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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. Is there any way someone here could set up a test server for us? As in, purely for the items and textures we're doing?
  2. Sounds good, TBH the fonts aren't so much of a worry for me as the size.
  3. Oh, by the way, I'd be happy to write some content for the books as I can do that when I have the odd 5 minutes (unlike the texturing). If anyone would like to make a list of books they'd like to see in the mod just post it - we can always use ones with expired copyrights (although abridged I assume). Out of interest, does anyone have an idea of how large putting something like 100-200 books into the game with about 10-50 pages each would be? An immediate thought is that 200 textures sounds a bit ridiculous, so maybe we could randomise it or something like that. EDIT: A quick update on the nailgun. My friend seems to have gone AWOL, so if anyone with a bit of modeling expertise would like to give it a shot then I'd love to see something akin to a Pulsa 700P in game - although I'll probably texture it yellow rather than red.
  4. I'm loving the way this is heading. Still working on my cans (albeit slowly, exams coming up and all that).
  5. No, not the UK! It seems to be blocked here at Uni is all. :huh: A dropbox file should be fine.
  6. Sounds awesome, looking forward to seeing them - unfortunately whatever website you're using is blocked over here. As soon as you're ready (and I'm assuming you want me to do it) just put them up here, I'll give them a quick test myself to make sure and them commit them. Joey has requested a freeze on can retextures at the moment, I hope I'll be able to put mine up, they're configured already so it's just a matter of updating the loot tables. I assume that means we can add new models. I like the picture idea too, and I would enjoy doing a bag of potatoes but you can get sliced and canned potatoes!
  7. Another quick update, I've decided to do a range of four very similar cans as part of an 'original recipe' range. I've found a few nice cliparts to use to keep things consistent - at the moment I've redone the beef stroganoff, and have added a new pork goulash. I am going to do a chicken dish and lamb/mutton dish too. Then I'll get on to doing the more modern stuff - the similar designs could be used to redesign all the things reasonably quickly. I think I am going to completely redo the bag of snacks or just get rid of it, as I wasn't really too keen on it at all. I will redo the chocolate bar, though - to be honest it was rushed. The Sodas will be redone with their own separate brandings, and I may do diet versions just to flesh out the content a bit. The potatoes can go into a new vegetable range of cans too (I might do that along with a can of cabbage, a can of rutabagas, and maybe a can of apples). I'm also considering a range of classic Chernarussian alcoholic drinks, so that would be cool.
  8. Sorry if this is a bit off topic, but I think it's been about a year since DayZMod first came out - so Happy Birthday! Thanks for all the great times, and looking forward to many more with the Standalone on the horizon! :D
  9. Just saying, things like army boots are especially uncomfortable when worn for long periods of time, and you can't really run properly in them either. This comes from some experience of the things. B)
  10. Silly Channel 4, blocking it in my country on copyright grounds.
  11. Why graveyard? I think this is a reasonably decent thread. It could always go to offtopic instead.
  12. Got a couple bits more to do the Stroga and then I'll be reasonably happy with it. Will upload a comparison and then you guys could help me by doing a bit of a critique on it.
  13. Nice work, guys! I've started slowly going through all of my designs. I think most of them will be having a complete redo as I want to make them look as professional as possible. Starting with the Beef Stroganoff as there is the least to change there. By the way, Joey's pointed me to a great site for textures: http://cgtextures.com/ Check it out.
  14. I feel as if the ball has finally started rolling somewhat. I've been given my tips on what to start looking into so I have direction! It's actually quite good fun to go through one's textures and critique them, I've already started updating some of them.
  15. Sorry man, my bad. Will do so, wasn't really sure whether I should anyway. :rolleyes:
  16. I think that the can textures are 512x512 currently. Thanks for the advice, though! :D
  17. A hint for getting the textures to look better is by scaling the object up briefly, by selecting all your points, clicking points, then transform 3D, then scale up to about 40 to each value. Then it should look better for taking pictures for the equip image you will need to do! Is everyone agreed that having me as some kind of mediator to put these on the Github would be much easier? If you want the item in, put it here with a picture or two, I'll try it out and we can review. Then I can push it (with full props to you, of course). I just think it would save us all the hassle of getting people added to the private repository for maybe only one or two commits. :)
  18. I second that motion, and apologies if I seemed a little annoyed about the whole thing! I'm really not, just got back to IRL work recently and it's taking its toll. :lol:
  19. I don't think I'm going to be able to make any more for a while - thanks for all the hard work though! I will look at them all, and if you guys would like me to push them to the GitHub (giving you full credit, of course) I can save you the hassle! :) I am going to be redoing many of my previously made ones as after a conversation with Joey on the Github I've decided that I would like to rework the lot and make them to a much higher quality than they were before, as some of the texture art is of fairly poor quality. :blush: I think the message I've received from this is make sure you are happy with the work completely - as a bit of a noob at this I'm still learning. :huh:
  20. Three things: No jets, just no. No starting with a map (ruins the mystery). No random start gear (just makes it unfair). I know I haven't really explained much but those are the things that immediately popped into my head. :)
  21. willey.erd@oundleschool.org.uk

    3D Modeling

    Ah right, ok. Personally I'm fine with Blender (maybe it doesn't have the plugin)?
  22. willey.erd@oundleschool.org.uk

    3D Modeling

    I thought all Minecraft objects were written in java anyway? You don't make the models, you define them then skin them.