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    Helicopter Hunter

    Kicking of Players for Clan members

    Which you are within your rights to do - but it means you shouldn't/can't run a server then. I entirely agree with the current rules, and once I start my new job, I'll likely be getting hold of a server for the community to use.

    US4 Nuke

    Unlucky guys :( Still, am I the only one who chuckled at a thread about a US server being nuked being posted by "Communist" :P
  3. As you can tell from other threads, the DayZ devs don't do character rollbacks, sorry.

    Steam Bans, Day Z Bannable?

    Might wanna take a look on this thread Viles: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=19797
  5. Unless they have remote access to the server, no, they can't directly access the logs, and the devs are no longer requesting remote access from people.

    Ban info

    I'm pretty sure Rocket taking your name off isn't going to happen, as you are currently serving as an example to others what happens when you cheat.
  7. It's not? :o I wonder what this thread says: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=8029 I wonder what this thread says: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=18145 Oh, apparently it's a dev pointing out the flaws with banning people you think are DCing. Now, if there was a way of doing it so the rule is always applied fairly, and the devs supported it, great, ban them, they wreck the immersion. However, there currently isn't a way to have the rule applied fairly to everyone, and the devs have not shown they don't support banning for DCing, and the rules for admins still show only 2 reasons for banning - racism and other offensive/malicious talk. Until that changes, we all just have to deal with it. It'll get patched out anyway, we just need to be patient for it.

    Leaving Mod for now


    How to make a local Hive?

    No, since Rocket currently doesn't allow local Hives, and those that do it are doing so without the support of the devs.
  10. Just report the little scrote - he has been abusive already, but he's now just decided to go with calling people good ol' fashioned "faggots". Doing that is bad enough, but doing it after being told how logging into the actual servers work (and how it's different to being logged into the game), and being given a satisfactory answer to his original post (though that was already jumping the gun, since it's well known admins can't kill everyone in the server with a commant), just shows that he knows he's in the wrong here, but can't bring himself to admit it.

    Be aware, I'm going to start banning.

    That thread seemed to answer the question pretty well.

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    That's been in since about 1.5 or so - I believe it was added as a stop-gap feature, as the game otherwise just refilled partially depleted magazines when you logged off and then back on again. You need to combine magazines to fill them up to make sure they don't disappear when you log out.
  13. It might help in future, but currently this isn't allowed, and I don't think it should be until the mod is at least in beta. Don't think of hosting a server as you actually hosting a server - it's actually closer to a monthly donation to rocket in the form of servers (rather than donating money, and him getting the servers).