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About BrodyH

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. BrodyH

    DayZ Stories

    So me and two friends acquired a bus. In doing so we decided to raid the northwest air field with it. Those two would run out and get the gear and guns for us and I would round up the zombies with the bus and run over them. The plan was set so we are heading that way when just as we get to the air field they start saying they are seeing crazy geometry. I asked what they mean and they both say that they are seeing nothing but shapes and colors. I ask them if they want to turn around and they say no so we push on. We get there and they hop out and I am rounding up zombies just as planned. I turn the bus around to get a good run at the zombies around the buildings that they are in and I'm at around 45 m.p.h. when I get into the pack someone yells out stop but it's too late I ran over my friend in the crowd. So what have I learned that I can share with you. Don't run over your friends but more importantly, don't raid the airfield when two of your friends ate rancid meat earlier and are hallucinating.