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Dalegor Dobrutro

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About Dalegor Dobrutro

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  1. Dalegor Dobrutro

    Factions/PVP and Zombies

    I belive in one rule, if you like to play bandit be tought guy not some sissy who afraid consequences. Because we already have to much "lame bandits" around. If someone like to play deadmatch let he play other game. I dont have nothing against bandits, but I want see hardcore players who choose this style for harder road of gameplay not shoot bambis on the beach to trolololo around because he found a sniper rifle.
  2. Dalegor Dobrutro

    Return of Global Chat

    Bring back global chat, its boring to walk around in DayZ and dont have nobody to talk with. Everyone from my friends dont like DayZ like me, and most of clans are US style with servers where I have 300+ ping or on some private hubs I dont like. And to people who like role play style and logic, why is unlogic in post apocaliptic world to have a radio (as our global chat) by what we can chat with other survivors? Regards.
  3. Dalegor Dobrutro

    Bandit Logic

    If I like to play deadmatch I can start just other game where I dont must waste time on collecting tent of weapons to trolololo people from hills. I play DayZ for survival atmosphere, and if someone see in this game only deadmatch he is just poor mind.
  4. I had in DayZ Baunce Mobile, just turn on music loud to microphone and hit the road. :D
  5. Dalegor Dobrutro

    Bandit Logic

    There could be good solution for this. But dont know if game mechanic can take care of this. Simple fog who reduce range sight, and this can give more scary atmosphere of fog around full of zombies and force to more close combat. So other weapons could be at least usefull not like today, that all people dream is to run with some uber sniper rifle. You seen any pro player without it?
  6. Propably WarZ totally sux, and taste for zombies is still on top. So they trying other source. Personally I also thought that WarZ crush DayZ, but this first is even more boring. I seen on twitch how dude kill with hammer full zombie horder without scratch *yawns*. Second can be premiere of new Walking Dead season. As motivation to buy game. Because there is not big competition in survival zombie games, there are ofc arcade style, but survival are only three for now: - DayZ - WarZ (more easy but let it be) - Project Zomboid (shame that this dont have multiplayer)
  7. Dalegor Dobrutro

    Bandit Logic

    People are just jerks from nature, penis small complex or they are bullied in reality and they unstress bulling in game others. And if you hear kid's voice in microphone just run, RUN LIKE HELL. Because this small psychopats kill you at sight every time.
  8. Dalegor Dobrutro

    Backpack Logic

    Anyone also wonder why we in game start with Coyote Patrol Pack who have 8 slots, and not with smaller Czech Vest Pouch with 6 slots? Anyone use this thing? To what can be usefull, any ideas?
  9. Dalegor Dobrutro

    Looking for a single DayZ partner/ Small group.

    More info give people, I search for wingman for ages! And always problem is that nobody say from where he from, and later I get location with 200+ ping on other site of Earth.
  10. Dalegor Dobrutro

    Looking for EU survivor.

    Im looking in game "wing-man" with who I can travel and chat sometimes. Game solo is just to boring, and finding someone on map is like lottery. I require only few things. - Basic English. Im not master of this language but at least I want to understand slighty what someone say. - Microphone, typing in game is to annoying and not so intuitive like in other games. - Mature, im 26 years old and dont want to travel with to young players. What they parents say if they hear old dude voice on they kid speakers? - Good nature, I dont see fun in killing at sight everything that move. - EU location, I prefer to play on one of the German servers. Im not German only they servers have for me best pings. Interested people let write to me PM on forum, I answer with details how to contact with me in more easy way and where to find me in game. Regards!
  11. Dalegor Dobrutro

    Name change?

    I have problem similar to this topic, only I already create new character profile. But why the hell I cant delete or edit old profile named "Windows 7"? :/
  12. Dalegor Dobrutro

    Motivation to kill zombies

    Shooting to zombies is propably worst choose. If you like play as scavenger, arm yourself with hatchet and crawl all the way. Zombies are stupid and dont see you most of time in such moving position. and if someone see you just hatch him one time with hatchet and done. Shooting in middle of town with noisy weapon is last thing you like to do. :P
  13. No it should not be secret. For some people this game is something more than stupid deadmatch and we like to have some normal survival gameplay on low crowd servers at least.
  14. Dalegor Dobrutro

    How to enter fliped car.

    Problem solved, propably server was restart and someone already stole my car. QQ
  15. Dalegor Dobrutro

    How to enter fliped car.

    I must be very bad luck or very talented. :P