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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. No seriously, you seem upset about something. I would love to hear about how I'm a bad player? :)
  2. Woah didn't mean to piss you off.. Christ it's basically impossible to be a good person without getting the bandit skin. Every time I give someone a weapon they just turn around and shoot me.
  3. Pretty difficult seeing as this is the case. The humanity system is completely flawed.
  4. Yes, but not my fault. I have to kill everyone I meet in towns, meaning I have reluctantly become a bandit. I try to help out newspawns but I have to kill basically everyone I see now thanks to the skin.
  5. Well, I don't know if it's just me but if you look closely at the bean tins in the devblog it looks as if the name is now 'Heznob' or something similar. Just what I saw, watch and see if you can see it too.
  6. Twinkies don't necessarily.. exist anymore so surely it wouldn't be illegal to have them?
  7. Yeah, they need to be careful, but so what? I am so fucking hyped for standalone purely because it will give a better platform for better improvements to probably my favourite game.. ever.
  8. willey.erd@oundleschool.org.uk

    DayZ Convention

    Ah, why not. Minecraft had more players before Minecon happened though, and I'm not sure we're the same kind of community as the Minecraft one.
  9. The point was reasonably valid, sure it was exaggerated, but the meaning was the same. You can still see that guy on the football field, so why can't a zed? If you're sprinting around like a madman I could probably see you from quite far. Ripped from google: 'Dust, water vapour and pollution in the air will rarely let you see more than 20 kilometres (12 miles), even on a clear day.'
  10. I don't know.. I just don't like the idea of giving 'perks' to playstyles. Sure they're minor things but why make it even easier for people who only live to PvP to PvP? I do agree that the bandit skin should come at a much lower humanity than it currently does. I got bored once, killed a load of people in Cherno (unlike me usually) and now am stuck with a bandit skin, meaning players north of Mogilevka (i.e. where the fun actually starts) just shoot me on sight rather than giving me a second chance, all thanks to me doing this one murder spree. Makes it basically impossible not to KoS in the wildy for me. Just back to your ideas, your example seems to me like an attempt at adding 'balance' to the game, which Rocket has stated many a time is not one of the key features of DayZ.
  11. Am I the only one who enjoys the new way in the update that zeds can just swarm you in a room, leaving you to fight it out to the last? Makes it seem more like there's more than 10 zeds in Cherno.
  12. Always wanted a game where it was your chance to survive the zombie apocalypse, like in the movies/TV shows. Wanted ultra-realism, ArmA is about as real as it can get without being ridiculous these days. All in all, pretty happy. Just wish DayZ was about 20 times harder and that the map was bigger.
  13. Maybe you're right, but I thought they said that it was just the one. Who knows. At least I've got the mod.
  14. I agree somewhat, I don't want to see things that Rocket and the team aren't happy with or want to release, but seeing more interiors/areas keeps me happy. Just Rocket walking into that house which has always before been unenterable set me off.
  15. I'm sorry, but I've got at least 600 hours on DayZ and I've not once been Thunderdomed or killed by a hacker. I've had stuff given to me twice, and some helos spawned in by me but I don't play on password servers and the problems really not as bad as you'd think.
  16. It's a reflex almost - it's an emergency escape. He probably dc'd before he knew he was dead. People don't like losing stuff.
  17. willey.erd@oundleschool.org.uk

    Car Clamp

    It would become a troll item just like wire fencing and tank traps have become.
  18. ...You see Heinz Baked Beans and feel an instinctive urge to take them. ...Get really excited when you see Mountain Dew. ...Can't think of any more right now.
  19. Right, so basically I have been having this thing ever since I started playing DayZ where after about 2-5 minutes of joining ANY game, I get a full yellow chain, immediately followed by a full red chain, meaning I have to leave and rejoin the game. Now, this gets incredibly tiresome, and so I asked about it here on the forums. One guy suggested reinstalling Windows and Arma, which I have just completed. After setting up DayZ and actually getting it to work properly again (the most recent beta has problems with Steam for some reason), I join a game and everything looks good, until 5 mins later BAM and the yellow chain appears. I've just quit the game in frustration again, bit of a waste of time seeing as DayZ was the only reason I did it really. But anyway, rant aside, does anyone else have this problem or have any idea how to fix it? I'm on the verge of giving up with DayZ until Standalone. Me when Yellow Chain appears: http://nooooooooooooooo.com/