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Everything posted by belzibhaal

  1. belzibhaal

    The SVD

    I found one at NWAF. Walked outside and got mowed down by some dude standing on the roof of the barracks.
  2. belzibhaal

    Vybor Sniping

    What the fuck is in Vybor that makes it even remotely worth going to? Supermarket and the office across the road?
  3. belzibhaal


    I managed to get killed in the crossfire between two people having a shootout, while I was prone inside a tree that I could somehow prone through. Respawned in Electro, bolted for the store, stole some pepsis and a map and legged it straight for the NWAF. Managed to get all my shit back. Other than that, I rarely ever see anybody up there. Usually just zombies. Though, I would be interested in knowing where these sniper hills are, so I can scope them out before I head into the barracks to check on loot. On another note, my new favourite loot farming spot is the sniper bill near the N fire station in electro. I just prone there until I see someone spawn in next to me and I plug em in the head and collect their shit. Just like I did earlier on some jp server, after losing all my gear to a hacker, yet again.
  4. Honestly, I much prefer the pushbike to the motorbike. It's quieter, doesn't need fuel, goes just as fast. My server somehow gobbled my pushy, but I found another today while riding back to camp. Couldn't have been happier!
  5. belzibhaal

    To all spawn killers out there!

    While I always shoot a well armed player on sight, I really do not like those scumfuck sniper pricks who shoot fresh spawns in Cherno and Electro. This is the main reason that I have a well maintained bicycle, which I ride up and down the hills behind those two cities listening out for sniper fire. Then I sneak up and stick a burst from my M16A4 ACOG in the back of their skull. I did this to some asshole called azariell and his boyfriend, whose name I forget in Electro the other day. He even had the balls to come at me with a Remington, trying to get his shit back. I killed him a few times, took his AS50, ammo, Coyote, LMG and hid the bodies.
  6. belzibhaal

    Silenced MP5 Trade

    It's good for farming rangefinders, NVGs and AS50s in Cherno.
  7. belzibhaal

    CZ 550

    If I find one and I have bag room, it's all yours.
  8. belzibhaal

    CZ 550

    Mags are easy to find. The rifle itself, however, is a different story. Why do you want it? There's better sniper rifles out there.
  9. belzibhaal

    Finally got NVG's!!!

    Ahhhhh yes, I have been intending on stashing all my good stuff and going hunting up there with a shotgun, or maybe a silenced MP5.
  10. belzibhaal

    Dayz - US 1370

    If I was you, I would stick some satchel charges on it, park it in the middle of cherno and blow it up when someone else jumps in to fly it away.
  11. belzibhaal

    Finally got NVG's!!!

    Get a new gun. Any burst fire NATO weapon is instant death if you can land all 3 shots on an enemy. Also, I found a set earlier, but now I'm laying on the tarmac at the NWAF, bleeding to death. This is what I get for throwing a grenade at my feet. Guess I need to learn how to throw.
  12. The sad thing is that I found one in the barracks... Two minutes later, I crab walked outside, in the middle of the night and got facefucked by some dude on the roof with a G17. D: