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Everything posted by zizzikill

  1. Hello, I'm a fan of dayz and it has been a few days since I'm looking for a clan to join but in a failed attempt. So I'm proposing to any player who really wants to play the game correctly and who is mature enough on chat and in-game if they want to start with me a new clan. I have no name for the clan yet, the server will be a public server that none of the "future" teammates owns so that there will be no cheating. To talk : Restricted For official communication : Closed To join the steam group you need to give your steam ID If you want to join and create this new community you can leave a reply on this post with the following info and I will get back to you as soon as possible since I'm in a hurry to play with people :P : -Country -Experience in the game -Want to be part of the "admins" ? -Steam ID That's it I hope to see many of you :D
  2. Well that's great to see so many people who want to join the clan. I sent invites to everyone execpt those who I couln't add to the group due to steam search engine problems. So for those who didn't receive an invitation check you PM :D
  3. zizzikill

    Looking to form a small group

    hi, you should check this thread we have about 6 members and a completely new clan http://dayzmod.com/f...-clan-creation/
  4. hi, you should check this thread we have about 6 members and a completely new clan http://dayzmod.com/f...-clan-creation/
  5. updated the original post, you need to give your steam ID so we can add you guys on the clan group :D
  6. Hi, the conversation capacity if full for the moment, I'm trying to resolve that ^_^ I'll get back to you with all the necessary info
  7. Hi, where are you from ? If it is from the states we have other US that want to play so you won't be alone :D
  8. welcome to both of you, I created a discussion with you two, go check your PM's ;D