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Everything posted by dekartz

  1. It's not so much a "zombie survival game" as it is a "survival game with zombies".
  2. I play exclusively on public servers. B| And I've found that the "hacking" has died down a little. Of course, any "hackers" reading this post probably just went "Challenge accepted" and the next time I log in I'm going to be a dancing sheep on fire.
  3. dekartz

    Mosin Nagant

    What gun both fits the setting, is more than a little awesome, and DOESN'T have AK in the name? No, not the SKS. Never the SKS. The Mosin motherfucking Nagant. Sniper got you pinned down with an AS50? Get "Enemy at the Gates" on his ass with the Mosin Nagant. Dude trying to hatchet you for your beans? GUESS WHAT? MOSIN NAGANT BAYONET TO DA FAAAAAAACE Being hunted by a clan? Get all Simo Haya on their asses. ... But in all seriousness. It fits the setting of Chernarus better than the other WWII era battle rifle. And it's got the rugged looks that all the ladies like. With the proposed customization system it also becomes a rather multi-purpose weapon.
  4. dekartz

    Mosin Nagant

    Vasily got his love with the "Enemy at the Gates" reference. Let Häyhä shine.
  5. dekartz

    Explain Your Avatar!

    Mine is Candlejack He's a villain from the show Freaka-
  6. I'm not sure if this was posted before or after my "Heroes and Bandits" thread. But yeah something like this could definitely be tied to the humanity system. I mean once you've lost enough humanity, its safe to say you only look at other people as walking piles of resources anyway. This just adds one more resource.
  7. But on some level, complexity (at least moreso than the average game) is kinda what's being shot for. I mean I doubt it'll get to the level where you look at the screen and your first response is "Um. Wat" but on that same token "Ease of Entry" is (as far as I know) not in the cards.
  8. dekartz

    Am I a bandit or survivor?

    They were no threat to you at the time, and there was little reason you couldn't have left without killing them. Pretty bandit thing to do.
  9. dekartz

    Am I a bandit or survivor?

    Yeah, it's a pretty bandit thing to do.
  10. dekartz

    Choose Gender?

    Incorrect, some skip that part. But I've found most of the official servers don't.
  11. Okay. We probably won't rule anything. At all. In the slightest. But I am looking for a group of players to do whatever tickles our fancy at the moment. One day we might be bandits, another we might be medics, and so on and so forth. The requirements? Be able to communicate (Verbally or very quickly if textual) Be polite (Don't go calling someone a fuckstick until you've been properly introduced at least) Be efficient (Don't need to know the map like the back of your hand, but familiarity with the game's controls is a minimum) Don't get attached to your gear. (You are going to die. It's inevitable) Don't talk about fight club. (Seriously, don't) Have a plan to kill everyone you meet (While developing trust with one another is good and encouraged, I'd suggest having some form of fall-back plan in case things go down shit river) How to apply? Pm me, send me a message on STEAM (Same username as above), carrier-pigeon, smoke signals, telepathy, or a magical mailbox.
  12. dekartz

    Bandits and Heroes

    So, I've come up with an idea only slightly less awesome than beards. Giving bandits and heroes something other than just a skin and slight increase of movement speed (in the case of heroes) First, the bandit. Once a Bandit's humanity is low enough, they would be given the option of eating bodies. This wouldn't increase their blood as much as hunted food but would do more than canned food, but more importantly it would get rid of their hunger. Keeping them from having to head into dangerous territory in search of something mundane as food. There would be inherent risks however: This destroys the body meaning that any loot you didn't get off of it in the first place is gone (this one could be removed) and if the person killed had any diseases (assuming they're in SA) you would catch them. Also, there would be a lengthy animation for this, meaning that if your prey had friends, they could choose this point in time to pick you off. Now for the Hero. Heroes would have the option of either direct transfusions or making their own blood-bags. Meaning that they would give some portion of their blood directly to the person they're trying to help in the event they can't find any convenient blood-bags. The risk of this would be (Much like with the bandit's cannibalism) the risk of transferring diseases between hero and receiver or vice versa. Perhaps this could come coupled with a slightly larger boost to your humanity (As giving someone your own blood is a bit more heroic than someone else's)
  13. dekartz

    Make zombies the real threat

    Look at all the classic zombie movies. Other people were the primary threat moreso than zombies. (That said, zombies could be more threatening)
  14. dekartz

    One group to rule them all

    You have touched the cockles of my heart. And the sub-cockle region. And that's just inappropriate.
  15. Killing other players is already a decision. I personally haven't killed any players (and have been in the position to do so plenty of times) not because I was worried about some consequence, but because I didn't want to.
  16. It's less a system to enhance gameplay and more a system to punish PVP by basically saying "PVP too much and you lock everyone out the server". I see very little benefit from this idea. No increased immersion, no added authenticity (The idea that the whole world is Chernarus is silly), and only has some admittedly interesting roleplay elements to it. (WTB Thousands of "Boy" and "Man" combos)
  17. dekartz


    I want to invent a new form of locomotion where I move around supported by only my beard. But I'll settle for progression of stubble to full beard
  18. This game is ultimately a sandbox. What you're proposing puts very serious constraints on that concept. Also it rewards one type of gameplay over another, something that sort of goes against what DayZ is about. In addition this opens up an opportunity for easy griefing. (Spawn as kid? Take candy from zombies) And I always sort of considered the survivors as having washed up on the shore of Chernarus (hence why you start on the beach). The idea that the death of children who just so happened to wash up on the shore of this island-nation deciding the fate of the whole world seems silly.
  19. dekartz


    Psh, you wouldn't look like a pedo. And again, there would be a means of shaving. But it makes sense that if you're out in the woods without a razor for a couple of months, you might have a beard.
  20. dekartz


    There are already bearded facial models. And the "more customization" option has already been discussed. But yeah, this wouldn't be a priority addition (I wouldn't quit over it not being included or anything) just something that would be cool.
  21. dekartz

    Dayz Female!!!

    I haven't had trouble with it for at least three patches now
  22. 1. Set up occasional zombie-spawns in the woods. 2a. Have magazines spawn partially-full 2b. Have ammunition spawn sans-magazine (Oh yeah, handloading) 3. Have attachments spawn separate from weapons
  23. So, this name originated by a friend of a friend who started a clan I was in ages ago being a fan of Deathcab for Cutie. We played a game of... Something to decide what to name the Clan. He won and wanted to name it after the pan, we eventually argued him down to Death Carts. Death Carts became Death Karts and eventually Death karts became Dekartz
  24. dekartz

    Wall Street says invest heavily in L85!

  25. dekartz

    The whole zombie design is pretty flawed.

    Zombies won't walk indoors in SA. So there's that.