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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. Hi bob, here is my speedtest on a wireless connection, I use both wireless and wired. http://www.speedtest.net/result/2144118007.png I will check my port now. The strange thing is is that my brother sits next to me when playing and he has none of the same problems, using exactly the same network as me. Will check my Windows Firewall ports. Noone else is online at the moment, but as I say during the day my brother is. noone else though. I do have a reasonably similar random-kick problem with minecraft, and Chrome downloads usually drop out and make me redownload.
  2. Definitely: Glitches Hackers Players Zombies
  3. Good idea, would it work with the engine is my question. Guess it couldn't be that difficult to do.
  4. So, currently I am bored with DayZ and am looking for something to do, most of my friends have stopped playing due to bugs/hackers so its just one other guy and me. So what I'm thinking is to set up, in one of the diners in Cherno, Elektro or Berezino, a shop. I would pick a server and set up a base in one of the diners, with my friends as bodyguards (they like the idea) and basically barter with anyone who came in looking for things. Probably quite risky but with 4 bodyguards hopefully it would work.
  5. Will give it a go when DayZ is working again for me, has bugged out to hell recently
  6. I have been having the connection problems too, every server I try to join has said 'Bad version, rejected connection' although I'm certain everything is up to date. I don't know if some servers have backdated possibly to try and stop the graphical glitches, although they don't say it. I have just reinstalled Windows while trying to fix the recurring 'Yellow chain -> Red chain' kick problem I have been getting a couple of minutes into every game I join. TBH right now I am just about finished with all the shit DayZ has given me. Also Battleye has caused me to lose my best life yet. What would really be nice sometimes is if Rocket would actually give us an UPDATE or something as to what is going on... I have moved on to other games now. Hopefully I'll be back by Standalone, or if these things are fixed sooner. Sorry for the moan it is just really getting on my nerves.
  7. Seeing as the release as standalone is coming up, this means that it is likely Heinz Beans will have to be removed, as they are a brand that has not been allowed by that company to be in an OFFICIAL game. However, I can't see why they wouldn't want free advertising to potentially 1 million or so players who may switch over to standalone, and others who will buy it on release. So, I'm thinking I will send them an email, who wants to join me? Without Heinz DayZ has no soul. Save the beans.
  8. U can build Tents obviously, also u can place wire fencing, tank traps and sandbags (although you need an entrenching tool). Rocket has said in interviews that he wants to add more base options, specifically underground bases where they can be upgraded, he goes on about 'Red Faction Style'. Watch some of the interviews about standalone that may help
  9. OK, my problem is that every couple of minutes or so in a game I get the full yellow chain, then a red chain which means I have to rejoin the server. When I try to rejoin the same server, it says 'You have been kicked off the game' the first few times, then works for another couple of minutes. What's really weird is that my brother plays with me sat next to me, using the same ethernet-over-power plug. He gets no problems, and when I get kicked, the in-game messages say 'KingEdOfNoob was kicked - client not responding.' It doesn't say that for me though. Could anyone help me? Coupled with the script restriction problems on my current server this game is really beginning to piss me off, especially when I spend about 50 minutes of a 1 hour session trying to join games.
  10. I always have a ping below 100 ms to any server I join. The red chain does make me leave Cats, it says 'no message received' for about 60 seconds, then kicks me.
  11. For a city, do you mean something like Fallujah? I like panthera, all Icebreakr maps are really well done. Or how about something more like Miroslavl to keep it Chernarussian? (http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?138232-GSEP-Miroslavl-Beta&p=2200808#post2200808)
  12. I used to get this with my brother. One day it just worked, sorry I can't help more but I think it can just be the odd bug that does this. Keep trying though.
  13. I have been playing on this server now for a couple of days, and it so far I've been fine. I have only encountered a couple of other players, one who sniped me in Stary and another.. Well, did anyone in a red Jeep see a guy on a bike riding around near the NWAF? I rode like fuck out of there when you got out of the car (most probably to shoot me). To be fair to what someone said earlier, I can repair my bike whenever I want by getting off and back on again. Maybe it's a bug I dunno.
  14. I hope now with the ammo glitch supposedly fixed people will be less inclined to waste bullets that they can't magically regain anymore, though I'm yet to try out the new patch. It's still not like most ammo is very rare though. People kill each other because this game gets boring when you've got good stuff, and there's nothing left to do. However I don't agree with you about this game having no replay value; when I have a long life towards the end it gets so boring I actually am quite happy when I die, the luck of your spawn and getting the basic gear together is probably the most fun part of the game. Why don't you try out Lingor? It's a breath of fresh air if you're bored of Chernarus.
