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Everything posted by jingled@hotmail.com

  1. jingled@hotmail.com

    Do you trust Rocket's vision?

    You should visit a therapist. I'm not being sarcastic. If you compare his "tunnel vision" to one of the greatest inventor in history... then compare it to the Holy Bible... You have problems man, really big problems. PS.: No1 said we have better understanding of Rockets Tunnel Vision. Some of us said his Vision is good, Some of us said we would prefer some1 elses Vision.
  2. jingled@hotmail.com

    Do you trust Rocket's vision?

    only you don't know. you should think about why you can't understand. i'm not calling you stupid, you did yourself with that post. Rocket doesn't have time for that kind of stuff. He has more important game mechanics to implement... Like our Hero can poop now and you need to dig it in a hole that you will dig yourself.... Yep, such an interesting new feature, can't wait...
  3. jingled@hotmail.com

    Do you trust Rocket's vision?

    no1 is talking about bugs here.
  4. jingled@hotmail.com

    Do you trust Rocket's vision?

    punishing and frustrating is OK. annoying is NOT. there is a big difference.
  5. jingled@hotmail.com

    Do you trust Rocket's vision?

    You forget Bohemia most likely invest money in the standalone... And let me assure you that Bohemia is about profits if it's about the Standalone. Worst thing for some of you, maybe. Good thing for some of us. Personally i hate where Rocket plans to take DayZ and it's getting more of an annoyance then fun. Fun > Realism. In every case. Feel free to check the Last players in 24h... 1.3mil unique players in total and only 35k in the last 24h? Simply pathetic, even for a mod.
  6. jingled@hotmail.com

    Do you trust Rocket's vision?

    Honestly? No... Love Rocket for making this new Genre in the gaming Industry... But the DayZ Standalone should be taken away from him and let some1 else do the development.
  7. jingled@hotmail.com

    Build 1.7.3 Rolling Update

    let me help you out then. Hackers+no Alt-F4 = ? Do the formula. you'll know it then.
  8. Purchase a godmode hack, purchase 1 life... you can guess where this is heading to.
  9. jingled@hotmail.com

    DayZ Stories

    Internet wannabee self promoted "stars"... What you said, who are you?
  10. jingled@hotmail.com

    So what is special about namalsk

    Hatchet+Matches+Hunting Knife are your best friends. For some odd reason i fond most of the animals around military bases -_-
  11. jingled@hotmail.com

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.3 (community edition)

    Thanks for clearing that part up, it made me a little worried. nice patch :)
  12. jingled@hotmail.com

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.3 (community edition)

    I didn't said chances are super high :) All i said Zombies shouldn't have "Combat" or have a different kind... I would like to see this "Combat" mechanic only used in PvP. much much lower chances for this to happen like this.
  13. jingled@hotmail.com

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.3 (community edition)

    The "as long" part worries me you know. Since even a zombie can put you into combat... Players will be in Combat many times. I would like to see Combat only in PvP not PvZ.
  14. jingled@hotmail.com

    Where's a safe Namalsk download?

    nope. Custom maps datas are not on the official hive. Custom maps are hosted by private servers which have "private hive". Most private servers only store the Data for that 1 server. So you need to restart every time you pick a new server. BUT if you fidn a good private server which is populated and has admins... stick to it and your Hero will be saved on that server. There are some Private Servers which have a Shared Hive. Like "Vilayer.com" servers as i know share the Hero data between eachother. For example. Join join "X Vilayer.com server" and find an AS50. you logout and you join "Y Vilayer.com" server and you will have the same Hero that you logged out with on the "X" server.
  15. jingled@hotmail.com

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.3 (community edition)

    internet/electricity shutdown for example is a problem...
  16. jingled@hotmail.com

    [video]One Day of Sniping

    "Where you at? "Fuck... I don't know!" .............. Meanwhile the GPS and Map sits in his backpack........... Gotta love noobs with hig-end gear.
  17. jingled@hotmail.com

    I'm worried, will standalone be on steam?

    yup... like Rocket is the type who makes frequent patches... are you really try to lie to yourself?
  18. jingled@hotmail.com

    DayZ is a much better game with side chat enabled.

    no wonder you 2 got to be Mods. Dear god so much ass-licking.
  19. jingled@hotmail.com

    Week 3 Ivan and Martin arrested. Show them you care

    and who said that? i'm a 100% sure that Greece government didn't said it. as i said. their country, their laws. you need to obey them. i was on holidays too in several countries. never ever took a picture or video (even if its only in the background) by mistake. the sad thing is. This could happen too with a regular tourist whos not even a game developer. None of you would give a damn about signing petition for random ppl, nor you'd call Greece by names. But since in this situation "2 mighty game developers" got caught you are all like "RELEASE THEM". Ummm.... no... don't.
  20. jingled@hotmail.com

    Week 3 Ivan and Martin arrested. Show them you care

    If the map is well finished already. Why did they even bother to take photos of a MILITARY BASE which is prophibited in 99% of the world. Don't know what is the law in your country (probably the same) but in Hungary there is a good1 which fits this situation. "Not knowing the Law doesn't mean you don't need to obey them" Call me selfish. But i'm with the Greece authority. As i said... Taking photos of a Military Base...
  21. jingled@hotmail.com

    To anyone thinking of hacking

    at least try to spell a name properly. if you don't mind, why comment? must be bad to be you :( you are even unsure of your own decisions. No you didn't give any thought. that's the main problem... you are not capable to do.
  22. jingled@hotmail.com

    To anyone thinking of hacking

    i didn't got banned. bought the key for 5bucks at the start of the mod.
  23. jingled@hotmail.com

    To anyone thinking of hacking

  24. jingled@hotmail.com

    To anyone thinking of hacking

    why are you so personal? you make me a SadPanda :( don't judge ppl you don't know. "I don't call you a penisless midget who can't even fap cause you have sister-fetish" see? it's not nice to assume things about some1 you don't know.
  25. jingled@hotmail.com

    To anyone thinking of hacking

    or he could have just google and buy a serial code for 5bucks like i did. no way that i would have paid 30bucks just to play a damn mod.