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Bat (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Bat (DayZ)

  1. Bat (DayZ)

    Reddit - Jan 2013 - Q&A with Rocket

    if you remember back in June it took hours to login because every single server was crowded 24/24. 150 players per server will surely help everyone getting a slot on the server they want to play.
  2. For those interested rocket is currently answering an AMA on reddit. http://vv.reddit.com/user/rocket2guns
  3. The endgame will be customisable vehicles and instanced underground bases. But it will be added later on, as it requires to write a fair amount of code from scratch. Crafting has not been really talked about yet but I think we'll see something because it's like one of the feature people most want. I would also like to see some kind of fortification system, but given the sandbox nature of the game it's gonna be tricky to implement : too many objects might cause horrible server lag. Maybe allowing to barricade doors and windows would be a good beginning, as there is a finite number of doors and windows ingame? EDIT : just thought about it, make the planks and other fortification items take a lot of inventory space and weight, and a lot of work to actually get the items (having to cut wood with hatchet, then use the saw on the wood to get the planks, then a hammer and nails and some time to actually barricade your house). All of that might reduce the amount of griefers.
  4. Yep it has been confirmed that streaming starts tonight, the only way to see it tho is to pm me your complete credit card card information, then I'll send you a link to the secret streaming site. source : =D
  5. Bat (DayZ)

    Interview with Matthew Lightfoot

    Is quentin tarantino directing this one? on topic : I can't fucking wait for the first streaming footages, want to see that UI, inventory, clothing system (this one gonna be epic I can tell...), new character animations hopefully? and chernarus with take on helicopter weather system.. gonna be atmospheric to say the least !
  6. They did. There's also some rumor according to which they had bought Hammerpoint Interactive studio for developing all poo related art assets
  7. Regarding a new map, I say : Bring SeattlePlus ! "just" have to make ground level, some interiors et voila hehe :) Seriously though, it would be awesome. The sense of scale when walking from the suburb area to downtown is pretty mind blowing... even gta 5 would look cheap compared to that.
  8. Yeah and remember animations are being worked on for standalone, which can only leads to better stuff ! I think Bohemia won't implement sub par animations : they'll make sure anims are of a high quality standard (ArmA 3 quality). Same with clothing models : from the screenshots the models actually look more ArmA 3 quality than ArmA II quality, which is awesome EDIT : Some bad english in there not sure if very clear... gettin late here :)
  9. Well they also have weapon attachment and durability now, so the server has to remember durability and shit for all the possible item being dropped everywhere... But you're certainly right and I couldn't care less if we had no skill system in SA.
  10. you're lucky enough to start with the best and most stable version of DayZ yet (some builds in may/june were such a mess with fps drop and major annoying glitches) so... why wait?
  11. You can already do that in the mod. Throw bottles of whisky or flares to distract them and sneak around town (in fact they are pretty tough and dangerous for beginners). Their animations are pretty basic, maybe it's why you think their AI is not that good but they function really well (a nice mix between the walking dead and 28 days later)
  12. It's pretty damn easy to drive a car even a dog can do it :
  13. Oh yeah well forgot about the recent events in the US :( would be a pretty bad timing indeed EDIT : The sentence might also mean : "we looked into it, but decided it would be a waste of ressources" or something
  14. I'm not agree. Why even care about the mainstream media in the first place? And even bad advertisement is still advertisement. People will want to try this insane immoral game and realise how it's no big deal and how it is not focusing on "killing children" at all. But that's just my opinion and I'm not in "business" or "media" so I don't know and don't really care. hell everyone kinda like and play GTA and yet it's like the most controversial game ever. please devs don't be pussies and do what's feel right from a game design/artistic point of view. EDIT : It will add a lot to the atmosphere if done well. To avoid controversy just make very clear they are not human anymore, make them look very frightening and scream and all and there won't be no problem at all. but if they look too "childish" in their behaviour yeah that could be uncanny.
  15. Bat (DayZ)

    Interview with Matthew Lightfoot

    Thank you, I'm going to appreciate every word out of it.
  16. And I'd like to add : dismemberment (have I spelled it right?). Regarding the look of the buildings, I'm really satisfied about the new screenshots, it could be even slightly more dirty and dusty (ala the road) but give the art team some time and they will make it all look right. EDIT : concerning the radio thing, it's a planned feature of standalone. Many members of the community including myself have made threads about it since the beginning of the mod. You should look for ACRE which is a highly realistic mod for ArmA2 which simulates real radios with nice effects and all, dean wants something similar for standalone.
  17. I can feel it.. the pressure... it's terrible pressure
  18. I personnally won't work tomorrow and I suffer of insomnia (I know I should be looking for a job but hey lets pretend it's like holidays or something). So I have my night. Take your time with the upload thing.
  19. Yeah however I like how characters ingame have physics and I don't want to lose that feeling ! hope standalone gameplay won't become too "mainstream"
  20. Why are you mods being all secret and shit suddenly?
  21. 9/11 : another proof the official version is bullshit ! EDIT : Not trying to spread conspiracy theories here, we all know a bunch of terrorists done that. terrorists... zombie terrorists from takistan everywhere !
  22. there will certainly be a fair amount of female characters running around half naked.. Well for the sake of role play we can just pretend the post traumatic shock from the outbreak on weak minded women had led them to such behaviour... I think?
  23. Certainly wondering about the closed test thing. Hopefully more info on that soon ! EDIT : Wow those details on clothing... looks more and more like arma 3 !
  24. I kinda agree on a skill based evolution system as soon as it's not a levelup system. Something like wurm online is doing, the more you do a certain thing the more experimented you become at it. But it should be capped. Let's say your character starts with a value of 1 at any given skill, and can raise it up to 10. Bandaging at lvl 1 will take like 8 seconds, while at lvl 10 you could do it in 4 seconds. Also there could be a chance to fail at bandaging, like at a value of 1 bandaging has 80% chances of success, and 100% success only comes at a value of 5. Some ideas of skills you could grind that way : - Bandaging - Crafting - Repairing/maintaining weapon - Wood cutting - Engineering (repairing vehicles) - Body Strength (would slightly improve both wood cutting, melee attacks, maximum weight) - Running (slightly improve your stamina) - Something related to diseases (when you catch one disease you should be more resistant against this particular disease) So it's not original but if done right I can see that system add some nice depth/authenticity/sense of progress to the game. Oh and I think there should not be any "stat menu" implemented, I think of it more like a hidden feature.
  25. nice one rocket, just what I needed to read. I started to fear there were unexpected issues with development or something :)