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Everything posted by harley001

  1. harley001

    Government anti-infestation measures

    One awesome ideal I had. (Yes I called my own ideal awesome. I THINK IT IS! :| ) Would be in hospitals to have a sealed off section. In there would be a ton of good loot...but also a crap ton of zombies. The ideal would be that it is the place where they stored the infected. They could also have a big warning on the door saying "Do not open. Dead Inside'. 100% original. Okay joking aside. I do think a few "high risk. High Reward" places would be nice...and by high risk I don't mean "you are probably going to get shot". (looking at your airfeild.)
  2. harley001

    Handgun Holsters

    Handgun holster? ON YOUR LEG? HERACY! IF DAYZ TAUGHT ME ANYTHING ITS THAT CLEARLY THEY AT MEANT TO BE SHOVED IN THE MIDDLE OF YOUR CHEST! But seriously. They should just make the holster go to your leg instead of your chest. Makes no sense to put it on your chest. I HAVE NEVER SEEN THAT...EVER.
  3. harley001

    Jumping Out Windows.

    If you quickly go though glass you won't get cuts too bad. Also here are your options. 1. Get mauled to death by zombie. 2. Get a cut. Your choice.
  4. I decided to play dayz again after a long vacation from it. I am not sure what happened to the community but... MY PANTS KEEP GETTING STOLEN! The first people to do this was on a "rp" server. I spawned in and some bandits attacked me right away... They called themselves "The Undertheives" and held me up with high end gear and demanded i take my pants off... Then they stole my pants and ran off. Again this time in Vybor. Some guy walked up to me and offered me a soda. I took the soda and he said to drink it. As I drank the soda he ran up behind me, knocked me out with his fist and I woke up with no pants... The third time was the strangest. I got kill in cherno, respawned in cherno. Went to my body. All my crap was there, my m4 and all its ammo and attchments, my backpack, pistol, etc. Expect for one thing... MY PANTS! He looted my pants and nothing else. Was counter sniping in elek. Trying to kill a guy in firehouse who was sniping unarmed players. I shot him, was about to leave. Heard footsteps behind me. I get knocked out with a baseball bat and start bleeding. Well he bandages me and I wake up fine with him nowhere in sight, expect my pants were missing (and all my ammo in said pants.) There have been FOUR other times when people have robbed me with ONE goal in mind. MY PANTS. Is this a thing thing now? Are people just stealing each others pants for no reason? Or am I just THAT unlucky? Feel free to share your strange stories about what people stole from you.
  5. No. Most of the time I was just wearing normal pants. THEY ARE EVIL PANTS THIEVES. THEY WANT MY WILLIE TO SUFFER!
  6. Finally found a video to prove that this does actually happen!
  7. Get better internet? They are pretty self explanatory and the game isn't designed to tell you what they mean. That's why you are testing :rolleyes: Really, $5 whole dollars? If you already own the game quit bitching, if not. Tough shit, guess you aren't built for alpha testing. Terrible reasons. Basically you said "You're wrong because you're wrong" without any actually points. Really, $5 whole dollars? If you already own the game quit bitching, if not. Tough shit, guess you aren't built for alpha testing. You avoided answering why the price was upped and instead resorted to insults. That's why you are testing :rolleyes: How can we test the game without knowing what is suppose to happen when x happens? Your logic for having no sort of manual is flawed. They are pretty self explanatory and the game isn't designed to tell you what they mean. No its not self explanatory and the game has to explain some things. Even the most obscure games give a basic description. (The souls series is a good example.) And like said, its a test. Everything should be explained for testing purposes. Get better internet? Once again you 100% avoid the problem. I was talking about why we need a timer at all. You didn't answer. What respawn option? There never was one http://steamcommunity.com/id/Harley4ever/screenshot/40860799292137214 This statement is just wrong. Because it's not a single player game Says who? A singe player mode would be super easy to add. Would be it be boreing? YES. Would it let me try out some of the shiney new things? Yes. The original dayz mod has a super ez singe player mode to install. (if you were not a 100% dunce when it came to basic installing that is...) It's actually mentioned in the game if you bother going on the experimental. Because that's how it's suppose to be, it's called learning. This is my favorite because it actually makes sense. I still think a little button in the menu called "report glitch" would be better but at least you disproved ONE of my points. But the other glaring issues are still there. (no clue why this part is glitched but meh.)
  8. Here is a crap ton of reasons why its a bad alpha since you're not convinced. Why is the respawn option disabled? I have gotten stuck inside buildings and other crap. I once had to leave the game running so i would starve to death after a hour of being stuck and unable to escape. this is a alpha, crap is going to be broken but when you encounter a glitch you are defenseless. Why is there not a solo mode? I doubt it would take much effort to make a solo mode and it would be nice for testing the game. I can't even learn how the damn car's and crafting work because I tend not to get that far in my game play. In fact making a singeplayer mode should be more easy then making multiplayer first. I know the game would be bland without other players but at least then I can run around and experiment. In MP I can't use a lot a of the new stuff they add in because I can never get to it. Also the desynch makes getting any proper results very hard. Are the hitboxes terrible or was that desynch? I can't tell without a solo mode. Why is the feedback system not in the game or even mentioned in the game? Why does the game never explain anything? The only warning you ever get is that label on the steam store informing you the game is alpha. Why is there a wait timer for joining servers. I know its to prevent server hopping, BUT ITS A ALPHA. Who cares. I am tired of being DCed from server crashed then having to wait to rejoin or join a new one. The timer is always making the game broke too. Half the time for me after the timer is done it gets stuck on please wait forever and I need to restart the game. Why can't I hover over the status icons like "Hydrated, Energized, soaked" to see what they mean. How can I tell if they are working or not, someone was too lazy to add basic tool tips... Why is there NO user manual. There is a lot of obscure crap in dayz. You have no clue what any of it does unless you read a wiki so you have no way of knowing if it works or not. WHY A 5$ PRICE INCREASE. I am sorry but the game has not improved nearly enough to say "alight, we're ready to raise the price." If its early access you shouldn't be raising the price. And no, the awnser is not that they need funding. Go to steam. Click top sellers. Dayz has been a top seller since its release, they should have enough money to finish the game. That is why Dayz is a bad alpha. None of the support is in place for a proper alpha. It should have been a closed alpha test with a 30$ preorder. Once you start asking for money on something you gotta show some results. "Its a alpha" is not a excuse. We gave you our money now start showing us something in return.
  9. harley001

