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About delphian

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. delphian

    Dear Snipers who interrupted our Trade.

    hm sounds like you had your bandit account out the whole time and found a way to get the gun you wanted and make yourself still look like a good guy in the process,,, snipe him with your bandit then your hero/trader at the same time since you just so happened to be in a spot to see the roof of the firehouse that you set the trade up on... but im a sceptic
  2. delphian

    Cherno LOCKED DOWN!

    prob the one in his sig? us 1154 im thinking
  3. so logged out earlier on a day 25 character ghillie as50 m9sd night vision the works was having a blast logged back on and delphian was killed i was in the middle of nowhere under trees no way i was killed come back in and bam still wearing my ghille but on the beach with nothing no gear whatso ever everything gone was so sad.... kill counts were all still there but no gear... anyway im right near cherno so i head to the tents finding an axe on the way only to run into another survivor with a gun i hack he shoots lol we both run and lose each other he left i find random mags and bs in the tents no gun run off into the hills and bam right into another guy with a gun he kills me lol :(' now fresh start i find out im a bandit nice didnt know cause i had the ghillie on(wasnt hunting people just killing to stay alive) i start near Balota heading to the hangers ...whats that sound flies whats that pile of green a dead guy in a ghillie DMR4 mags m9sd 5 mags GPS WOOT yet to have found one of those and then i notice he had the Coyote Backpack sweet hadnt had that before either . so im without my as50 but have a dmr lost my night vision but got a gps and dont like playing in the dark anyway so fair trade off and the huge pack which was loaded to the gills food morphine blood everything and im headed off again all within about an hours time lol went from bummed to smiling again
  4. delphian

    To all the scum at elektro hill

    well if they didnt keep spawning us on the beach after spending all day running north again most of us would leave the treelines and stop but with their new change they must have wanted this so we might as well give it to them.... death to fresh spawns woot!!!!! you look great from up here in the hills so tiny running around on the ground but so big when seen thru the scope of an as50 :) which isnt duped btw i totally suck because i have only been able to find one tent and it was early on and it took to much room so i dropped it in a barn for some usless trash lol :( along with only finding one heli which gave me the as50 and ghillie.....also havent stumbled across a vehicle or a bandit camp :( man depressed now back to the hills to snipe fresh blood thanks for this great new feature..... :/
  5. yeah this is really getting just stupid been playing this game for weeks and have really only had these issuses of as late i understand its an alpha but isnt a game suppposed to get better each patch? isnt that the reason for testing in alpha so you can move to beta then down the line actually release a working version??? so what come before alpha because this shit goes backwards every fucking patch... if its to stop server hopping then im fucked but they need to make the detection system better why one person server hops may be different than another . im using the same gear for ever on this guy so not farming the airfield,,, not hopping to avoid fights either i like the lil map dot, dont like to play at night cause my vid card is fried and in the dark i have red sparkling lights that cover the whole screen making it unplayable on dark maps.. the loaders dont tell you if the sever has the blue dot on the map so sometimes it takes a few tries to find one same with night and day doest seem to matter what i have my filter on or what the server says last one i joined said 1130 am and it was dark as night so i have to hop a few to find a day server. so am i doomed to only play on the shore line if so maybe i should find a hill and sit with my as50 shooting unarmed fresh spawns guess thats what they want me to do since i can only play on the shore camp fresh spawns joy oh fucking joy ................... golf clap............ i dont get it really this is going backwards and it sucks
  6. SWEET IM OUT!!!!!!!!!! just rolled around alot lol and eventually it got me thru the wall whew no dmg no broken bones but out sand about with me gera woot!! thx for the replies
  7. thx googled reading and gonna keep trying to get out for a bit before giving up
  8. yeah tried to change servers and in the same place i think im screwed lol ah well was getting bored hiding afraid to die but didnt even get to shoot anyone with the as50 yet so that is the only bummer............................ anyway lol time for the rush of running thru town with an axe
  9. so not sure what just happened to me on US 875 just a few mins ago after having 2 good days, having found my 1st downed chopper with a ghillie and as50 (day 11 on this character) just a few hundred meters west of vybor when i log out so im logging back in to resume playing with a friend who is already on the server playing and bam before im even loaded in Delphian has been killed both of us on coms yell wtf as he sees me die as well.. well im not dead 2 seconds later im in the middle of a field nothing but grass for as far as the eye can see but no gear still in my ghillie so i log out and right back in and im alive woot!!!! got all my gear still but something doesnt seem right im in a town i look at the map smack dab in the middle of novy sobor... .......... im thinkning ok no biggie work my way out of here search around but thank god still have my gear then not so fast why do i look like im under the building instead of in it beacuse i am i can see thru the wall and the floor but cant get out its like im in a glass box i cant see thru other buildings or walls.... ican hear and see zombies but i shoot and looks like my bullets r hitting a wall they run but cant find me then i start seeing dead zombies fall from the sky and land on the ground dead.......... AND NO i dont use drugs lol so im alive stuck in the glass box close to the church but i cant get out i try and V and see if i can go thru the floor and i break bones and die i get the your dead screen with the hand log out come back in alive no dmg all have my gear still stuck.....so am i screwed do i just have to die and recreate or is there some way to save this and just a bugged? or a cruel hacker who was screwing with me