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The Stoned Wolf

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Everything posted by The Stoned Wolf

  1. The Stoned Wolf

    DayZ Backstory: How the Infection Began

    What if there was some satirical or silly background to contrast against the harsh world? Maybe if you were desperate and hiding alone you could always remember how this all started and have a laugh? For example: In the not-so-distant future, McDonald's went from simple fast food chain to a super-massive corporate empire seemingly overnight. Fast food would remain their chief product; however, new stores would open as well. Every common consumerist industry would be taken over; clothing, pet stores, sports equipment, even medicine and biotechnology. This particular field was where the suits at the head of the executive branch got a fantastic idea; a genetically engineered parasite that would take over the minds of simple-minded consumers and force them to buy at none other than McDonald's Enterprises. How would it be spread? Why, through Big Macs and Chicken Nuggets of course! Over the course of a couple months hundreds of millions were unknowingly taken over by the parasite, soon to become nothing more than a zombie if they weren't one already, forced to constantly purchase goods from McDonald's. However, the plan went horribly wrong. See, the lab scientists over at McDonald's didn't exactly properly test the newly engineered serum. Why would they? It's not like any other of McDonald's franchises had proper testing and research. So when the parasite took hold of its host after a week or so, the infected zombies weren't just craving for cow flesh; they were craving for humans', too! And so the billion or so people that were left in the world who ate at Wendy's or Taco Bell or some other random chain were mostly killed off and eaten alive by the human-eating McDonald's drones. The few survivors left tried to travel to post-soviet lands, because in Soviet Russia, human eat zombie. The most popular place to travel was known as Chernarus due to its incredibly cheap travel price. You wonder why this is as you travel by boat to the coast, only to have an explosion knock you off the boat and into the water, first starting your new life in Chernarus with nothing more than some clothes and a flashlight...
  2. While something like a pure PVE server would be a bit too easy and boring in alpha with so few zombies, at a later date when zombies are a lot more dangerous and prevalent and there are more things to do I think it would be a great idea. Not everyone wants to constantly PK or be on the lookout just to shoot everyone on sight, so maybe if there was a PVE server that included things such as large hordes, base building, a constantly changing and unpredictable environment, etc. without the possibility of there being any shot on sight I can see myself having fun with that. At the moment however the game's main entertainment and attraction is through player versus player interaction. While I've already seen two or three servers that apparently instakick/ban just for PVPing, for the most part I think everyone will agree.
  3. Heyo forums, this is my first time coming back to the actual DayZ general discussion in a while. I played the mod for hours upon hours but eventually stopped and just posted in the off-topic section, but now that standalone has come out I decided to get back into the game. I'm a 13 year old and before you run away screaming "squeaker, squeaker!" my voice is not that annoying, I'm usually pretty quiet, and I'm pretty lighthearted about everything, so please don't worry about me sounding like some 7 year old brat who cries every time something goes wrong. I live in Arizona so ideally someone who lives in the U.S. and is around my age group would be fantastic. You can find me on Steam by the name Mickusey, and I can communicate through TeamSpeak 3, Ventrilo, or Skype. Thanks!
  4. The Stoned Wolf

    Looking for standalone partners

    I'm 13, and have only just started playing the standalone but played the mod a ton, suppose we could meet up and make a group considering you're in my age range. Steam name?
  5. The Stoned Wolf

    Will DayZ Come To PS4?

    I highly doubt it. While it has been stated that, if the game is successful enough and features work out as planned that there might be console ports, it would be at an absolute minimum of a year from now and would probably have some gameplay differences.
  6. The Stoned Wolf

    Expert Comparison Wanted (Gaming Laptop)

    The MSI and Fangbook are practically identical specs wise. The 770M is a great card for 1080p gaming especially considering the fact that it's a mobile card. I would personally go with the Fangbook simply because I think the design looks better and I've heard better things about it, but either way you'll get a killer laptop (believe it or not desktop elitists, you'd be surprised how well some laptop cards run games). EDIT: Also noticed you're getting Windows 8 on them, which I would not recommend for either gaming purposes or just general desktop use. However that is all up to you.
  7. The Stoned Wolf