    Bambi inventory

    Can we go back to calling them newspawns please.... As for your suggestion... I think giving them a big stick would be nice. Good enough to stun a zombie and then lit you finish him off in a couple swings but worthless in pvp.
  10. You are playing a alpha test. Its a pretty bad alpha test but its still a alpha test so you shouldn't be complaining about crap stuff. Complain more about the lack of feedback systems and testing ability's in alpha test instead.
  11. But...I like my pants...
  12. harley001

    Any role play servers

    I found one dedicated rp server... Within moments of spawning a group of thieves calling themselves "The Underjerks" attacked me. They held me up, stole my pants, and ran off... The server was taken down though so yeah... RP servers are hard to find.
  13. harley001

    m8 i want accelerated time

    A auto-run feature would be better. Press auto-run. Shift tab (steam overlay). Watch the youtubes till you reach your destination. Get shot in the face, REPEAT! :lol:
  14. The game needs more funny hats. We don't even have wizard hats in the game yet, or capes. How can I troll people without a wizard hat!? Not sure what category a fedora falls into. You don't see it in eastern Europe very often. But sure why not. As for the hat tipping, I dunno I feel like it might inspire dayz hipsters.
  15. harley001

    Gold AKM for Loot Management System?

    You lose. you have no defence to him so you are just loling to try and make it look like you think he is funny. Learn your guns and your metals. Gold IS a functional peice of metal we use it for more then bling. Not it would not make a good gun but the gun isn't made of gold. It has a very thin layer of gold on it.
  16. harley001

    animated ragdoll system-red dead redemption style

    The Arma engine could probably not support this. Also it would do the exact opposite of help realism. Also stop high lighting realism. Dayz is a game. Its never going to be like real life.
  17. harley001

    Threats and Challenges

    Don't think AI would be a good ideal. AI in arma is always 3 things. 1. brain dead. you shoot them and they don't react. 2.Weird. I have seen the Ai do some strange things man. 3. Telepathic. You fire one shot from a bush and they all INSTANTLY return fire on your exact location. Don't even need to pin point you.
  18. harley001

    View backpack contents

    Sounds good. BUT ONLY FOR THE BACKPACK. It would encourage players to put things like ammo and bandages on their shirt and pants/tactical vest if they have one.
  19. harley001

    A Few DayZ SA Ideas

    I don't think a sprinting cap is a good ideal. WE DO A LOT OF RUNNING IN DAYZ. It would be annoying as heck. Sure its unrealistic, but I don't care. Dayz is a game, fun comes first. It needs to be run and walking/jogging everywhere sounds boring. I would prefer to get to my destination in less then a hour. Gradual healing sounds nice but they should do it better. I think being able to make a splint would be pretty cool. But not have a broken leg magically heal.
  20. harley001

    Grenade as a life preservation device - must read

    Bandits holding up people and not shooting them on sight!? WHERE I CAN FIND THESE FINE GENTLEMEN!? I doubt it would. The grenade wouldn't detonate instantly. Odds are they would shoot you in just run off. I highly doubt you get close enough to pull your suicide bombing off unless they were idiots... Okay now that I think if you would probably pull it off considering the bad aim of most players.
  21. harley001

    Starting weapon

    You start off with a weapon. Its called your fist. Get punching, its works for Steve, heavy weapons guy, Doom Guy, and Duke Nukem. All you have to do is be a big enough badass.
  22. harley001

