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About sman711

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. How do you have a message be displayed about 5 minutes before a server restarts? So that people on my server have a warning (as of now I manually say it, but im not always at my computer during the restarts.) Any help would be appreciated.
  2. Yes, I was in my car, driving just north of the NW airfield, and my game froze for about 15-20 seconds and then it said i was dead, my friend said that i was just sitting there with the engine on and randomly died. It was a strange thing, and is the only reason i asked for a rollback.
  3. If I could get my gear back, that would be really nice. My player name is sman711. I had a coyote backpack + m4 cco and revolver, 2 NVG's and binoculars. Please roll my character back to about 5:30 GMT-8. Thanks.
  4. sman711

    Admin Abuse US 888

    I too have witnessed this.