In the last few days I've noticed a similar thing. Using Fraps I clocked my FPS at around 20 on High settings, but every 1 second or so (It's pretty steady, like a metronome) it "spikes" and drops down to 3-5 frames for half a second. So in all actuality, it's like I'm watching a slideshow with the occasional 2 seconds of clarity or so. I've tried a dozen different servers, thinking maybe something on the 3 servers I normally play on could possibly be causing it, but it isn't. Every other game I play has no FPS issues at all. For the record, I'm running on an AMD Radeon HD 5850 card (Which will hopefully be updated in the coming months). OP, are you running an AMD card as well? I ask because I have 2 buddies I play with, one uses nvidia and he doesn't have issues, and the other uses a like 6700 or some odd AMD and doesn't have issues. I haven't had these issues until this week. Been able to run Very High with around 40+ FPS in most situations until now.