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  1. I have had no trouble in finding guns at all. Found many weapons, enfields, shottys and even auto's like m16 and mp5s all in the major citys at tents/firestations. Cant seem to find those dam cz tho.
  2. wotdoyoutypehere@aol.com

    Do I need ARMA 2 CO?

    ArmA 2:CO is them combined, so your good to go.
  3. The skins that are in the game need to be fixed before anymore are added.
  4. Maybe try restarting your pc and router. Try using the Dallas servers i find them to be pretty good.(UK here too)
  5. Why you you want to rollback?? Some reasoning would be nice. If anything its getting better as time goes by but obviously there are going to be bumps along the way.
  6. I agree that there needs to be spawns inland too but i think the coast spawn points need to be kept aswell.
  7. This is near enough spot on what i do already. I do agree that some changes need to be made to zeds when there not in "attack mode". I like your idea of zeds coming to investigate proned players because prone does need to be nerfed a little but im guesing its very tricky to find that ideal balanced point. Atm i think there behavior is better than before but it is very easy to lose them now.
  8. I find the best way is to use stealth. If your agroing zeds your doing it wrong. :P I understand that some people are finding it hard to do this atm with recent changes but im managing it just fine. Stay low and slow, use ears and eyes and take the safest route. Just put more room between u and the zombies and be patient. Watch where the zombies are heading and plan accordingly.
  9. For the axe u must be in a wooded area standing directly next to a tree as close as u can. Ive never experienced Zeds dying from hills but im guessing its a bug. And for the FPS issue im also guessing its a mixture of the server/mod. Maybe the server you entered needed a restart. Ive noticed some servers i get really low FPS especially ones hosted by =Olut=.
  10. Cheapest place is.. https://store.bistudio.com/ Steam and retail version available.
  11. Same price dude https://store.bistudio.com/arma2-combined-operations-steam-version http://store.steampowered.com/sub/4639 I beg to differ mate.. One is £19.99 and the other is £24.99 See for yourself. http://imgur.com/a/Mpaew
  12. For people on a budget i think the cheapest place to get it from is https://store.bistudio.com Both steam and retail version. £5 cheaper than buying through steam.
  13. I got mine from https://store.bistudio.com You can pick up the steam version or retail by the looks of it.(Could only buy retail when i got my copy.) Im from uk and its priced at £19.99, i googled pound to dollar to get $31.322331. For me it was £5 cheaper than buying though steam but i dont know if its any cheaper for you in the USA. Hope that helps. Edit: My bad thought i saw a $ sign in there. Anyways it converts to 24.9004937 Euros