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Everything posted by dekartz

  1. dekartz

    Better GPS.

    And what purpose would people have to set their home?
  2. High level gear = High level risk of disease? All our ghillie-suit wearing AS50 snipers are laden with poo-germs(cholera)? SNOT INSIDE OF NVGS?!?!
  3. dekartz

    Dear Rocket, This is a GAME

    Hopefully yes. As the disease idea seems pretty damn awesome
  4. I'd make them faster (But dodge/zig-zag less), take more bullets to kill (or require a headshot), and give them better player-detection abilities.
  5. dekartz

    Remove all the thermal stuff (solved)

    This. A lot of this.
  6. dekartz

    The Cure!

    Wat. I liked outbreak >\
  7. dekartz

    Please don't implement passing stool

    You eat, you digest, and you poop. It makes sense.
  8. dekartz

    Remove all the thermal stuff (solved)

    http://www.atncorp.com/atn-nightvision-thermal-weaponsight-thor-320-3x-60hz So big. So clunky. How could you ever carry this around?
  9. dekartz

    I could use some help. Suggestions?

    Did you uninstall sixlauncher when you uninstalled Arma II the first time?
  10. dekartz

    Please don't implement passing stool

    Don't go into combat needing to poo. Simple solution to a simple problem.
  11. dekartz

    Random Migratory Horde

    Still, it has the potential to make forests and the vast stretches of wilderness just that bit more dangerous.
  12. dekartz

    Considering what's not working on DayZ

    It's not a horror game at it's core. It's more geared towards survival with zombies being an obstacle to said survival. Also, the heavy scripting used in the L4D series wouldn't suit the sandbox design of DayZ
  13. In most cases, murder or being witness to a form of brutality (especially if they participated) changes a person. For example, the "thousand yard stare" and such things. I'd like to see the symbols of a bandit be much more subtle but there should still be some indication that a person has lost their shit.
  14. dekartz

    First impressions

    I do not own a hatchet. And seeing as how this is an "anti-game" I'm going to assume that realism won't be compromised for gameplay.
  15. The movie "The Road" is an appropriate example of the proper mindset to enter DayZ with. Yeah, there probably ARE good people who will help you out. But the risk is more often than not worth the reward. People tend to stick in groups with those that they already know/trust, treating any and all outsiders as hostile.
  16. There was already an infection that spread around the world in medieval time. It was called syphi- I mean the plague.
  17. The best way to discover the nature of a person is how they act in a situation where there are no consequences for their actions. Day Z is an interesting example of this. You have people who immediately chose to become bandits, gunning down their fellow survivor for sport or profit. Then on the other end of the spectrum you have medics, those willing to risk themselves to assist their fellow survivors. In many cases the behavior of those on the opposing side of the spectrum is unthinkable or inexcusable to those on the opposite end of the spectrum. But one has to ask: Could bandits really exist without "carebears"? The knowledge that there are people out and about who help others brings a certain level of hesitance (to newcomers at least) in violent action upon encountering other players. Sometimes the hesitance results in an uneasy alliance, other times it's just a brief few seconds of delay before they shoot you and loot your stuff. But things like this are part of what make banditry possible. Even some established veterans haven't adopted a KOS-mentality despite having seen the various examples of betrayal and the like within DayZ. Without this hesitance, banditry itself would become far more difficult. One couldn't use the ambush tactics frequented by many bandits as the immediate response would be people looking to kill them and take their things. The simple idea of altruism is part of why Banditry is so successful. But on the same token: Could "carebears" exist without bandits? Zombies can be a threat, yes. But with nothing but cooperation, they'd be even less of a threat than they are now. One could fire off weapons to their heart's content, unworried about revealing their presence. This wreckless gameplay would likely cater to medics initially, but eventually things would become routine. The only difficult moments of the game would be that fresh green spawn where you don't know anyone and no one knows you. Sure, some people would roleplay but eventually lethargy would set in and people would seek new avenues of entertainment. This isn't even accounting for "Regulators", "Taxi's" and all those other 'tweeners on the spectrum. So, what are your thoughts? Concerns? Corrections? Recipes for chicken soup?
  18. "Chances are" Is indicative of something being fact now?
  19. Actually, chances are it would make banditry all the more viable an option. "If I don't get 'em, the zombies will."
  20. You're offering a game where you cooperatively kill zombies. For cooperatively killing zombies? That's like some form of zombie-inception.
  21. The first aren't zombies. They're "vampires". (I didn't see any sparkling so I'm damn skeptical of that). Anyway, I figure the "infected" type would be more of a twitch-based challenge video-game wise (though that's balanced by their general vulnerability to things that aren't head-shots) whereas the "zombie" type would simply be an annoyance right up until you underestimated them and died. (Though their only being killable via headshot would provide an interesting challenge)
  22. Unless of course they're part of "the audience". Anyway, Mr Hall seems like the type of down-to-earth guy I'd like to imagine works on all the games I enjoy. On a unrelated note: Picture of a can of beans on top of Everest please.
  23. dekartz

    Better zombies

    Also, runners in most movies tend to be a lot more... Fragile than shamblers. The guy dancing around them/ underestimating how much of a threat they are would likely be the idiot who gets bit. Shamblers tend to be an oppressive presence. You never know precisely when they'll go from mild annoyance to threat until it's too late.
  24. dekartz

    DayZGame vs DayZMod

    The way I see it, Day Z can only benefit from having competition. The legitimacy of that competition notwithstanding. At the very worst War Z can serve as a list of things not to do for Rocket. With the knowledge that there are alternatives available. Stand Alone is going to have to be substantially better to retain a playerbase. That said, conceptually this game is very experimental. Likely some things will work, other things won't. It's just a matter of whether Rocket listens to the community and is honest with us and himself. That's a primary feature of DayZ and will likely be a primary feature of Stand Alone. A dev-team that is actually paying attention to the concerns of its playerbase. Sure, not every little concern has been addressed. Some of were out of Rocket's hands, some were problems he simply couldn't fix with the ARMA II engine, and a few may have been overlooked.