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Marine (DayZ)

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About Marine (DayZ)

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  • Gender
  • Location
    West Coast
  1. Marine (DayZ)

    Ideas that could make DayZ Standalone great.

    I think just adding in simple realistic dangerous creatures would add more dynamic to the survival portion. Example: The DayZ team expanded Chernarus, adding in a swamp area. What's to say that swamp shouldn't have crocodiles and large snakes. We all know everyone will be checking out the new areas, not sure they will be camping those areas especially when the night falls. You and your buddies have a camp fire going, attempting to stay warm enough not to catch a cold. But Joe smuckatellie forgot to fill his cantee earlier when the rest of you did just after leaving that small town. So Joe runs down to the swamp to grab some water to bring back and heat up over the camp fire and apply his water sanitization tablets to. But Joe has been gone for some time, then you hear a low deep bass growl and hear Joe scream for help. You run down towards his screaming voice with your flashlights blaring in his direction but its too late. The server message comes up "Joe Smuckatellie was killed". You hear the low roar again, quickly pointing your flashlights in the direction. The crocodile is moving quickly at you. You all take off running. One of you look back and see Joe's shirt hanging from his mouth. Damn... just another night in DayZ Standalone. Some type of wildcat or wild rabies dog would be nice because animals just arent getting proper love and care in these hard times. They have to fend for themselves as well. Would make the forests and water a tad bit dangerous. So its not just players and zombies. Better conserve your ammo for faster deadly predators or team up with some humans that aren't bandits.
  2. Marine (DayZ)

    DayZ Mod Update

    Peripheral dots removed?! I freakin' love you right now.
  3. I attempt every combination of every difficulty setting from Recruit to Mercenary making sure all values were set to 0 and even adding in the PeripheralVisionAid=0; as well as VisionAid=0; From Recruit to Veteran changing any of the difficulty values does not turn the Peripheral Vision Indicators OFF. Though, changing to Mercenary without changing any values - the indicators are automatically OFF. So this tells me that there has to be another file somewhere that has these peripheral vision pre-set to each difficulty already. It would make sense that Rocket disabled them on the hardest difficulty. I dont understand the logic of Peripheral Vision Indicators in a game thats all about keeping the survival REALism. They should be removed.
  4. Marine (DayZ)

    HFB Database help

    Hello, So I have been playing around with my database for a few weeks now. I am pretty new to SQL anything, so at first this database was a challenge to read and mess with but it has gotten alot easier since playing around with the database. For anyone renting an HFB Private plus server I had a question about databases tables. I am trying to figure out how to add in a column to the Survivor table because I am sick of having to open two windows to jump back and forth. Profiles table lists NAME and UID of every player that joins and loads into the server. Survivor table lists all players by UID only as well as their stats and loadouts and positions. All I want to do is add in a column to my survivor table to show the Players name beside the UID so I can quickly jump to the players name without switching windows and trying to memorize their UIDs. so basically my question is... Is it possible to have the survivor table pull the player name info from columns of the Profiles table and correctly place them by the coorsponding UID ?
  5. Marine (DayZ)

    Remove Peripheral Vision Indicators (PVI)

    Naw man, I already read through this thread and found none of it useful. I have tried about every combination to the difficulty settings profile and server config file to try and get these dots to go away nothing on that thread worked. HFB told me to try changing the Recruit class (Since the others have preset values that cant be changed) to all 0 values and using it seeing if that works but it didnt either.
  6. I have searched all over google looking for an answer to this, but no one seems to have an answer that works. So for those that KNOW what they are doing, here is the question. How do I remove the "Peripheral Vision Indicators" from my server? Before I get the classic outdated answer.... Change your difficulty settings. Let me first start by saying this. As far as version 1.7.3 is concerned Regular and Veteran settings: No matter if you change every setting to the OFF or 0 value. This DOES NOT remove the Vision Indicators. The only setting that will turn them off is the Mercenary setting. Which has all the same settings as Regular and Veteran BUT, they all are set to 0 and you cannot change the ones you want. I want 3rd person, I want waypoints to work, I want tags off, I want the vision Indicators off. But basically my only options are Veteran the options I want enabled exception of the Vision indicators... or Mercenary with my options i want disabled and the Vision Indicators off. Peripheral Vision Indicators are terrible. Might as well give us all a big radar in the upper corner of the screen, it needs to be turned off. At least on my server it needs to be. I shouldnt be able to spot players across the map out of the "corner of my eye(screen)". The peripheral vision on my eyeballs work just fine in game, I dont need this handicap.
  7. Marine (DayZ)

    DayZ standalone version release date?

    The DayZ standalone is actually in reference to our actual lives we will be living after the "end of the world" this December. Zombie apocalypse baby, are you ready? We should all meet up in Cherno and celebrate ;-)
  8. "Peripheral Vision Indicators" in this game is a handicap. I have two eyeballs, my peripheral vision works just fine when looking at my screen. Get out of your chair, go outside and stand still in one spot. Look at the house across from you, anything that moves (animal, car, plane) whatever it may be. You can spot movements whether they are slow and your eyes even pick up some pretty fast speeds as well. Now while your standing there can you pick up the movement of PEOPLE down in the city 800 meters out? HELL NO! On DayZ, I can be near Balota airstrip or be on Lingor at the South End of Maruko. If I want to know where the zombies are I can stand in a forest turn my screen left and right and see a huge pile of white dots filling my screen whether there is buildings in my way or not. This feature needs to be disabled or fixed. Its a handicap. Not sure about the rest of you but I WANT REALISM in a game. If I wanted "magic" Id go find some Disney game to play. If I am surrounded by objects impairing my peripheral view I should not have a single dot. If I am in the open I should only have dots within my line of sight up to 500 maybe 600 meters out. Peripheral works big distances only when the object its bigger. Such as a plane at a very high altitude, or clear skies when you can see a small dark object moving through the sky which happens to be a satellite. All I want to know is how do I disable "Peripheral Vision Indicators" on my server, because it should only be allowed in the noob servers. By noob I mean Regular or Recruit servers. Which file do I modify?
  9. Marine (DayZ)

    Duplicated Magazine?

