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Everything posted by taylor422

  1. taylor422

    Loot spawn while driving

    I wish I had a bicycle... =(
  2. taylor422

    Tips for successfully being a medic?

    He was kidding. If you're hit anywhere with an AS 50, you're instantly killed. Speaking of which, where do you find mags for that damn thing? I hate shooting it because of ammo scarcity.
  3. I was up in the woods, low on food and water. I had a water bottle, hatchet, matches, skinning knife, and meat, so no problem, right? I logged for the night, intending to deal with it tomorrow. I tried loading on to a few different servers, but got hung on the loading screen. I finally found a sever that I could load in to. Lo and behold, I was in the middle of bumfuck nowhere. My only then was to raid a city - with a sniper rifle and an M1911 - not exactly the best loadout. I ended up getting zombie raped. Sucks. I wouldn't have been in the situation in the first place if I hadn't gotten coast spawned.
  4. After being gloriously dispatched in a blazing firefight, I respawned. In Kamenka. I really, really fucking hate Kamenka. Another player soon appeared right next to me. It seems he was quite well equipped - he must have gotten spawned there by the silly anti-hopping crap. Anyway, I asked him to shoot me in the face so I could respawn again, but instead he dropped a M14 with three mags and a ghillie suit, saluted me, and DC'd. I never got the chance to thank him. Thanks, mystery man.
  5. taylor422

    Play what you paid for

    +1, true story
  6. You could have locked the thread and posted a reply. By straight up deleteing the thread, I still have no clue as to whether or not usage of that addon/modification is bannable. Thanks.
  7. taylor422

    Axe or AK

    Yeah, it really sucks. If you have your axe on your belt and your bag slots are full, you have to drop your rifle on the ground if you want to go melee. However, I believe this is more of a limitation of the ArmA2 engine. I expect it'll be rectified in the stand alone release.
  8. taylor422

    In game GPS

    You can thank us for the internet, too.
  9. So you destroyed the truck just to be an asshole?
  10. taylor422

    Regular group of 2-4 LF team players

    I may be interested in this. I'm looking at another group right now as well. I guess we'll see who gets back to me first. 19, EST, serious/tactial oriented.Let me know.
  11. I'm in. Adding you on Steam. Actually before I commit to that, what's the age group look like?
  12. taylor422


    Explain for the uniniated?
  13. taylor422

    It's a cruel, cruel world for a noob

    I was able to make a run through Electro and get some basic supplies. Where to next?
  14. Where do you go to get all the sexy shit like ghillies and L85A2s and M4 CCO SDs and snipers and NVGs and GPSs and so on?
  15. When you're looking down the list of servers, you see things in their tag like "3DP: 1". Now, I know 3DP is third person, and 1 is on and 0 is off, but what does "CH" stand for? Also, while I'm here, how do you join the global chat channel?
  16. taylor422

    Question about finding a server

    Another question, if a server only has the time offset in the title, and it says Veteran, but it doesn't list the status of CH or 3D in the server title, is there a way to check before joining?
  17. taylor422

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Yeah, I was rather sad because I had semi-cool gear and it was the first time I'd ever made it out of Electrozavdosk. Oh well.
  18. taylor422

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Trout and his friend came by and patched me up nicely, cool cats. Thanks a bunch. (I couldn't see shit =P) Unfortunately, someone was following us, and dispatched me. I still don't understand how we were tracked out into the middle of no where when there was only like 5 people on the server total. I'm still kind of butthurt about dying, I've never come this far before. I think Trout and company made it out alive, though. Anyhow, thanks for the patch up.
  19. taylor422

    Are Mountain Dew's worth anything?

    Some players will pay handsomely for them due to the rarity/novelty factor. Otherwise, they're no better than any other soda.
  20. taylor422

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I could use 5 pieces of cooked meat at Gorka. I would do it myself, but I don't have matches (those would be nice too). Thanks.
  21. taylor422

    This game is so fucked up

    While it does seem like a rarther exploitative practice, if they're just fleecing empty servers, then they're not really hurting anyone, right? ALso, you have mail.
  22. taylor422

    Buy the game just because of the mod

    Your best best is Combined Operations.
  23. taylor422

    This game is so fucked up

    What is "server hopping" and why do people get butthurt about it?
  24. taylor422

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Need a transfusion near Electro power plant. I have the blood, but need someone to help.