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Everything posted by harley001

  1. harley001

    Blood Regeneration

    I like the ideal but it needs tweaking. 10 blood every 5 seconds would be good and it should only regen you up to 8k blood. Not to full. This way its balanced out and there is still a reason to get cooked meat and blood bags.
  2. harley001

    Special Skills

    No. Dayz is hardcore survival part of hardcore survival is everyone being on even terms. This will reward clanners and people with groups and punish everyone else. Its already bad with clans and large groups having all the vechs...
  3. harley001

    Wishlist of new weapons.

    All I want is standalone. I know that Santa has a time machine hidden somewhere... Go to the future and get me a finished version! By the time all you get up to date I will have enough weps to fuel a army!
  4. harley001

    Plastic Bottles making temporary suppressors.

    A suppressor is more then just a longer barrel...I think. I dunno I am just a internet commando everything I know about guns is from Wikipedia and FPS Russia. A custom suppressor would be good though but can it be anything but a water bottle plz.. How about a metal tube you find on the ground or something. Or a tiny pipe you cut in half.
  5. harley001

    does killing bandits....

    Why do you people feel the need to end titles with ... Just a pet peeve of mine because its pointless just make it "does killing bandits give humanity" When I ask for help on how to make a sandwich I don't say "how do I make a ..." and not tell them until they ask what I am trying to make. okay sorry about the rant. But the answer is no. Unless they are VERY bad like smash just said.
  6. harley001

    Happy Christmas DayZ

    Today I Went on a server of 30 and got EVERYONE TO go into the church in electro and not kill each other ...Then after 15 minutes of joy to the world someone blow it up with a satchel.. We all died.
  7. harley001

    Wishlist of new weapons.

    They are jokes. Calm ye face.
  8. harley001

    Holiday Loot Items?

    No plz. dayz is a serious hardcore game... I don't want to see players with a re-skinned hatchet that looks like a candy cane.
  9. harley001

    Wishlist of new weapons.

  10. harley001

    Wishlist of new weapons.

    Pointy Stick
  11. harley001

    Wishlist of new weapons.

    Live zombie heads. Cut off a zombie head but keep the brain intact so it is still alive...kinda. Throw the heads at people.
  12. harley001

    DayZ without Zombies

    I think the "Z" in the title "Dayz" is suppose to sound like "Warz" and before you get your flame pants on I am talking about the book not the game...
  13. THEIR ZOMBIES! THEY ARE NEVER GOING TO BE REALISTIC BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT REAL! "Not like a real zombie" So you actually found some zombies in real life. Oh sh*t. "more realistic" THEIR ZOMBIES! This like playing a fantasy game and saying "darn this magic is not true to real life. I can't shoot fireballs from my hand realistically!" Zombies are whatever you make them out to be as long as you don't go to far from their roots. Like if the zombies started using guns then I could see where you are coming from but no game is dumb enough to do that....right *dang you capcom*. Also dayz has infected there is a difference if you watch watch enough movies or play enough games.
  14. harley001

    Wishlist of new weapons.

    I hear standalone will allow me to take a sh*t. I want to throw poop at people.
  15. harley001

    Merry Z-mas everyone!

    That picture is full of win. Just hope Santa does not look like this http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ8k4wefZIAHWoAbbK_YFxqb4PLvCF7HkIeVIcqLO6tbIJ9Z_gJ
  16. harley001

    Flashlight with handgun

    g17 has a flashlight on it. Also ducktape. In standalone we can ducktape a flashlight to everything hopefully
  17. harley001

    this is gonna sound weird...

    The best way to know if someone is going to betray you is that they will keep going behind you and looking at you. Try running around a lot and see if they follow you with their gun.
  18. harley001

    DayZ; Well that escalated quickly..

    I think some of the people on the dayz forums team are younger than 15.... All of them seem pretty mature to me.
  19. harley001

    Killing of a Hero

    NEVER SHARE AGAIN! Did the fact that he/she has a MLP picture really bother you that much? And no I am not a brony before you accuse me of being one...
  20. harley001

    DayZ without Zombies

    You are trolling right....right?
  21. I think you should change the title. Screaming at people tends to draw them away. Trust me... *flashback* "HEY YOU! YOU F*CKING UNARMED PLAYER GET THE F*CK IN MY BUS! WHERE THE F*CK ARE YOU GOING I AM A NICE PERSON! GET IN MY F*CKING BUS YOU IDIOT!" *player runs away*
  22. harley001

    Bandit negativity

    The negative effect is you get a bandit skin. People can shoot you on sight without worry if you have one. I spare no one that has that skin. Best way to keep balance is to have organized bandit hunting groups.
  23. harley001

    What clothing will YOU wear???

    Clothes covered in blood. Gunna disguised myself as a zombie.
  24. harley001

    Standalone Humanity Suggestions...

    ITS A ZOMBIE GAME! IT IS ALLOWED TO BEND THE RULES! Just because it happens to the most realistic zombie game currently out doesn't mean it EVERYTHING has to be true to life.