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Everything posted by belzibhaal

  1. belzibhaal

    How fast does the character jog/run in DayZ?

    Either 18 or 20 kpm on a level surface. I forget which.
  2. Lol no. They wouldn't do shit to an MBT. But they would stop any light vehicle in its tracks. You do realise that if you were shot in the arm or leg with a 50 cal or .338 round, it would take that limb clean off? Depending on range, it could cut you in half. So no, the AS50 and M107 rifles are not OP at all. They are designed to be 1 shot kill weapons, compared to the 7.62mm rifles. Also, I read some of your other posts, but I'm too lazy to quote them. I will say, however, that you come off as a whiny little bitch who was probably not breastfed as a child. I suggest you harden the fuck up, princess.
  3. belzibhaal

    The Notorious Can Incident

    ADHD version. There's nothing of interest on the first page.
  4. belzibhaal

    The Notorious Can Incident

    Someone explain to me what the fuck is going on in this thread. Kthx.
  5. belzibhaal

    Tell me your best kill...

    1592m headshot with an AS50 and a 700m HS with a Lee Enfield would have to be my two best kills. Besides that, countless hatchet murders of Electro/Cherno sniper fags.
  6. belzibhaal

    New Dayz+ Server for players of all kinds! :)

  7. belzibhaal

    Glories of the Loot Gods.

    Paragraphs, holy shit.
  8. belzibhaal

    New Dayz+ Server for players of all kinds! :)

  9. belzibhaal

    DayZ Bug List

    You've always been able to study an animals body.
  10. FAL and M14 are both Battle Rifles, hence why they do so much damage. The Lee Enfield should go back to being a 1 hit kill, due to the .303 round it uses. Also, if you guys are complaining about taking so many shots to kill stuff, stop being shit and aim for the face. Headshot is always an instant kill.
  11. belzibhaal

    How good is your Russian?

    Russian is a purely phonetic language. Not that hard to learn cyrillic.
  12. belzibhaal

    Server closing

    What changes did you make to the heli loot?
  13. belzibhaal

    Server closing

    This server has the Fapnapkin Seal of Approval. Server does need a restart, though. Currently stuck on loading screen.
  14. belzibhaal

    L85 Should it stay or go

    Where's the poll button?
  15. belzibhaal

    Dayz US-LA Private Hive @

    The admins here are fucking retarded. I got banned for being in the north of the map with a full kit after playing on the server for 4 hours. Retard admins have have no idea how to read server logs.
  16. I was on the And You Know It server earlier and I got in a fire fight with a dude on Dobryy. I leant out from behind a tree and got winged by his M24. I went from 12k blood to around 4k and bleeding. He then charged me with a pistol and I emptied nearly a whole mag from my MK 48 into him before he finally went down. I called out to my mate on vent that I was bleeding and would need a blood bag asap. I bandaged and then I began to loot the guys corpse and I got banned for using god mode, or some other such nonsense. I then got on their TS and asked why I was banned and he advised me that I got shot in the neck and lived, ergo I must have been using god mode, despite me breaking my legs 10 minutes before hand. He then went on about suspicious activity in the logs, or some other excuse. He also refused to share the log with me, so I couldn't see what he was talking about. So, what I want to know is whether getting shot in the neck is immediately fatal? I know a shot from an M24 doesn't guarantee that you get knocked out or broken limbs, etc, of which I had neither. Or is the admin just failing to interpret the logs correctly? Also, why didn't he notice that I had used a bandage pretty much right after I killed the guy? if I had been using god mode, I wouldn't have needed to. Herp derp. PS: If I was scripting (which is exactly what god mode is), I would have spawned my group a full loadout instead of running around with a Lee Enfield until I could find a better gun. Edit: I offered to take a screenshot showing my current blood level, but he wasn't interested. One would think an admin would like to see such a screenshot.
  17. belzibhaal

    Headshot vs Neckshot.

    Up. Looking for more insight.
  18. belzibhaal

    Headshot vs Neckshot.

    Admin stated that it was a neck shot. However, we're all Aussie and it was a us based "Aussie" server and lagging hard, so that could have something to do with it. Wasn't the admin I killed. It was some idiot sniper that I roflstomped twice when he was shooting unarmed people in Cherno.
  19. Speculation at this time is utterly pointless.
  20. belzibhaal


    I was running around the NWAF with my mate on my empty home server blasting zombies as they swarmed me. He said "watch this" ad ran infront of my line of fire and I shot him in the head. The only good thing to come out of that was he helped me hit the -4 million Humanity mark.
  21. belzibhaal

    Aussie Team Mate.. ?

    AU AvA gaming private hive is always looking for more people. Good stability, frequent restarts, lots of vehicles and players, little to no hackers. is the IP.
  22. belzibhaal

    Hacked item? (not M107 Thermal)

    Not much. Just slutting around on a private hive, as I'm still miffed that Gravel made 1550 an expert server. .___. Edit: Up to Day 7, 15 murders, 3 bandit kills and a couple of hundred zombie kills. Had an interesting 1k+ snipe fest against some wall hacking faggots on my server. Only way these losers would have known I was following and flanking their base, trying to get my UAZ back. Even with 4 of them raining lead down on me from ~800m, they still didn't hit shit.
  23. belzibhaal

    Hacked item? (not M107 Thermal)

    In all my time playing, I have NEVER seen a thermal M107. I didn't think they even existed in the game files.