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Bat (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Bat (DayZ)

  1. Bat (DayZ)

    DayZ Developer Blog 3rd August 2013

    Some feedback : - I'm pleasently surprised with the animations, looks way better than before! Still, I think the "shooting from hip" animation looks terribly awkward. I hope they'll see how bad it looks and get rid of this feature (I think it's useless and a standard civilian in a zombie apocalypse would never run and gun in the first place). - Player movements still look a bit too fast compared to the animations. Running and some transitions still look a bit off. - Another complain I've got is with the clothing art style, the color palette looks a bit all over the place... I mean green jeans? Who wears green jeans seriously? I'd rather see more beige/camo/brown clothing. A unified color palette across all clothing would help set the tone. Inspiration can be taken from The Road, the last of us, etc... - the clothing models do look amazing. (have you noticed the new backpacks have straps now?? epic stuff) - Zombies are not as terrible as I would have expected. I still think their walking animation is not as good as in the mod.. Looks a bit like a parody right now. However, they do look more fluid, and the attack animations are pretty amazing. - Everything looks a bit "fast forward", like if every animation were playing a bit too fast compared to reality. - The attention to details on the M4 is sick. Gun feeling looks better, but sometimes the handling doesn't look natural. - The icons in the inventory are so much better, it's good to see they're paying attention to every detail. - Once again, the lighting looks a bit weird, too saturated, even when they are clouds, there's definitely some improvements to be made on HDR settings I think.
  2. Bat (DayZ)

    Where are all the devblogs?

    They are in czech republic. Also I'm pretty sure they got lights, or some sort of candles. In those conditions, working at night is not such an impossible thing as you may think.
  3. Bat (DayZ)

    Where are all the devblogs?

    Milestone review this week, a devblog at some point after that. it could be today, it could be next week.
  4. Bat (DayZ)

    Where are all the devblogs?

    It's getting quite dramatic around here... My attempt to lighten the atmosphere a bit
  5. Bat (DayZ)

    Where are all the devblogs?

    It's pretty funny when you're high though
  6. Bat (DayZ)

    Where are all the devblogs?

    Yeah sure, but don't expect any new infos on the SA at all. http://www.twitch.tv/sacriel/b/438789049
  7. Bat (DayZ)

    Where are all the devblogs?

    Actually rocket said in the stream yesterday one of the biggest issue with the zeds is that they can't run and turn at the same time. They run in a straight line, then turn at a certain angle, then run in a straight line again. It's just the way the arma engine handles the AI pathfinding. He said they would definitely look for other ways of doing it, but that it would require a lot of time and efforts. Dynamic pathfinding in an open world game is very hard. Then you add the fact it's multiplayer, and the fact that you want the server to be able to handle thousands of zombies at the same time, and it makes everything even more complex. It's why zeds won't look like Left 4 dead infected. There will always be a certain amount of clunkiness because of the scope of everything.
  8. Bat (DayZ)

    Where are all the devblogs?

    dean said it would include some gameplay footage. but I'm also pretty sure they don't want to spoil the pleasure of exploration for release, so they'll likely won't show the new cool stuff like the prison and northern cities and such. I guess they'll focus on showing the improvements made with the zombies and animations. After all it was the main complains after the E3 showcase, and I'm pretty sure rocket doesn't want to disapoint on these core elements
  9. Bat (DayZ)

    Where are all the devblogs?

    Rocket was on twitch with sacriel yesterday and he mentioned he was working on the devblog but he also said he was not sure how much to show because he doesn't want to give away too much to competitors. He also mentioned an animation for handcuffing people, and a new animation blending technique.
  10. Bat (DayZ)

    Where are all the devblogs?

    So back on topic, where are all the devblogs? someone stole them? Are they hiding them from us?
  11. Bat (DayZ)

    Where are all the devblogs?

    you really should type IN PURPLE AND COMIC SANS, so we don't miss the IMPORTANT PARTS of your posts
  12. Bat (DayZ)

    Where are all the devblogs?

    We all agree there should be some silent mechanics in place to make people naturally go towards more comunication and neutral behavior. I think the ability to melee with various items and the shock mechanic might help with that. Basically, if you can knock down a player unconcious with let's say a can of bean in his face, then you don't really need to kill him. Plus you might damage the precious loot if you shoot at him. I imagine all those mechanics are going to make a nice change in the way player interacts with each other.
  13. Bat (DayZ)

    Where are all the devblogs?

    I'm pretty sure it's a minority that plays this game as a deathmatch and doesn't care for dying, but I might be wrong. You got to take into account the players that suicide to get a better spawn and such.
  14. Bat (DayZ)

    Where are all the devblogs?

    I hope it's not holding the release back. I'm perfectly happy with just a M4 for release :)
  15. Bat (DayZ)

    Where are all the devblogs?

    it's exactly the sort of change that people easily forget about, and it's important to stress once again how it will change and improve every other part of the game. Scarce varied loot that can spawn everywhere, will make you even more immersed and force you to be more careful and aware of your environment to not miss a potential important item hidden under some car wreck in the middle of nowhere. And just for that I'm super excited for the game.
  16. they already have the attachment system working? plus it's a total rewrite of how the engine handle items ingame, not just some hacked in feature. Now please explain me again why they should hire this guy?
  17. Bat (DayZ)

    Where are all the devblogs?

    I don't think there will be ghillie suits in SA. I think they want to focus on common items more than tactical spec ops stuff. I also recall rocket mention you can like pick up grass and ressources from the ground, so maybe crafting a ghillie suit would be a thing? but then it would become a very common item if you just need grass to craft it?
  18. Bat (DayZ)

    Where are all the devblogs?

    No we don't. It's done when it's done. you guys are hilarious, you know I suggest you read again what you say you have read already but I'm sure you haven't read carefully enough.
  19. Bat (DayZ)

    Where are all the devblogs?

    yes it does! It's gonna be released yesterday already! I'm so exciting!
  20. Bat (DayZ)

    Where are all the devblogs?

    Will we be able to carry this "network bubble" in our backpacks, or possibly shoot it with the crossbow to make it explode, now that objects are vehicles? also can I ride my hatchet now that objects are vehicles? thx for the response, regards
  21. I'm not even a native english speaker and yet everything he said so far was clear and not confusing at all. If you can't understand some subtlety, and jump on every mentioned date and take it as an "official release date", even when it's defined as an internal review date, then it's definitely your bad. People that hear what they want to hear, have unrealistic expectations, and poorly informed journalists and youtube videos, are responsible for the confusion around DayZ SA and it's release. Dean is doing an ok job, people should just start thinking a bit more and act less like impatient spoiled kids. EDIT : So yeah, I totally agree with you, it would be ironic Rocket was remembered for being a confusing developer.
  22. So apparently by end of the week we will have some update about the milestone review that is currently happening. Can't wait to see the progress they've made since rezzed.
  23. I'd rather have no release date and the SA released next month than an announcement next week for a release in christmas... just sayin'
  24. Bat (DayZ)

    Standalone Zombie Jumping

    I thought you had access to the closed testing with the other mods and some guys from reddit? You never had to test a build with zombies?