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P4 Brotagonist

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Everything posted by P4 Brotagonist

  1. Title pretty much says it all. I have another weapon I like using more at night. Currently have 6 mags for it as well, but a few of them have some rounds spent in them, so probably about 4 mags total. Looking for an NVD with some mags, and also I will need you to bring me a blood bag with a food and a drink. I am currently VERY hurt after a gun battle and after killing the person, I crawled off and treated myself as best as I could, but I need a transfusion.
  2. P4 Brotagonist

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Still looking for that medic savior. Like I said, just message me and if you need supplies, I might be able to offer you some that you are missing.
  3. P4 Brotagonist

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Would love a medic to help me out. Currently stuck outside Cherno with 342 health but in a safe location. Darn loot run turned out to be nearly deadly. All I need is a blood pack, and if you need some ammo, I have DMR and FAL mag(can give one) that I can offer as payment. Just send me a personal message and I will respond.
  4. P4 Brotagonist

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Would love a medic to help me out. Currently stuck outside Cherno with 342 health but in a safe location. Darn loot run turned out to be nearly deadly. All I need is a blood pack, and if you need some ammo, I have DMR and FAL mag(can give one) that I can offer as payment. Just send me a personal message and I will respond.
  5. P4 Brotagonist

    Come get some grenades

    Found a Ural, literally like 50 grenades, 20 AS50 mags, and 50 SVG mags inside. Anyone need some ammo or want a ride? currently driving on the coast. 1272. Send me a message.
  6. So I was walking through Cherno a little bit ago, when suddenly the screen flashed super white, I was suddenly in shock, and it was making the sound like a flashbang went off or something(loud buzzing noise) then a few seconds later, I drop like half a foot or something, and the same thing happens again, except this time I insta die. Really sucks ass too because I JUST picked up an M4. What the heck weapon does that?
  7. P4 Brotagonist

    M24 for trade

    Just snagged an M24. Really not wanting to keep it. Really don't like the snipers much. Willing to trade for an M4 with silencer and a few extra mags, or you can also offer me something you feel is a good trade. Steam info is Gunsniper001
  8. P4 Brotagonist

    DMR Trade

    I've got a DMR with three mags I'm not really too fond of. Looking to trade off for something a little medium range since I usually travel solo. Any offers?
  9. P4 Brotagonist

    DMR Trade

    Yeah I've got skype and I can screenshot if necessary. Are you interested in it?