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Everything posted by JoeJiggles

  1. JoeJiggles

    Zombies are Mike Tyson

    I've got one for ya. Walking around Hasan Choping Zombies with the Hatchet, because theres no better Zombie killer than a stealthy one. All of them are 1-hits, even some of the ones I aggro. Suddenly, I get attacked by a Zombie I'm stalking. I say to myself "Okay, I got this. Did this three seconds ago, shouldn't be too big of a deal." I swing....and nothing happens. He mauls. I swing again. Nothing. He Mauls. I swing a third time. Aiming Circle is clearly up in this Zombies business, and still nothing. Then he mauls me for a third time. I go unconsious at like 6.7k health, and he actively eats me while I get this slow as wake up timer. Didn't even bother exiting the game. Hes probably still eating me...
  2. JoeJiggles

    Graphical Issues

    I had this issue about two seconds ago. I would look at a house from one direction and textures would fill my screen, which is bad news when sneaking past zombies at night. However, I could view the house if I looked at a different section of it. Thought it was an isolated even, but then I looked at what appeared to be a military base and the same thing happened. I certainly hope this is not server persistant and will be solved by logging in and out of the game...