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About blackout77

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  1. blackout77

    DayZ Screenshots!

    Yaaaay screenshots ... => http://imgur.com/a/o73ru Enjoy :beans:
  2. blackout77

    Namalsk Vehicle Spawns?

    Try Lubjansk ;)
  3. blackout77

    DayZ mod on Namalsk

    HeliCrash sites are disabled for now ... http://nightstalkers.cz/en_index_dn.php?menu=en_dn_changes
  4. blackout77

    DayZ mod on Namalsk

    Here is some preview of incoming "Update"
  5. New map incoming, stay tuned guys! http://redd.it/11gfox For more info about update etc ... visit http://nightstalkers.cz/
  6. blackout77

    cheaters on LU 188

    post screenshots for detailed info ;) agree with post above ... btw ... LU188 was under big attack today ... teleport cheaters + this
  7. blackout77

    will this graphics card run dayz good?

    HD4650 is low-end VGA, its impossible to run DayZ (maybe 800x600 with 10fps) :o
  8. Have same problem but, only if my PC is running more then 4 hours + , when i start game my VGA (GTX580) is running on 99%, only PC restart can fix it
  9. blackout77

    This is why Battleye is just plain bad

    If you got global ban = you were using scripts or any kind of cheats (easily found on google/youtube etc...) try to send email -> support(tocenakyselaryba)battleye.com >:(