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Everything posted by harley001

  1. harley001

    Standalone Humanity Suggestions...

    NO! Stop trying to add perks to dayz....
  2. harley001

    no humanaty

    No. Who said dayz was trying to be close to real life? It is a zombie game. Just because it is far more realistic then any other zombie games doesn't mean they need it to be as realistic as possible. Its allowed to be gamey. Also sp86 summed it up. If humanity was taken out then people would KOS and there would NOTHING to stop someone from going "friendly" then shooting you. Always kos bandits. Teach them a lesson because I doubt they had 3-4 incidents of "self defense". This way if i see someone with a towel on their head I know their probably KOS.
  3. harley001

    Player Classes

    How many of these suggestions exist? There are never going to classes because dayz isn't about that. Dayz is about survival part of survival is everyone being on the same page. Also you didn't tell us sh*t. HERE IS A LIST OF CLASSES NOT GUNNA TELL YOU WHAT ANY OF THEM DO!
  4. A lot of people ask for help and then betray. The black widow is a tool not a person.
  5. harley001

    Why you kill unarmed players

    I love all the dumb excuses people make. Afraid to admit that there is no point and they just feel like doing it. Also Romathebest I have to address you because you made me lol. You admit to using glitches to get more ammo...nice you must be pro. Hiding in a forest IS how you survive. Don't be a idiot and run out in the open also if people hear the shots and come to you do you honestly think their going to run directly to you. No they will be intelligent and flank around. "good if people know how dangerous and badass I am also every time i want do backstabs I can change name in profile." Bro no one is going to think you are dangerous or badass for killing a unarmed player.... Oh and good luck in standalone where ammo is hard to get and can't be glitched and you can only have one profile name without having to delete your character...
  6. harley001

    Killing of a Hero

    You killed someone and thought it was worth bragging about? MAN YOU DIDN'T EVEN BRING SCREENSHOTS OF RAGE! Seriously nothing interesting happened You saw someone you shot him on sight like a jerk and you called the title "the killing of a hero" even though you never mentioned any heroes.
  7. harley001

    Humanity Indicator

    I am rather fond of my hero skin...
  8. I want a easy to land plane. A bi plane would be nice. As for guns. I some assault rifles that have scopes. Like that m16 with the scope on it. The scope is just a zoom doesn't make it a sniper.
  9. harley001

    Why you kill unarmed players

    Guys they don't shoot unarmed because they are "stopping him from progressing or dealing with a "soon to be threat" they do it because they can. Think about it logically. Killing a unarmed player sets him back a minute or two before he spawns. If he doesn't like his new spawn he can kill himself. The only places I found this to be justified is electro and cherno because there guns are so common he can find a lee enfeild in two seconds. Same with bolata airfield. You are actually being a noob from my eyes lets look at the facts. Ammo wasted=probably unless you REALLY needed a bandage/painkiller noise=depending on the gun you just let everyone nearby know where you are. Reputation=You may not know this but a bad reputation can actually screw you over. Specifically on private hives. Threat=You may not think as him much of a threat but if he goes on sidechat and says "some idiot sniped me from hospital roof" now you are in trouble because people know where you are. Moving is always risky in electro/cherno. Or he could have a friend nearby. Often when I go bandit hunting I make my friend pose as a unarmed player and when bandits try to shoot them I snipe them with a dmr. The office in electro works great. I doubt it was worth it. Also. HOW DID YOU NOTICE HIM TAKING YOUR SHIZZ MAN! A player kneels down every time they go into someones backpack and you didn't notice him going into your every time you stood still?
  10. What if someone has my name and is slandering my good reputation as a hero?
  11. harley001

    Make Sniping more realistic

    On a pure...unhacked server. Where all is nice. Then yes they are rare. On the average dayz server I found tents with 4 as50s in them... I have more as50s then dmrs! Maybe this is why all these "sniping op" threads exist because to much of it is going on.
  12. harley001

    Scope changing?

