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About tigerpr0n

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. if you have a carrier/jumpfreighter...not that long. "yeah guise. i'll jump your navy scorps and carebear tengus down to null, just pay the fuel!" logoffski. success. although, it is certainly different being a pirate/bandit in eve. killing everything is easy, but gaining trust and taking away things that people have worked a long time for...it's different. you can't just head up to the NWAF and kill a person along the way and be at "endgame" status. people have months and months worth of time and effort into single ships that can be taken in the blink of an eye. a single mole can destroy an alliance of five thousand players. one pirate can blow up a ship carrying $2500usd in game cards. it's fantastic. 6 months in eve? nothing. you're still a zero. two years in and i only have about another year until i'm where i want to be skill wise. and that's subcapital ships.
  2. tigerpr0n

    Capacity of Tents .6 build

    some things spew out 5-10 feet from the tent, some are gone forever. spare matches always drop nearby, the one pair of rangefinders i've found...not so much. :(
  3. tigerpr0n

    1.7.3 - Lets Wipe the Hive

    a monthly wipe simulating a surviving government nuking the world to finally end this plague. then it's groundhog day!
  4. tigerpr0n

    Hiding bodies a Dick move?

    depends on the situation. but i do think it should be removed from the game. or rather, i think you should need an entrenching tool and 5 minutes to dig a bloody grave.
  5. tigerpr0n

    Am I a Hero now, or just another grubby Bandit?

    hey guise. while i completely agree about 3r person....IT'S A FUCKING 3RD PERSON SHOOTER.
  6. tigerpr0n

    Survivor Colony!

    the amount of dumb in this thread is astonishing, and it's only on page two.
  7. tigerpr0n

    M14 Aimpoint or DMR

    beans beans beans
  8. personally, i think it'll be better when the spawn rates are actually accurate. i feel that 90% of us should be running around with winchesters and hunting rifles, not the "average" fully automatic m4 with a submachine gun as a sidearm. but then i guess all it takes is going to a low pop/fresh restarted server and raping all the mil spawns anyways to get all your full auto assault rifles, etc. edit: or more accurately, we would have maybe an SKS and a .22 pistol :D
  9. tigerpr0n

    Seriously Zombies need to be more deadly

    maybe if we could actually clear an area of zombies i'd agree, but as it is you can spend fucking 15 minutes trying to sneak up to a barn only to have a pack of them spawn on your face as you enter. apparently i need to learn how to play because any time during the day, and if i'm doing anything but lying prone in a bush, i get agressed.
  10. found five today. fn fals, m249, 2x l85 one was looted, i havent checked the other two yet.
  11. tigerpr0n

    Nice deathmatch you got there

    i'd like to consider myself a proper player. my characters seem to be lasting about two weeks. i can survive just fine, loot what i need, etc...but it's fucking boring. (edit: not BORING per se. but being the sandbox game...sometimes you can't be arsed to make a castle and play with it all by yourself) once you have all of the equipment you need and a solid weapon, there really isnt much to do but try and find trouble, one way or another. you also kinda stop giving fucks. i just got killed walking across a field north of the nw airfield because i couldn't be bothered to use the trees as cover...maybe because i'm looking forward to crawling around barns looking for a winchester again. or maybe i'll stop playing. we'll see.
  12. tigerpr0n

    DayZ Stories

    today was a good day. mostly. it started with finding a boat, a car, and an atv. the atv obviously belonged to someone else, as it was driven to a freshly spawned van which needed repair. we collected the group using the zodiac and made our way to the van spawn, running into minor misadventure while refuelling and looking for some supplies. after an hour or so of fucking about, we made our way to the van spawn just south of solnichy, only to be immediately engaged by a group of 6 players that were possibly attempting to repair the van, or at the least go pick up their atv. two of our members were surprised and caught upright in the open, they died right away. i hit the dirt, but managed to take an arr....bullet to the knee and was bleeding out fast. i only had three rounds left in my m4 cco sd which i quickly emptied in the general direction of the enemy squad. i switched to my backup PDW and threw a mag towards the (now blown up) van that had someone using it for cover. the fire slowed down for a second, but i knew that the majority of the enemy contacts were still alive. i dropped my M4 CCO SD for my FN FAL and managed to crawl behind a small pine tree and bandage. i spotted one of the enemies flanking us to the left and he took a solid 7.62x51mm double tap to the chest. one murder. by this point i was down to just under 2000 blood, shaking violently, and starting to panic a bit. i was shaking much too violently to actually aim, but the fight wasn't over. i spotted the top of a baseball cap behind a blown up sedan and emptied the rest of my 18 rounds towards it. one bandit kill. reload. i scanned the surroundings and saw another survivor doubled over, bleeding and running for cover behind the gas station. i called out his loaction and fired a couple bursts towards him, but couldn't tell if he was down. i believe a few well placed shots from my remaining squadmate finished him off. i spotted the one remaining enemy running for their blue ural and called him out. i had no shot, but my squadmate happened to have an AS50 in his pack. the tire was shot out, in an attempt to just disable the vehicle in the hopes that there was loot in the back. the ural managed to start crawling away through a field with only four tires remaining, but four more shots were fired and a massive fireball was the result. the driver crawled away from the truck and mashed alt-f4 as fast as he could. we looted what we could, i dropped my trusty but empty FN FAL for an M107 and a bizon, stashing my M4 CCO SD in the atv, along with whatever else it would carry. the tally: five enemy down and one disconnect. various loot one ATV one zodiac we lost one more member to sniper fire a few hours later at a heli crash, and the guy driving the atv full of loot managed to flip it over. ah well, easy come easy go. we started getting some pretty bad server lag as the server filled to about 50 players, and as it happens one of our guys found a fully repaired heli on another server. one we were considering making our home. it was even fueled up. we collect everyone and head to the nw airfield, spot a fully repaired truck in the trees, and continue. i had to let someone else drive the pickup as i was starting to artifact. he managed to crash us into a fence and my legitimately geared 14 day old player died. such a shame.
  13. tigerpr0n

    Peculiar Discovery

    so, what does it say?
  14. tigerpr0n

    Made fun of my age, dead in seconds.

    this thread has made me hate children even more.
  15. interesting story for sure, but i'd ditch the gear. use up all the ammo killing cows and sheep for practice at stupid ranges, and then bury it on a body go get some legit gear