    Anyone getting this in their server log? the Arma2oaserver.rpt I put the guys name it started with. But its just continuing over and over every second in the log like spam? I just restarted the server a few hours ago too. Anyone? 16:32:44 "LOGIN ATTEMPT: "56669574" |TG| F3ARED" 16:32:44 "READ/WRITE: ['PASS',false,'31929383',[132,[-18622.7,0.00106812]],[["ItemFlashlight","Colt1911"],[]],["DZ_ALICE_Pack_EP1",[["ItemKnife","Colt1911"],[1,1]],[[],[]]],[138,178,178],"Survivor2_DZ",0.96]" 16:32:44 "LOGIN LOADED: B 1-1-A:12 (|TG| F3ARED) REMOTE Type: Survivor1_DZ" 16:32:45 Duplicate magazine TrashTinCan detected (id 21:2882) in slots Loot and MolotovCocktailMuzzle 16:32:45 "HIVE: WRITE: "CHILD:103:76843014:31849677:0:"" 16:32:45 "WRITE: ['PASS']" 16:32:45 Duplicate magazine TrashTinCan detected (id 21:2882) in slots Loot and MolotovCocktailMuzzle 16:32:45 Duplicate magazine TrashTinCan detected (id 21:2882) in slots Loot and MolotovCocktailMuzzle 16:32:45 Duplicate magazine TrashTinCan detected (id 21:2882) in slots Loot and MolotovCocktailMuzzle 16:32:45 Duplicate magazine TrashTinCan detected (id 21:2882) in slots Loot and MolotovCocktailMuzzle 16:32:45 "Locality Event" 16:32:45 Duplicate magazine TrashTinCan detected (id 21:2882) in slots Loot and MolotovCocktailMuzzle 16:32:45 Duplicate magazine TrashTinCan detected (id 21:2882) in slots Loot and MolotovCocktailMuzzle 16:32:45 "Locality Event" 16:32:45 Duplicate magazine TrashTinCan detected (id 21:2882) in slots Loot and MolotovCocktailMuzzle 16:32:45 Duplicate magazine TrashTinCan detected (id 21:2882) in slots Loot and MolotovCocktailMuzzle 16:32:46 Duplicate magazine TrashTinCan detected (id 21:2882) in slots Loot and MolotovCocktailMuzzle 16:32:46 Duplicate magazine TrashTinCan detected (id 21:2882) in slots Loot and MolotovCocktailMuzzle 16:32:46 Duplicate magazine TrashTinCan detected (id 21:2882) in slots Loot and MolotovCocktailMuzzle 16:32:46 Duplicate magazine TrashTinCan detected (id 21:2882) in slots Loot and MolotovCocktailMuzzle 16:32:46 Duplicate magazine TrashTinCan detected (id 21:2882) in slots Loot and MolotovCocktailMuzzle 16:32:46 "Locality Event"
  10. I played in this server for a few days when the update came out on DayZ Commander. Side chat was enabled on this server and I pissed off one of the players. I was across one of the big river openings with a friend of mine and we spotted 1 other guy looking over at us trying to hit us with an m14. He failed miserably then another guy approached that guy but didnt kill him. Not even a minute later they showed up behind us shooting both me and my friend in the back. I was suprised at how they could of gotten across the river so FAST and silently. There was no break in it and it would of been at least 2-3 minutes for them to cross with agro. I blew it off the guy that shot me had a clan tag on, the same one i pissed off he let me know "how good he was now that he killed me". Eh whatever I just went ahead and spawned, it threw me by the oil fields way south east of where i spawned. Soon as I started running, I started getting shot at.. what the hell? It took him 12 shots but he finally hit me after I ran up to his face. He killed me and then his other clan member took credit for it, I made sure he knew he was a terrible shot as well. Now I knew they were teleporting or someone was teleporting them. So I turned on FRAPS for the next hour and half. They kept teleporting showing up with random weapons and killing me. I even spawned on the edge of the beach facing the ocean sat idle.. and they showed up right in front of me shot me. Then one was spawning medbox's with all the weapons in the game in it. Some with 50 satchel charges. My buddy recorded this. I was recording as well. During this time I was informing the 3 admins that were currently on, they kept asking for proof and kept taking sides of the other players saying "Oh I dont see it in our logs" "hes clean" I could go on forever talking about how terrible the admins are on this server. Im almost positive they are hackers themselves. I can only prove it with video, so can others. Nonetheless if anyone is hacking in this server just be warned, the admins will not do anything to help you. Anyone reading this that is hacker, I welcome you to come into that server and have fun spawning ANYTHING your little heart desires, for they do not run any new filters on their server.
  11. Marine (DayZ)

    Hacker crash?

    Very likely it was some kind of communication problem with HIVE then im guessing. Ill keep an eye on that player as well as the code some more. If anyone else had this same problem at this same time please post as well. For future reference on that line of code. Thank you
  12. Marine (DayZ)

    Hacker crash?

    Mine is back up. I stopped it and restarted people already are back in playing. Im west coast time so 3 hours behind you. Mine started at exactly 7:09pm is the last line in that log.
  13. Marine (DayZ)

    Hacker crash?

    are you logging the exact same time as mine crashed? Mine is on UTC-8