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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. Read towards the end. There is discussion of making pull requests on Github and such.
  2. I feel as if there has been a disturbance in the force.
  3. Oh God, There's some kind of tantrum shitstorm going down all over the World as people all over the World are CRYING OVER LITTLE CANS OF FOOD AND DRINKS IN A VIDEO GAME. Grow up. Fair enough, it's not everyone's cup of tea, but especially on the subreddit I've noticed that they over there are all making completely erroneous assumptions, saying that the mod's forced Joey to make the models, that they are only doing it to enhance their epeens, that Elvaron has been left out and most likely feels rejected... To be honest, reading some of it made me laugh. I feel so sorry for the Mod's right now, and Joey. All their hard work has been completely trampled by this ungrateful community. I don't know if a rethink of this might be in order but it might come down to removing the offensive material and redoing them somewhat (although I don't think they should). This is all making me :(
  4. If you want it so much, why not try and design something cool to put on it? I made the logo for the trail mix, you could ask Elvaron or Joey nicely and send them a texture/logo and maybe they'll do it for you! :D
  5. There were a few food items of Joey's that didn't make it in, like the 'Lightfoot' Twinkies. Personally I think these would have been awesome! Also, some of the mod foods didn't make it in either, like the Sulahoops.
  6. Anyone found a bag of Papa Ingasmeeg's Rootin' Tootin' Trail Mix yet? Taste my nuts!
  7. Hooray for the trail mix! Just putting it out there, I made the 'Papa's' logo for it!
  8. you can never escape
  9. They still act in the same way, although there was a general re-do of the sizes.
  10. Well, I was going off the Walking Dead. Atlanta seems a reasonable size for replication - I looked at the details and the Atlanta-city proper is around 300km2, meaning that condensed a bit for map purposes Atlanta is probably a good idea of the scope Rocket should be aiming at.
  11. Are the Lightfoots going in? It seems some of Joey's food and drink is missing from the changelog. Looking forward to the next update a lot!
  12. Rocket has already said that the next map after Chernarus will most likely be a Western City. I hope we get something like Atlanta, in the Walking Dead. His description of what he wanted sounded pretty similar. BTW, OP, I don't like your idea. It would be far better to have an open city. Just look at Seattle in Take On Helicopters, that's already 60x60km and is well optimised. A city map for DayZ would be probably a quarter of that size, and with more detail and enterable buildings I imagine we will get something very similar.
  13. I'm sorry but this post made me laugh. All of your points about CQC are either wrong or just bugs with ArmA, which unfortunately does have problems in this regard. All your other points are nothing to do with DayZ itself, apart from the fact that there's nothing to do. That I mostly agree with, but again, it's limitations with the mod. SA will fix everything you're talking about. Enjoy playing something else, I'm sure no one will miss you.
  14. Nope, nope, nope and nope.
  15. Contact BattlEye. We can't help you. http://www.battleye.com/support.html
  16. I personally trust Rocket's judgement. I think the rest of you should do the same.
  17. I can only see it working if there is some kind of reason not to poop everywhere. Of course, there will likely be some kind of poop meter, and you can only do your business when it is ready to go. Perhaps this could be every 2-3 hours to stop excessive poo griefing; TBH they need to do some kind of re-jig anyway with the food meters and whatnot. If it fit to the time frame of how long you had to wait between eating, then it would make more sense. If you think about it, a 'regular' person goes perhaps once every 24 hours or thereabouts. If the day/night cycle was shortened to 4 hours each way, then you'd only need to shit once every 8 hours. Maybe that's a bit too sparse, so let's say once every 4 hours. On a 50-player server, with everyone in Chernogorsk, and restarts every 8 hours, you have a maximum of 100 craps spread around the city at any one time, unless they are not planning to remove them upon restart. Not everyone's going to be in Cherno, though, so let's say maybe 30 craps in Cherno, 20 in Elektro, 15 in Stary and 10 at the NWAF, with 25 spread around the forests and such, and that's on a full server. Added to the facts that many of the loot-spawning mechanics are being redone, loot tables will become virtually non-existent and that a much higher number of buildings will be enterable, I reckon that it will have much less of an effect than people think. Apart from the 12-year-olds and the griefers, however, I think many people will get over the initial 'I can shit in game! Let's shit on everything HUEHUEHUE' very quickly. Maybe zeds could be attracted to the smell, and it could be a reasonably long process (say 20-30 seconds of inaction). In a place like Cherno, taking a crap could be very dangerous.
  18. I think that it would be a revolutionary innovation - albeit it's going to take a lot of maturity on the player's end to stop it turning into another stupid griefing tool.