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Bat (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Bat (DayZ)

  1. I'm bumping this because I'd like feedback on the new architecture (inventory bar). what you think ??
  2. Maybe having the full ghillie suit taking only the chest slot, but changing the whole skin, it would mean you could still where pants under your guillie :)
  3. Bat (DayZ)

    dayz create player screen

    Already been proposed several times, please do a quick search for similar threads before posting.
  4. I know that, but I think the begginning of idea I have there worth sharing with the community. It is something like my personnal dream inventory, because others do not really appeal to me that much.
  5. I agree, but the good side of it is that it's intuitive.
  6. I am for trying no HUD at all, see how it's playing, because, you know, it could work really well ! Also having to check your body to find injuries, using the alt button, would be awesome. Imagine you're not sure if you took a bullet or not, and then you look down to your body only to see this huge open wound bleeding and all with hi res textures! that would be cool !
  7. Bat (DayZ)

    DayZ Gaming Build! [Need Help]

    motherboard : MSI H77MA G43 CPU : i5-3570K GPU : MSI Nvidia Geforce GTX 570 (if you're lucky enough to find a discounted one) or ATI radeon 7850 ram : G.Skill 8 GB HDD : Seagate Barracuda 7200 SATA III 500 Go Antec HCG Series 620 W Cooler Master Elite 310 In my country (france) I can find this for about 720 € It would be an ideal config for Arma 2 at a reasonable price. (You can expect smooth gameplay with maxed out graphics at 40-50 FPS) (If you're too short on budget, go AMD and a GTX 560 TI graphic card, I guess you would reach 30 fps with high graphics) Edit : Also BIS at E3 had computer with a single GTX 570 for the Arma 3 showcases, I guess you're good for arma 3 with this config.
  8. Rocket stated he wants to get rid of most of the HUD, and replace it with audio clues. Not sure to what extent. For example I'd like to have to check ammo in firearms by taking out the clip, if it is possible (don't know how it works IRL, sorry for me being stupid never used a firearm^^). Also we don't need a jauge for temperature, our character should shiver when it's cold, gradually. Edit : You could try to come up with gear menu ideas, though. How weapon slots, melee, clothing should be integrated to inventory, for instance. That would be useful !
  9. Dogs are already in the 1.7.3 version. You should really inform yourself more before posting here. BUT the idea of them hunting squirrels is awesome :) I also thought it would be cool if they could attack hostile players, like they wouldn't do much damage but like a diversion of some sort, giving you time to run away or shoot back. Would be cool, but need balance so that it doesn't give you too much of an advantage.
  10. Just 2 things I thought about : - Zeds able to enter houses by climbing through windows. - Players able to jump through windows.
  11. So, we know a little more about the devteam plans for a standalone DayZ map : =>http://www.pcgamer.com/2012/06/23/day-z-arma-3-interview-optimization-map-design-radios-porting-day-z-into-arma-3/ Let's say the standalone game will feature a brand new map based on chernarus landscapes. What should be added/modified in order to make it the perfect map for DayZ ? Here my suggestions : Buildings : - Make every buildings enterable. - More variety in buildings. - Basements, underground bunkers behind some of the barns. - Random furniture and deco items to make interiors more authentic. Bodies of former inhabitants, or some clues they are long gone/dead/turned into zeds. (a more immersive experience) - Underground facilities with good loot but LOTS of zeds. Landscapes : - Rivers and bridges. Without rivers the lands looks unlikely to have any kind of vegetation. - Some big lakes in the northern valleys, with small towns on the shore. - More vertical stuff : bridges passing over highways, rivers or whatever. - In general take some inspiration from Namalsk Crisis, which have unbeliavable atmosphere. (darker woods, fog, etc) - An even bigger sense of scale : big highways with car wrecks all over the place, skyscrapers in big cities making you feel small and lost in the game world. - Tunnels. With lots of zeds hiding inside :) - Shores have wide beaches. You can sometimes find big enterable ship wrecks with loot in it. Some parts of the coast have cliffs. -Better water, different textures/animations for waves depending on weather. Weather : - Volumetric fog with dust particles as seen in Namalsk crisis. Fog only in valleys and on the shores, or after a storm/rain. - New thunder and rain effects. - Snow in some parts of the map. Snow would replace rain in the mountains, with temperature dropping really fast there. Now it's all I can think of for now. Tell me what you imagine and/or if I forgot features you'd like to see in Dayz oficial new map !
  12. Bat (DayZ)

    Zeds' biological rythm

    Make zeds (which are infected but still human beings) sleep at night, following their natural circadian rythm, and nocturnal animals (or infected nocturnal/crepuscular animals) come out and hunt for food at sunset. Because a virus would not alter natural biological clocks => http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Biological_clock_human.svg Also following that scheme, zeds will behave differently depending on Time Of Day. Having sleeping zeds slowly waking up when sun rises, give them more alertness at 10 AM, then even more at 2 PM etc... => remember the first 20 minutes of 28 days later when all infected are asleep in that church ? What do you think ?
  13. here's some ideas : What features for an official dayz map : http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/19931-what-features-for-an-official-dayz-map/ Zeds' biological rythm : http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/18216-zeds-biological-rythm/
  14. Agree on making the game harder. But it might as well make people even more agressive with less food and water (remember when this patch came out that removed food and water spawn? was hell to survive, but it only increased the necessity to kill other players to survive. Because other players have everything you want : guns, ammo, food etc...) I would rather have a durability system that makes some items that you carry break when you die. So you would kill someone but never be sure his precious weapon is working or not. Edit : so some items would slowly lose durability over use (weapons). When you kill someone theres a random chance some items the player is carrying would break instantly. So only necessity would bring people to kill another for supplies. true bandits would still hunt preys, but with a little disdvantage, that should balance it all. I guess another system would be more ways to identify yourself with a clothing system. But those 2 ideas will clearly make their way into the standalone game, so I don't really worry about the future of DayZ. gonna be great
  15. Bat (DayZ)

    Just, wow.

