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Everything posted by Hiden

  1. Hiden

    LF High Skilled Players for Tactical Squad

    yeah mate i will join if thats allowed :P lol
  2. age 18, location UK kent, yes mic, teamspeak 3, skype, nope but i play loads and loads of sta games and like the idea of being a sniper and i shot IRL and its all good fun i will give more if i have to but its like midnight and cant really be bothered to spill all my beanz >.<
  3. hey man im interested, i like the idea of small groups kicking arse !
  4. Hi guys, im pretty new to the game but have done quite a lot of stuff already and im hoping to join a smallish bandit clan, because i feel when it gets big it becomes uncontrollable but that might be my past experience of them. i would like to be in a group like sacriel. if you havent watched any of his videos you should. thanks
  5. :beans: I can see if i can get you some beanz
  6. hey mate if you would like to give me a go i would be most happy to join and have a go ?
  7. Hiden

    -TFBR- [Recruiting]

    wow! jokes to have a ghillie suit. i dont even have a sniper and i want to do it ^_^ so i think you win in some places /what is the team speaks information so i can access it when avalivable
  8. Hiden

    -TFBR- [Recruiting]

    sent you a request on skype, also with the information, i also have teamspeak too skype name cam.devos with your question to dont moan for dying.. i would happily sit infront of a built for people who i think would do better off alive ^ i like being a team player and look after the quad :)