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Everything posted by Casual007

  1. Casual007

    Bear Grylls on DayZ Parody

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sy6jtmIdKyE Drinks his own piss too :P Check it out!
  2. Casual007

    Bear Grylls on DayZ Parody

    hahhahhaha yeah I found that funny too. Maybe the canteen has a zipper or something :p
  3. I'm over 20 Have a mic (and I know how to use push to talk :D) Played Dayz Mod for about 1-2 yrs so I have a good bit of experience http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198085744104/ or Casual_007 on skype I also have teamspeak and c3. If you use mumble or something else, I can install that..
  4. Please send your friend requests to me or noble :)
  5. Casual007

    Alcohol tincture and sick?

    I found if you aren't sick and consume antibiotics you will get sick. Overtime though, there will be a server message saying your wounds look cleaner (although I didn't have any wounds and accidently consumed those antibiotics) and eventually your sickness will be resolved on its own. Alpha....
  6. Casual007

    ShadowPlay Disabled with DayZ SA?

    I'm not entirely sure what shadow play is? Is it a recording software of some sort? I think you are asking the wrong peeps here, isn't there a forum (on another site) for this "shadowplay"? Maybe someone more knowledgeable can chime in here.
  7. HEY GUYS LETS NOT COMPLAIN OR MAKE ANY SUGGESTIONS ALPHA ALPHA ALPHA shove it you fucking parrots, jesus christ say something constructive for a change. I agree, zombies should be more of a threat without making them really glitchy or strange like the super running zeds of the mod. Maybe they should overwhelm an area or swarm you with sound... something of the sort. Wandering hordes would be nice.
  8. Casual007

    Chambering a round?

    You learn more everyday... I actually did know that but have forgotten over time.
  9. Hehe back w/ another question! I have attached a M9A1 bayonet to the M4A1 and I'm clueless on how to use it. I have tried dropping all my ammo and then primary fire, no dice. In the mod you can switch modes using the "F" key, no dice here. I tried looking through the weapon assignments, no clue there. Anyone have an idea?
  10. Casual007

    The north (winter is coming etc)

    Yeah, what does the condition indicate exactly? I am wearing damaged or ruined items and they are still usable? If you eat damaged goods, like damaged canned food can you acquire botulism or some other disease? Perhaps that is to be implemented.
  11. Casual007

    How to melee with M4A1 Bayonet attachment?

    I have not tried that. I did think of it though but didn't want to risk getting mauled by zombies haha. I wanted to try it on a friend but he ran away and didn't want any part of it :( I'll try it out later and report back if it works. If it does, you're a wizard!
  12. Casual007

    How to melee with M4A1 Bayonet attachment?

    Yep, tried that. I tried the "toogle weapon" key(s) and raising the weapon. I reassigned my keys, but I know what you are talking about.
  13. Casual007

    every server is dark

    tl:dr Seriously, whoever pinned this could you have done us the courtesy of putting the answer at the first post or somewhere on the first page. Or is the answer already there from one of the users?
  14. Casual007

    How to melee with M4A1 Bayonet attachment?

    Figures. I guess maybe people will be scared of me now that I have a menacing looking rifle with a bayonet... or maybe get KOSed for it :p
  15. Casual007

    Chambering a round?

    Say what? Really? How?
  16. Casual007

    How to melee with M4A1 Bayonet attachment?

    *facepalm* damn you elusive search feature!! My bad, should have searched. Thanks symptom.
  17. Casual007

    Chambering a round?

    I tried the same, not implemented yet is my guess. If someone figured out how to do it, please do share. edit: ^^ see what pastor is saying, how to put a bullet individually into the chamber. No mags involved.
  18. Topic title. I don't know if it's a bug or I'm doing something wrong. I have a hatchet I can open cans with. I have canned sardines and beans which I would like to eat but when right clicking all it says is "recieving." Looks like I'm going to starve to death if it's an unresolved bug or some sort :P
  19. Ah ok thanks so much guys. Have my beans!!
  20. I had a friend who advised me to put some settings on high for the dayz MOD but it really didn't do anything for me. Sadly, I don't remember what settings they were. However, it's simple... get fraps and a pencil+paper or use excel w/e, and test it out. Start out with everything low and then one at a time turn a setting to high and see the results. Write down the fps and setting. It may be a little time consuming but there aren't that many settings so it shouldn't take too long. Personally, I have everything on low or disabled and my frames are playable currently.
  21. Casual007

    I see what you did there rocket...

    No idea who that is. Just a far shot: WarZ dev?
  22. Apparently its a problem with steam authentication, it's down atm or something... someone said to check out rocket's twitter, he is aware of the situation. I guess we just have to sit tight.
  23. Same here, same exact thing. Connecting failed when trying to join OR waiting for host and black screen
  24. Casual007

    37+ kill streak [Pics]

    I originally posted this in the bandit campfire section before it was moved so keep that in mind (meaning if you're a hero you'll probably hate my guts lol). Also, if you're going to complain about the methods I've used to get kills then it would probably be best for you to move along... you're criticism is welcomed of course but I've heard it before. I'll admit I had an advantage the second I killed a hacker who had a thermal as50... it was just smooth sailing from there. I was mainly sniping but I had an m14 aim which I liked to use up close.I managed to get to 47 kills before a hacker nuked the server I was on and there went my lovely kill streak. I also had a friend with me at all times. We would always be in the same general area and have each other's back. I went to key areas like elektro but never super populated servers to avoid hackers and did not dc (which doesn't fucking work for me anyways even when I need it against a hacker or w/e).
  25. Casual007

    37+ kill streak [Pics]

    That is your opinion and I was simply stating mine. Also, If you paid any attention there were many close encounters I had. Nevertheless, if I find killing unarmed players fun who cares? (Well I guess you do). I guess not, give me some ideas? I'm probably just weird. Seriously though, I find the prospect of being in populated areas exciting because I never know who will sneak up on me or try and avenge their friends. Really crazy stuff has happened because of it. I seem to have struck a nerve with you for some reason... would you like some beans to calm you down or something?