    The whole point of the game is to find yourself goals because the game won't give you any. Here's my story through my multiples characters : - I started my first characters just surviving, I headed up all the way north, had lots of luck finding loot on dead players. Being extremely careful (I'm into roleplay) I survived one full week around NW airfield (didnt know it was dangerous back then lol) set up a tent I started fill with car parts - Then my dream was to repair a car by myself. It took me some weeks, but it's so good to think about logistic and stuff (what do I carry ? do I take one extra food? or that wheel?) - Found and repaired a car (UAZ) after something like a 3 weeks of playing. Many failed attempts (died countless times because I wasn't stealthy enough). - After that I lost my car really fast. But I went to another server, and could get another UAZ running in 10 hours. Lost it again after 30 minutes, sniped near devils castle :( - Then I teamed up with a guy asking for blood packs in cherno, and started playing multiplayer. We used steam to chat and we got a GAZ running fairly quick, and had the best play session of all time, a whole night driving from town to town, scavenging stuff, trying to repair a wheel after an accident, I saved my buddy's life 2 times and he saved mine too, he found a bicycle. - Then we got our hands on a UAZ and a motorbike for him, we tried setting a camp. It lasted 1 night but some guy with a heli must have found our vehicles with the cheated radar stuff. - We found a camp in the north and got our hands on nvgs, fn fal nv, all sorts of good loot. We made another camp and got a white pick up and quad. Then raided NW airfield (found myself a svd camo) had the most intense session ever. Had to snipe one unlucky guy in the barracks. On our way back some guy was trying to steal the pickup, my friend died, the guy disconected after I shot him with SVD trhough the window. A wheel was broken on the pickup. When I came back with a wheel, the car was already stolen ( there were many corpses all around, a guy with a wheel... A clan war for our pickup, that is cool :)) - We then tried establishing a trading camp in kamenka, died countless time again, was fun too :) - after that I just came back to actual solo surviving, killing everyone on sight for safety reasons. I became a pretty good player, fast and aware of my environment, my weapon strentgh and weaknesses (CZ and AKM), and killed many players who should have been more careful. But every people I took down was a necessity. I now use direct chat a lot, trying to communicate, but people are just too paranoid and I HAVE to kill them, unfortunately. Hope it will give you clues on how to live your ingame lives. Edit : We also stumbled on some kind of peaceful beatnick comunity in the woods, they were driving around with a van and 2 buses and only carried lesser grade weapons, and never shot people. I stumbled on their camp by accident, and at the same time 2 guys on motorcycle came from nowhere, they were bandits trying to steal the camp. I took them down with my akm. I was thanked by the guys of the camp after I told the story on side channel. They helped me get my quad flipped on its wheels again, and gave me antibiotics. Was cool.
  16. Bat (DayZ)

    Zeds' biological rythm

    I'm bumping my topic hoping to get a fresh reaction, even a negative one :)
  17. Bat (DayZ)

    Infected Animals: Meat

    you know us humans are ... animals, right ? But you're right when you say anything can happen : indeed viruses are extremely varied and we can't predict how they will propagate, affect different species or not, etc. So pretty much everything can be imagined. (IMO Infected dogs would be extremely cool and fun, and would not break immersion that much.)
  18. I can survive a whole week pretty easily alone, with friends it is harder because you're bringing more attention on you, but if you and your friends are good enough and know how to avoid bad situations, you will survive. You need more practise, that's all. EDIT : Also try finding 20-30 players servers
  19. My opinion on this is quite simple : difficulty, unpredictability, human encounters and having to survive an unforgiving world is what makes this game fun. So making it easier would break everything for me. Look for guides online if you have real problems with the game.
  20. Bat (DayZ)

    Disable radar on UH1H

    I agree, this thing is WAY too unbalanced, it is impossible to hide any vehicle because there will always be a clan with heli in the server to steal it.
  21. Bat (DayZ)

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Don't know for you, but for me zeds can no longer hear when I throw tin cans or empty bottles. They don't hear gunshots so good either.
  22. Bat (DayZ)

    FPS issues

    DayZ, even more than arma, relies a lot on your cpu. And arma is nothing but a game, multithreading doesn't make a big difference, raw power does. 2.4 ghz is... just not enough for arma or dayz. But I'm sure if you can overclock it to 2.8-3 ghz you would get 40-50 fps. Maybe more given your GPU is really good.
  23. and... what about bear traps ? couldn't get my hands on this thing yet...
  24. Bat (DayZ)


    Man, you've got 200+ posts on this forum, and you STILL sound like a fresly spawned newbie who would have been gang-raped for the first time. People in a real zombie apocalypse would not hesitate shooting you. Hell, most people would go totally crazy, become paranoid and would not trust anyone. This is the atmosphere I like in that game, and even if I'm a regular survivor who often tries to offer help/meds/support to other players, I also thanks all the bandits and psychos out there who are making every step in the world of chernarus a fuckin moment of terror. cu ingame.
  25. Bat (DayZ)

    Infected Aggro Radius

    It's supposed to be like this, so that bandits and shoot-first people would agro a whole town of zeds and be eaten alive. Well, that would happen if zeds were not to disappear on log off.