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Everything posted by §haco

  1. §haco


    I went on a server with no people, I checked 5 diffrent vehicular spawning spots. and none of them where there
  2. §haco

    New bandit skin?

    Allright dont get me wrong. I love the bandit morphing, but the new one is pretty bad. So heres what i think it should look like. Somewhat like that picture.
  3. WTF whenever i post it comes to this fucking page!
  4. +1 If this becomes the new bandit skin, i will award you with my beans!
  5. +1 This would be just amazing, if this becomes the new bandit skin. My beans will be yours.
  6. §haco

    New bandit skin?

    Allright dont get me wrong. I love the bandit morphing, but the new one is pretty bad. So heres what i think it should look like. Somewhat like that picture.
  7. §haco

    Very high damage?

    Or just a headshot pointblank with the silenced m4
  8. §haco

    Hacker attack.. CLICK HERE.

    I found this one guy, he walked up to me. I checked his invintory and he had nothing but the starter supplies, then he pulls a minigun out of no were and unloads on me.
  9. This is quite unfair. I have come across many people that are survivors and i was killed by them. WE NEED THE BANDIT MORPHING BACK! Because we need to separate the "Killers" from the "Helpers" So like 1 person kill would equal a bandit skin. I miss that. Because that is unfair that you can run into a person and you think he is a nice player. Because he is not a bandit, Usually i would see a person and approach a survivor and he would shoot me. He could have like 8 kills. If he was a bandit i wouldn't approach him without care. So this is why we need the bandit morphing back in the game. Please impalement it back into the game.
  10. §haco

    Axe ammo?

    I have an axe that has no ammo. Were do i get ammo for my axe?
  11. §haco

    group for new players

    Hey I am wondering. Would you like to join my group? =-Skype name is dominicpillivant69-=
  12. §haco


    I made this topic because i am moderatly new to "The Day Z mod" and i am wondering if anyone has a skype And would like to team with me and take down the "Elite bandits" That apperantly have over -100,000 "Karma"
  13. §haco

    Noob here (Need help, not items)

    Yea. One time a zombie got mad at me. Then i gave that zombie a pepsi .... Zombies love pepsi