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Everything posted by framspl33n

  1. While I was driving home today I was listening to some Nine Inch Nails and, as Trent's music generally does, it got me viscerally PUMPED. It came to me. We've all heard (hopefully) the little panting shrieks that our player makes in-game when injured and breathing heavily from running while hiding from too-close zombies, so why not make any panicked attempt at sprinting away from those zombies afterwards slathered with "spontaneous, uncontrollable screams of sheer terror"? I don't know if you've ever seen someone sprint through town with a hoard of zombies after them, but it would only make sense to me that, if they were injured, they would be making uncontrollable noises that could be heard from a distance. It happens in the movies and it would ESPECIALLY happen if you were being threatened with your life while sprinting, INJURED AND BLEEDING, away from blood-thirsty and brain-hungry infected! It would also be entertaining to watch. >>>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-DmwZRGvvo Don't get me wrong! I appreciate the stone-cold, discriminating silence that the player makes right now. It takes nothing away from the in-game experience. We see this in basically all other popular singleplayer and multiplayer games. But it's not a RULE, and if it were then Dayz has already broken it by adding the panting shrieks.
  2. I've been playing your servers exclusively since I got my hd7870. The teamspeak service is nice too!