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Everything posted by Tom316

  1. The rate things are going by the time they release the standalone DayZ product, its reputation is going to be that of a hackers paradise and noone is going to want to buy it. We have already shutdown both of our servers and stopped playing. There is no use attempting to play when every night someone just hops on an ruins all the work you put into it in a matter of seconds. You remove one hacker and a dozen more hop on. It's a almost never ending stream of people cheating. The Arma engine is such a joke when it comes to security it makes other engines look secure. Really who makes a engine that allows the client to run any script and even go as far as to allow a client to run a script on another client. Really!
  2. You should be glad vehicles are even spawning. There are a lot of servers that do not have any vehicles at all spawning.
  3. It's all controlled by the hive. When they spawn, where they spawn, and how many spawn. That information can and does change at any time they decide to tweak the numbers and locations.
  4. The server side does limit the max visibility. There is no way you can change it at this time without breaking the agreement you agreed to when signing up to host a server. Aka reverse taking the mod apart and changing it within the script.
  5. If the problem is still going on, I dont see why they just do not remove the dead bodies and the barbwire for the time being.
  6. Its Alpha and items saving in Tent and Cars is really hit or miss right now. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesnt work.
  7. Tom316

    No Vehicle Spawn on my Server :(

    How long has the server been setup? They have stated it can take between 2 and 7 days before the hive will seed your server with vehicles.
  8. The devs have stated in another thread (you will have to search) but it can take anywhere from 2 to 7 days before vehicles will spawn on / in a new server. It will also take a server restart for it to happen during that time. A new server will not instantly spawn will vehicles and stuff right off the bat. It takes time for the hive to spawn them for your server.
  9. Tom316

    To all server owners with no vehicles on their servers!

    That's good information to know for sure. We haven't found any vehicles on our server since we set it up. But its only been 3-4 days now. Will be keeping a lookout on them.
  10. Just fyi an admin can not give you a global ban. Only Battleye can do that via auto detection. All us admins can do is give you a server ban from that server. From the BattlEye support website: "If you are globally banned, read the following rules before sending in a support request. If you don't follow these rules your request/e-mail will be ignored! Otherwise your individual case will be carefully investigated. No one is banned for using non-hack programs (like Fraps, overlays, etc.), picking up or using hacked in-game items, weapons or vehicles, being on a server at the same time as a cheater, or other passive non-cheating activity. Therefore all requests mentioning these things as possible reasons for the global ban are ignored. A shared or stolen cd-key is no excuse. It's your own responsibility to ensure that no one else has access to it. Include your exact (!) global ban ID. The ID is shown in your global ban message ("Global Ban #ID"). If you don't include it your request will be ignored. Do not tell stories. Whatever you are saying about yourself or your situation won't matter. The only thing that matters is the evidence that is gathered for every global ban issued. Do not ask for the evidence behind your ban. No details about it will be revealed. Hackers would love to have access to this information. Do not beg for mercy. If you cheated you will have to live with the consequences. Global bans are permanent and no exceptions will be made. Questions regarding how exactly to get unbanned will be ignored. No support will be given on how to buy a new game or change your cd-key. Again, if you don't follow these rules your request will be ignored! Note that you will not receive a response if the evidence clearly indicates that you or someone else using your cd-key cheated. It doesn't matter if you only cheated on your own private server. Cheating on BE-enabled servers is forbidden, period."
  11. Damm.. I wish I could bring my own skyscraper around with me from server to server. Who needs to go looking for a base when you can just spawn your own base in when you login. Portal skyscrapers ftw!
  12. You know it sounds bad. But screw them admin rules. All the rules are setup to do is give the hackers the ability to run around and do what they want. The worst that can happen is they blacklist your server and then you can setup your own private hive and have complete control over it. I can see why they have some rules in place, but you know when your forking out money to put up a server and then taking your own personal time to try (and I do mean try) and keep the hackers under control. Then Rocket and team need to take some faith into the admins they are letting host the servers and let us do what needs to be done to clean up this dam mess. We are the ones that are keeping DayZ up and running at the end of the day. Because without any servers then DayZ is nothing more then a bunch of files that cant be used. I ban first and ask questions later. If do something to cause problems then I have every right to ban you from a server I run. You as the banned person have every right to go to one of the other 6k + servers until you get banned there.
  13. Of course the population is dropping. DayZ is being killed by the hackers and the glitchs. It wont be long before the players just move onto something else and that will be the end of DayZ. I know its Alpha right now and all, but a game generally only gets one chance to make a splash. And if DayZ is known as the game full of hackers.. Then yeah people are just going to move onto other, better things.
  14. Tom316

    us 2102

    I will take a look into it and see what I can find. Thanks for reporting it.
  15. Yes you can get your stream banned for playing with someone that you know is hacking. Just fyi. Twitch has some very strict rules for its streamers. Its about like playing with a cracked game. You will be ip and perma banned from there network.
  16. Tom316

    Server Blackout

    We just need to be given control over the servers we run. I should not have to wait through a lengthy process to get someone banned from my server because he was hacking. I understand where the community comes from when it comes from admins setting up there own private server just for them and there friends to farm gear. You know I get that 100%. I do not want that to happen. But on that same token, you know I would rather that happen then having a hacker pop on an be able to within seconds get everything that same group of people spent hours doing. The ultimate solution is that the client should NEVER be able to run scripts that do anything outside of local things on there client. Why should a client be spawning items into the world anyways? That should be something the server and only the server can do. I give props to the BattlEye guys for ramping it up alot the last few weeks to do what they can to combat the problem. But there is only so much they can do for a poorly thought out client <-> server model.
  17. Add one more to the list of people that are not happy with Host Altitude and there lack of support. Just afew mins after they posted on twitter that they had DayZ LA servers in stock and that it was less then 12 hours setup time we ordered one. Now over 48 hours later we are still waiting for them to get the server setup. I imagine since there twitter now lists as out of stock (a day after we placed the order) that they are out of stock on the servers. Should have went with my gut instinct on these guys but the price seemed right at the time. These guys need to be removed from whitelist DayZ server hosting. There company (or lack there of) is in no way setup to be a DayZ hosting provider. Needless to say for a little more money we now have a better dedicated machine to host our DayZ server.