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About Vincitti

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  1. Vincitti

    A hub for trading, meeting and bearing.

    A system to allow players to construct structures could make for entire trading colonies to be established free of zombie spawns. Just some basic enter-able structure's like the large tents and some fences or guard posts.
  2. Vincitti


    Jeb is pretty kewl dewd, he not fraid ennything. Join his cause. Hi
  3. If you admit that the zombie movement is anything but smooth so we should be able to have the option to disable zombies amirite? Personally I don't find the first person experience disruptive, I enjoy it as much as I enjoy realistic ballistics and damage, and I think anyone who doesn't could just as well be served by turning view bob off (which is probably the single most reason for not liking it). Beyond that, they probably just want easy mode on, in which case: Apocalypse simulation. simulation. simulate. WUT I don't think you have been out of the ArmA universe in a long time if you don't realize just how bad the first person play is but I see that there is no point in arguing. For me it's more to due to the first person being frustrating and downright annoying than difficult, FPS games I played in the 90's were more fluid. My whole point is to let people choose and don't throw the entire mod into a forced first person, leave it be. I can't find anywhere this mod has been advertised as a simulation by the dev's if you can find it please link me.
  4. Vincitti

    Server hoppers

    That's what I thought the first time, but myself and 2 clan members have seen a total of 6 people spawn in their building at that airport over the past 2 days.
  5. Vincitti

    Server hoppers

    So a bit of a rant here - the last three times I've got to the northwest airport I've been killed by someone who spawns in on top of me or behind me. Players are getting into the habit of getting to the airport than hopping servers to get the loot there on every server and it causes all kinda of retarded scenarios where you get shot by someone who just magically appears near you or in a room you have just cleared. The most recent scenario was I went through the firehouse at the airport and cleared the tower only to go down two floors in the tower than back up to the top to find a bandit spraying me down with lead. I can't think of a fix besides maybe a spawn protection that prevents you from be shot or from shooting anyone for 20-30 seconds when you join a server. Has anyone else had this experience?
  6. Vincitti

    DayZ VidZ

    I'm not sure if this is the new zombie animation, but the Zombie bunny hybrid train was funny to me. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CU9buMFFjEA
  7. Vincitti

    Legion Server!

    You can use ironsights in third person, just right click and it zooms in. I understand why it is that way and I prefer first person from a simulation standpoint, but I also understand using weapons on the move is not that difficult. At a brisk walking pace hitting a barn is a challenge in A2 ironsights when at the same speeds in real life any trained person could hit a milk jug at 50 ft. As for counter-strike - I did have my time with that game but my ideal for first person is BF3 Hardcore which has no crosshairs.
  8. Vincitti

    Legion Server!