    Craftable armor

    "B: Yeah, it's a game. So why are you so opposed to different play styles to your own? Or people wanting to do things you find impractical? " -Evaris You are a massive hypocrite. You are arguing with EVERYONE that don't agree about having armor. NOT HAVING ARMOR IS A DIFFERENT PLAY STYLE TO YOUR OWN. So you are doing the exact same thing as me. Also I am sorry but you seem to lack any armor knowledge besides Wikipedia. You actually think that a SN42 and a iron stove are going to give you the same as Kevlar. The SN42 and iron stove are just big things of metal put on your chest. They might protect you pistols at long and medium range but nothing else. Not even melee weapons, a fire hatchet would crush the armor because it wasn't designed to resist melee attempts. SN42 while it was capable of blocking small caliber bullets (but not at close range) was mainly used to protect from shrapnel. Also don't tell Gews that he didn't read your topic, he clearly did. I am sorry but SN42 and a damn iron stove are not anything like modern plate carriers. Moderen plate carriers consist of a lot more then just a sheet of metal. And no. I don't know why there are white boxes over my text. I tryed to remove them but it seems to be a bug.
  23. harley001

    Craftable armor

    Mobility is key in combat. You can't sprint around as much as you need to with a medal harness. Also most gun fights in dayz are fought with rifles were SN 42 wouldn't help. A Also what you said about why custom armor isn't seen in those parts of the world is 100% wrong. 1. People wear armor in hot climates ALL THE TIME. In medieval times a crusader knight wore a cotton suit, chainmail, and full plate. Staying alive is more important then being hot. And before you say they did, no they did not fall over from heat strokes. 2. You just broke your own theory. Why would I want heavy armor that is only to slow me down and probably not give much protection anyway if most of the people shooting at me are going to be using rifles? In dayz most people find a rifle before they find a pistol. Mosins and SDK's are easy enough to get. So wearing clunky armor that is only going to protect me from melee attacks and pistol shots sounds dumb as heck when most of the people gunning after me are using rifles. also. ITS A GAME. I don't think everyone running around in weird looking/impractal bulletproof armor would be fun/help immersion.
  24. harley001

    Hit indicator (kinda)

    First off before you rage at me. I AM NOT asking for a a system that tells you what direction someone just shot you from. I don't want the left side of your screen turning red when someone shoots you from the left. I just noticed that in this game the only way we have to tell what direction someone just shot us from is sound and sometimes what side of you is bleeding. Here is what I am suggesting. In real life if someone hit you in the left side of your chest or shot you in the left side of your chest. You would know that the impact came from the left. You would feel it coming in from direction. I was thinking that in dayz if I am running. Someone shoots me from my left and hits my chest but doesn't kill me my character should say something like. "My left side hurts a lot" you can think of your own variant if you like. This would give us some indicator of where we just got hit from. It wouldn't tell us anything exact it would be very vague (like in real life) but we would know the general direction at least. This would help with some problems (mainly snipers), and help the combat a bit. Put you CONSTRUCTIVE criticism or input bellow. (Btw if you are going to pull the. "ITS NOT REALISTIC!" card. Please state why. I get tired of the "ITS NOT REALISTIC AND I AM NOT GOING TO EXPLAIN WHY!" people.
  25. harley001

    Craftable armor

    SN42 armor also made them less mobile. That is why it was not standard issue. Remember we do a LOT of running in dayz. You couldn't do that much running in the SN42. Also I only brought up the medieval knights to show how dangerous armor denting is and what you said is only somewhat true. Yes a knights armor could shrug off a few hammer or sword hits. But something like a zweihander, a maul, some of the larger battle axes. They would crush a mans armor in one good swing. And if your limb is cutt of, odds are that you are not fighting anymore. The pain/shock would render you usless on the battle most likely. Yes people have lost limbs and kept fighting, but its rare. Odds are if he just cut your arm off he is about to cut your torso in half. Anyway enough about medieval armor is irrelevant, just wanted to clear that up. I never said the custom armor would do no good. It might help a lot if a pistol hits you. But you would be trading a lot of mobility for some mild protection against pistols and weak rifles. Remember, the amount of force going into the vest when a bullet hits is also going into your ribs and your joints. You will get a few broken ribs. Be knocked off your butt and out of breath. Odds are the next shot is going to kill you. Worst even, the initial impact of the bullet would affect your armor. I forget whats its called but basically your armor would internal shatter. So the next shot would send your own armor into your flesh so you would be killed by your armor. Custom armor could stop a pistol or very weak rifle. (plus melee combat is a part of the game.) but good luck vs most of the rifles in the game. Odds are the only stuff the armor would protect you from is the pistols, double barreled shotgun that is not at point blank, and melee weapons. Like you said body armor before Kevlar DID HAVE SOME VALUE. But in the end it was very circumstantial. Plus in dayz we have guns like the AK's AKM, m16, m4, SKS, even the mosin would probably go though any custom body armor or SKS. Like i said before there is a reason we don't see people using custom made body armor today. In the middle east and bad parts of Africa I don't see any of the militia's and gangs using custom body armor.