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About fredde.sander@hotmail.com

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  1. fredde.sander@hotmail.com

    [Overpoch Cherno] [ ] Now recruiting.

    Ok I accepted your Skype friend request!
  2. fredde.sander@hotmail.com

    Dayz needs pvp free servers

    I used to operate a PvP free server. However, we had AI bandits etc. roaming around back then. Here is a old thread: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/144762-%E2%96%BA%E2%96%BA-fractionals-coop-server-%E2%97%84%E2%97%84-%E2%96%AC-1771-%E2%96%AC-veteran3doffchoffgmt-7-ai-bases-operations-active-admins-great-community-whitelist/ We were about 5-6 players on at all times. The server did not spike that much interest.
  3. fredde.sander@hotmail.com

    [Overpoch Cherno] [ ] Now recruiting.

    Skype: Freddan962 Age: 18 Country: Sweden How often can you play: Daily, unlimited hours. Experience: 2k+ hours in the Arma series, over 2.5 years since I started.
  4. Hello, I am looking for a overpoch clan based in Europe. I have been playing DayZ for over two years and with 2k+ hours in the game. I have a microphone and I am 18 years old. Please contact me by adding Freddan962 on Skype or sending a private message. I can adapt to any playstyle :)
  5. fredde.sander@hotmail.com

    Anyone interested in a closed pure vanilla server?

    Weird, I have been unable to find them =/
  6. fredde.sander@hotmail.com

    Anyone interested in a closed pure vanilla server?

    The DayZ mod in the purest form. No mods, no extras. On regular setting. :)
  7. Hello, I am here today to ask if someone would be interested in playing on a pure vanilla server. If enough interest bloom I will rent one. What would you say?
  8. fredde.sander@hotmail.com

    [Fractional's COOP Server] Tired of playing alone?

  9. fredde.sander@hotmail.com

    [Fractional's COOP Server] Tired of playing alone?

  10. fredde.sander@hotmail.com

    [Fractional's COOP Server] Tired of playing alone?
