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About huntster

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. I have found that when playing recently that everyone I kill despawns in a mater of seconds. This despawn happens so fast I am unable to retrieve loot even if I had killed the person with an ax and I am right on top of their body. This is a extremely annoying problem since it takes one of the primary parts of dayz out of the game. I hope i am not the only one with this problem and that something will be done to fix it soon.
  2. So I ran into these two guys and I began recording them when I realized some weird stuff was going on watch the video and you will see them many hacks they use. there's - Sir Issac Newton and Habid Akbar and it happened in de 1081 the stuff these guys where doing was insane and clearly battleye isn't working like it should.
  3. huntster

    Banned twice

    Today I woke up and planned to play some dayz but when I tried to it said i was global banned. Now I had an old account which I did hack but I changed my ways and bought a new game with the intention to never cheat again and now the ban I had on my old account #2b50. I even got myself a new steam account for the game so I don't know why this just happened. I could use some help hearing from people this happened to and what they did.
  4. huntster

    Day Z Videos

  5. Me and my friends trying to flip an ATV with a tractor