    2 Questions About CyberPowerPC Laptops

    I know friends who have ordered from them multiple times, and all of them were extremely happy with it. While I've only gotten one PC from there, and it was a desktop, it was put together fantastically. Wiring was great, it was solidly put together and with all the sales they had it was only a bit over building it yourself. While I have never gotten a laptop from there I can definitely confirm they do have excellent quality so I'd say go for it. The K/M are separate from the laptop and, heads-up, both are trash (which is exactly why they're free). Just so you know.
  8. Very interesting. I would recommend reinstalling DayZ first of all and see if that makes any difference, that's usually a good place to start. While performance is generally expected to be lower than in ARMA it isn't usually seen of this caliber.
  9. Hm, that is especially odd you get little FPS increase on lowest settings. Does ARMA II itself run fine, or does it affect both DayZ and the main game? Also, are your drivers fully up to date? Have there been any problems with the card overheating or stuttering? Have you checked your GPU usage while playing?
  10. What resolution are you running at? Are you sure your old PC was running in max settings as well? ARMA II is known for being incredibly taxing and also seems to randomly decide how to perform at times, try out high or medium and report back on your FPS. The most I've heard anyone get out of DayZ on max average is 45 FPS mainly due to bad optimization and what not, so don't expect it to run superbly even if you have an enthusiast card.
  11. So my laptop is pushing two years old now but it still manages to play games like Far Cry 3 with a relatively smooth 30 FPS with medium-high settings. I upgraded its memory a few months ago from 4GB of 1333Mhz DDR3 RAM to 8GB of Kingston 1600Mhz RAM. It's been running excellently ever since, until very recently. A day or two ago I noticed from one of my gadgets, a RAM and CPU gauge, that my RAM usage would slowly go from around 30% (normal on first start up) upon start up, but would climb higher and higher until, after about 25 minutes or so, it hit 97-98% usage! Holy shit! It was massively slowing down everything and causing severe stuttering in pretty much all games. After looking through task manager there was nothing noteworthy that was causing any memory loss and I eventually downloaded a trustworthy third party program called Process Explorer only to find it was system causing the loss in memory! All 6.8 fucking gigabytes of it! I checked the sub processes and there were only two, both of which had extremely little memory usage, and so the only thing I can possibly think that is causing this is Windows 7 is having a gigantic fucking memory leak. I've been trying to fix this problem all day, so if you have any help you could bring forward for me, it would be massively appreciated.
  12. The Stoned Wolf

    Serious need of Laptop(purchase) help.

    Try an Acer or an HP Pavilion. They definitely aren't the highest quality brands however you can find some very decently specced ones for around $300-$500 that will suit your needs. Personally I've been using an Asus "Zenbook" that I received from my brother for Christmas and it's very nice, good specs, good battery life, great build quality and it looks sexy, but it's around $1300. So a little expensive for your tastes, yes?
  13. The Stoned Wolf

    DayZ Myths

    I spawned... and a little southern kid with a mic began to call me stupid! I nearly died just hearing the it!
  14. The Stoned Wolf

    Dayz HElp

    Have you installed and started both Operation Arrowhead and Arma 2 at least once?
  15. The Stoned Wolf

    Dayz HElp

    I'd suggest looking up a guide if you must. The controls can take some time to get used to, but it's better to discover the actual mechanics on your own.
  16. The Stoned Wolf

    Dayz HElp

    Awesome! Hope you enjoy both DayZ and Arma 2, both are great fun! :)
  17. The Stoned Wolf

    Dayz HElp

    Your preference. As long as it contains at least Arma 2 and Operation Arrowhead, you're fine.
  18. The Stoned Wolf

    Dayz HElp

    You can technically use Arma 2 Free in conjunction with the paid Arma OA, however it may not work as well. Otherwise you can either buy the combined operations pack from the Bohemia website or from Steam at a $20 USD fee. Then download DayZ commander and you're good!
  19. The Stoned Wolf

    What is so fun about this game

    Who the hell ever said DayZ was 'fun?' It's a horrible nightmare that will make you rock in a fetal position and cry your heart out every other day T__T The only reason anyone would ever truly play it was if they wanted to get their bodies pumped with adrenaline and/or get their hearts going a mile a minute.
  20. How about ZOMBIES EATING THE CORPSES? Z0mG!1!!ONE!!!11! That'd be amazing! But it does seem interesting OP. Maybe there could be a larger group of birds depending on how long the body has been dead. Which brings me back to my idea about bodily decay...
  21. The Stoned Wolf

    Infected children in DayZ. Poll.

    I questioned what this thread was going to be about when I read "Infected Children." EDIT: Fine, I'll be on topic if I must ;). I think it would add an interesting element to DayZ and would, in my opinion, make it creepier. Just imagine a five year old little girl in a ripped, bloody dress chasing you down and eating you alive. Not pleasant. Which is exactly why it belongs!
  22. The Stoned Wolf

    Free Dota 2

    Uh-oh I might get revoked :o
  23. The Stoned Wolf

    Free Dota 2

  24. The Stoned Wolf

    Jack’s Double Z Strip Club (has pictures!)

    Inb4graveyard? Maybe?