    I don't think you need subsonic ammo for silenced guns in real life. If i understand the science the longer barrel just contains some of the noise better. Aren't sub sonic bullets just bullets with less gunpowder?
  13. harley001

    Zombie hordes

    Lag...posted...my thing....to...many times...*more pain*
  14. harley001

    Zombie hordes

    Suggested.....to.....many....times. *pain*
  15. harley001

    Zombie hordes

  16. two people shots killing them?????? What pistol are you using!? It always takes 3 or more. As for losing them indoors. You do understand there is not a house with two entrances available 100% of the time. Not everyone in dayz camps in electro and cherno. Plus you are forgetting something. Killing them may be easy but argo and noise will let every player nearby know where you are. Trust me they are not zombies. They don't even have a cone of vision they have a freaking circle of vision! I was standing still behind one once from 15 meters away and he turns around to attack me even though he wasn't look at me. When you are a man with a dmr and only one clip for it and have no buildings to run though and have 4-6 zombies on you running so fast you can't even pull your sidearm out then you understand. And as mentioned they cheat. I have walked up the hills that force you to slow down and they run STRAIGHT up them.
  17. harley001

    Make Sniping more realistic

    Sniping is already realistic. No need to replace meters and a spotter is already good to have since you don't need to pull the rangefinder out yourself wasting seconds. But I don't think making it required would be good. *Edited because the last post had to much opinion in it. I still think you need to explain what ACE is. It is YOUR suggestion and we are people who are reading about it. Don't expect us to know what you know*
  18. harley001

    Better Night Gameplay

    .....Its fine.
  19. This seems good. OH DANG IT I WAS JUST SHOT TEN TIMES WITH A DMR! Medic "its okay, giving you mouth to mouth will fix that" Death is part of dayz. I think the only way of doing this is your guy automatically falls unconscious at 1500 or less blood and won't wake up without aid from a survivor. He will die in 10 minutes and can surcide at any time. He can't type either to prevent people from going into side. And yes he can be finished off even if the person finishing him doesn't have a weapon. A "finish" option will be available so I am unarmed and pass by one of these people and want his loot I can choke him to death.
  20. Anyone person who says "lol der infected" needs a large punch in the face! Dayz is not the first game to do this. Left 4 dead, 28 days/weeks later, zombieland and a lot more. In these movies/games the survivors can slightly outrun the infected and the infected are generally very weak and only a threat in large numbers. The zombie in dayz are more like super human very hungry maneaters. One zombie can knock you out/break your legs. They run faster then you often, see and hear you from miles and even freaking cheat *running up a hill i need to walk up and hitting me without touching me/doing a animation*. However this is not suggestion worthy because rocket is smart and is probably aware of this. Its a alpha these zombies are obviously not the finished product.
  21. harley001


    YES! I know we can give our guys a beard but I want a long one and one that I earned though right of passage! Long manly beards in dayz can be a way of commanding respect.
  22. Ehhhhhhh what? Trust me i tried to read that but do us all a favor. When you make a suggestion. GET TO THE POINT! You kept talking about nonsense that had nothing to do with what you are trying to say. Also. I think humanity works fine, there is no need for anything else. Once dayz works properly in standalone I think it will be fine. Also people won't shoot on sight less. People kos because they want to not because they have to. This system reminds me of darksouls. Some players in that game got quite the reputation. But I feel it would break the game if I see a player and little note pops up saying "this guy kos". Also that takes the fun out of meeting new people.
  23. harley001

    DayZ 2017 Gameplay.

    Don't like the ideal of a tank...
  24. harley001

    Failed Robbery

    Why did you not use the lee enfeild I saw you had ammo for it.
  25. When i say friendly i tell them to not turn around and keep wep lowered until i can trust them. But that is pretty hostile, What are you're ways of saying friendly and talking to someone without getting shot?