, it can be a little more difficult, but you can pull it off with a bit of careful consideration. My current goal is to visit every town on the map, to which I'm almost complete, just need to hit a few more up north, and I'll have visited every town on the map at nighttime... In order to do that, however, I need to not get spawned on the damn coast every time I log out. >:(
  11. Ipurgepeople

    WTT NVG's,Ghillie,? for GPS/.50cal

    Good enough for me. As it is, I plan to record any trade I am in for video proof if shit hits the fan. At this point, if I die.... well, if it comes to that, we'll see. :D
  12. Ipurgepeople

    WTT NVG's,Ghillie,? for GPS/.50cal

    Good enough for me, plus if I were to make a trade, I would record it anyway, with Fraps. So even if I do become a scapegoat, it won't work a second time, :D
  13. You, sir, aren't doin' it right. You stalk them instead of shooting immediately, :D
  14. Ipurgepeople

    WTT NVG's,Ghillie,? for GPS/.50cal

    Probably. lol.
  15. Nope. Only my pasta the first time... Believe it or don't, I don't care. Your opinion means nothing to me in this regard. Errm, my bad I thought this was my other thread... And perhaps CM did as well? I'm not sure, his post doesn't make sense in the context of this thread (to me at least). Maybe I"m just tired, lol.
  16. Ipurgepeople

    I give up!

    Nah, if possible, I would avoid shooting the defenseless, because I hate when it happens to me. I practice that as is, although I had an "oops" situation last week in prigo.... poor guy. I couldn't get to him in time to save him, D:
  17. Ipurgepeople

    I give up!

    Well, as far as I can tell, tents and vehicles aren't saving correctly atm, so I haven't bothered with them. I've found a couple in the last few days, hold on to em for a while, then end up dropping them for more important things like morphine.
  18. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/80628-i-give-up/ Short version, the game hates me.
  19. Meaning, when moving from Point A to Point B, if you have the option of crossing a field to get there in 3 minutes, or taking 10 minutes and going a more roundabout route in the woods...take the longer route and your chances of survival are much higher. You're an easy target when crossing a field, at the very least it alerts anyone on the tree line that you're there and which direction you're going.
  20. Another tip I want to add is: Sticking to the trees makes you a harder target. I am constantly amazed by how many people I see just walking across a field like there's nothing to worry about. I could have killed so many people if I was a bandit... and trust me, I was tempted.
  21. Ipurgepeople

    I give up!

    I'm using the same 3-5 servers I always do. My buddy spawns on the coast a lot, but I've only spawned on the coast once until today's fiasco. The beta patches are backwards compatible, never had any issues before. Instead of resorting to banditry, maybe I'll dust off COD and vegitate for a couple hours and get it out of my system instead. EDIT: Holy crap, I had a spelling nightmare there. Fix't.
  22. I have a crew I run with for DayZ. ATM I'm just trying to not play after the bullshit I experienced today. At least not till my buddy gets on and we can work out a course of action.
  23. Okay, fine, Mr. Smartass. Let me rephrase. What's with everyone's disregard for vent (and others' hatred for it altogether)?
  24. Ipurgepeople

    I give up!

    Nah, I haven't lost anything but my 3 cans of pasta. It was like it TRIED to reset my stuff but failed.
  25. What is with everyone's hatred for Vent these days? :(