  15. Hey guys, I have been playing DayZ for about 3 weeks or so now and I have been enjoying it quite a lot, although I have never really had a successful life. Basically, this is my story about what happened to me today as I lost my best life yet (by a very long stretch) to what I believe was a hacker; I will post details and maybe you might know more about this than me, so you could help me out by putting closure on that life. So, after having travelled up the map with my two friends, and visiting NWAF, we were pretty kitted out with and L85, M240, M4A1, NVGs stuff like that. Then, we decided to set up a camp on top of a hill overlooking the Podeba (I think) dam in the far North of the map. It seemed safe as from the dam you couldn't see our campfire and it was forested over. We had a few tents and then we began to find vehicles, we had in the end 3, which, considering as I have never found one before was quite cool. Moving on to the last couple of hours. We all spawned in and met up at camp, after having been out collecting supplies in our truck. We parked up in the forest and saved all the vehicles, then proceeded to sort out our tents and that, getting ready for our next 'outing'. We were there for about 20 minutes, we filled up bottles at the dam and had some food, then all of a sudden our vehicles disappeared. About 20 seconds later, as two of us went out to investigate, I think some sort of turret appeared and mowed us down. My other friend D/C'd and survived but surely that is not legit? It was nighttime so maybe I am wrong but it sounded kind of like an AS50 but automatic.. Needless to say I was pissed; What I think is a hacker T/P'd to me only to kill me, he doesn't want my stuff just wants to piss me off. He succeeded! I took the respawn and changed servers, I felt as if the original (De 695) was 'tainted'. I was near Elektro and I went in towards the church. There was a bus near the church in poor condition but a dead player nearby had a wheel which I took and attached to the bus, so it could move. I took it to the Elektro Industrial Park near the coast and fixed it up, but in the process I was shot, which broke my leg and made me pass out. I was unarmed so I guess he wanted my bus. However he never came to my body or finished me off so when I woke up with about 118 blood in crawled into the bus and took off towards Cherno where my friend was. On the way, my friend told me over skype that he had been sniped; tbh I was getting tired of this random banditry and felt like leaving it. Then, as I continued along the road, a guy with a Makarov ran past and said he was friendly. He could have just shot me for my bus but he agreed to help me by giving me blood and morphine. So we went to the north Hospital in Cherno and he fixed me up, I offered him my bus to thank him but he turned it down. This restored my faith a bit in the DayZ community, because that guy could so easily have ended my life and took my full condition bus off with him for his needs. Now my character is in the Cherno Apartments, I hope this life can go better than my last. Thanks for reading my first (incredibly long) wall of text! But if you didn't: tl;dr - Got killed by a hacker on a good life, found a bus in elektro nearly died (118 blood) met a friendly on road to Cherno who fixed me up without killing me for my bus. Faith almost restored.
  16. I have been killed by bandits before, but these hackers made me lose faith completely until this happened. I don't trust anyone in general, but I kind of feel that if I get sniped in a city that's fair game. However hackers just piss me off so much.
  17. willey.erd@oundleschool.org.uk

    DayZ Stories

    Hey guys, I have been playing DayZ for about 3 weeks or so now and I have been enjoying it quite a lot, although I have never really had a successful life. Basically, this is my story about what happened to me today as I lost my best life yet (by a very long stretch) to what I believe was a hacker; I will post details and maybe you might know more about this than me, so you could help me out by putting closure on that life. So, after having travelled up the map with my two friends, and visiting NWAF, we were pretty kitted out with and L85, M240, M4A1, NVGs stuff like that. Then, we decided to set up a camp on top of a hill overlooking the Podeba (I think) dam in the far North of the map. It seemed safe as from the dam you couldn't see our campfire and it was forested over. We had a few tents and then we began to find vehicles, we had in the end 3, which, considering as I have never found one before was quite cool. Moving on to the last couple of hours. We all spawned in and met up at camp, after having been out collecting supplies in our truck. We parked up in the forest and saved all the vehicles, then proceeded to sort out our tents and that, getting ready for our next 'outing'. We were there for about 20 minutes, we filled up bottles at the dam and had some food, then all of a sudden our vehicles disappeared. About 20 seconds later, as two of us went out to investigate, I think some sort of turret appeared and mowed us down. My other friend D/C'd and survived but surely that is not legit? It was nighttime so maybe I am wrong but it sounded kind of like an AS50 but automatic.. Needless to say I was pissed; What I think is a hacker T/P'd to me only to kill me, he doesn't want my stuff just wants to piss me off. He succeeded! I took the respawn and changed servers, I felt as if the original (De 695) was 'tainted'. I was near Elektro and I went in towards the church. There was a bus near the church in poor condition but a dead player nearby had a wheel which I took and attached to the bus, so it could move. I took it to the Elektro Industrial Park near the coast and fixed it up, but in the process I was shot, which broke my leg and made me pass out. I was unarmed so I guess he wanted my bus. However he never came to my body or finished me off so when I woke up with about 118 blood in crawled into the bus and took off towards Cherno where my friend was. On the way, my friend told me over skype that he had been sniped; tbh I was getting tired of this random banditry and felt like leaving it. Then, as I continued along the road, a guy with a Makarov ran past and said he was friendly. He could have just shot me for my bus but he agreed to help me by giving me blood and morphine. So we went to the north Hospital in Cherno and he fixed me up, I offered him my bus to thank him but he turned it down. This restored my faith a bit in the DayZ community, because that guy could so easily have ended my life and took my full condition bus off with him for his needs. Now my character is in the Cherno Apartments, I hope this life can go better than my last. tl;dr - Got killed by a hacker on a good life, found a bus in elektro nearly died (118 blood) met a friendly on road to Cherno who fixed me up without killing me for my bus. Faith restored.