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About crames

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  1. ok so i just installed to see if i still get kicked, didnt get kicked, going to reinstall and see if its fixed :)
  2. im using dayz commander to launch, i tried the fix where you verify the game caches on both arma 2 and OA.
  3. i was playing fine on chenarus all day, i got bored and decided to play some lingor. since i played on lingor i just get "you were kicked from the game" on every chernarus server i join. i hav etried the previous fix for this and it didnt work
  4. crames

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    need 2 car wheels desperatly, in kamyshovo, NZ 5, please help, will reward hondsomely.
  5. crames

    Looking For An L85 And An AS50

    i can give you all this very easy, plus you can keep the ghillie and the m4a1, im after the saw and svd :)
  6. crames

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    need bandaging and blood transfusion, got the bloodbag but no bandage and im bleeding right now, so youll have to be there before me,im at the beach by balota,near that building right bythe water :D skype:craames
  7. sigh, just wish i could atleast get a bandage :( i dont care about running, just want bandage so i dont die xD
  8. i was in nw barracks, logged out for the day, log back in and im on the coast and bleeding. requesting to be moved back to nw airfield and bleeding to be stopped?