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Everything posted by error-37

  1. I've been playing this mod for a while. At the start I would 'encounter' people all over the place. People were still exploring and seeing what's around. Lately, however, DayZ gameplay has been dumbed down, for lack of a better analogy, to Cherno Snipers, Elektro Snipers and NW Field snipers. It doesn't matter if there's 5 or 50 people on a server. Most of them are in one of the aforementioned locations and the rest of the map has localized zeds. Lot of empty space, nothing to do really. Well alright, maybe a few random Stary snipers. The root of the problem is the severe lack of entrable buildings in any smaller town, the lack of loot to draw people to any other place and not much else to do really. Some people will be coming up and saying "that's the point of the game" But really. Sitting on a hill under a bush for 5 hours waiting for 1-2 people to maybe come by. Personally I hope there will be more things to do in the future. More places to go, perhaps changes to cities, making sniping harder. ( Taller buildings, narrower sidestreets, an underground perhaps?) so infiltration and variety in weapons becomes more viable again and scanning the treeline with Bino's isn't the single most important task in the game. Maybe add another map entirely? Desert or jungle based? :lol: Or just a huge map set in a major city?
  2. error-37

    DayZ Gameplay lately...

    Guess it'll be features for the paid version.
  3. error-37

    Respawn at the beach and gear loss

    same issue, along with getting stuck loading 95% of the time. Logged in after not playin gfor a couple of days. Suddenly lost the complete content of primary inventory and most items from my pack. Lost primary weapon, retained secondary, but no ammo. Toolbelt intact. This issue needs to be fixed asap, along with the loading screen freezes. I don't really want to spend most of my limited time trying to log in, only to get kicked by an asshat admin who fears getting shot in the face or losing 70% of my stuff.
  4. error-37

    [1.5.7] Keep Spawning at the Coast

    I've had this issue when not alt-F4-ing out of the game because I got stuck loading for the 999th time. I disconnected back to server list because I had to go ane eat some dinner, came back, picked server and wound up on the coast. Instantly came under fire from the forest near the beach. Seems the campers left NWAF to come spawncamp for :beans:
  5. error-37

    [1.5.7] Keep Spawning at the Coast

    Note to self, find a good beach overview.... ^_^ :beans: to :emptycan:
  6. error-37

    Zombies aggro from 50+ meters

    One of the problems I have with how the agro works is that firing a gunshot on the only zombie in visual range draws every zombie in a very large radius exactly to your location. Firing a gunshot in a city or town may give a zombie a direction in which to proceed, but I find it's a bit overkill to let every zombie home in on you, even when you're no longer in the same spot. They're still zombies/infected. They're not laser equipped with X-ray, IR vision or any sort of futursitic scanning device from Star Trek. Even if they are supposed to be instinct driven, like 28 days, their cognitive abailities would be rather limited. Dogs can run in the direction of sound, not locate the source within a 1 yard radius. :] Perhaps bringing them into a 50m radius of the source would be a better solution? Then letting the normal agro mechanic take over? And yeah, fix dat glitchy zombie.
  7. Found my first chopper last night. Some guys came running from the trees. They didn't see me cause I was under a nearby pinetree. Since they were in group and I was not, I couldn't do much. ...except toss my frag grenade at them. And then of course the fail moment where you're juuuust too close to the blast and you fall unconcious and bleed out ( Was already lower on blood due to zombie attacks ) Bummer...
  8. Two things this mod ( and the game itself honestly) need are a better spawning system and a (much) better inventory system. Spawning and zombies: So you died because as another thread mentions, even if they can't see you, zombies can amazingly hear you from a gazillion meters away and also have the intuitive notion to bring every other zombie in a two mile radius. Zombies that "hear" gunshots from over a hundred yards away can pinpoint the exact location within 0.1 seconds flat. I find this an amazing feat for a slab of dead meat! So yeah... Perhaps make zombies a little stronger individually, but reduce aggro range and the amazing homing zombie missile skill. Let them run towards a random point within a 50 meter area, perhaps dependant on their initial range if possible, Then let them start their normal routine of locating a target. But let's get back to spawning. You died and have to DC yourself to respawn. Seems unnecessary and clunk to me. Reselect gender and be back on your way without yet another 5 minutes lost to loading what is already loaded. Inventory: Does anyone else feel the inventory is clunky as F***? I read all about the 'realistic' ammo system from Arma. However, it would be realistic for someone to take the 5 bullets you have in one clip and the three you have in another and put them in the same clip. Combining shouldn't be limited to making "full". Furthermore, you have an axe, a gun and a pistol. Why can't you switch to your axe without having to take it off your belt, etc etc etc. You catch my drift. I don't mind a limited space inventory. But getting needless space wasting due to shoddy mechanics does tend to piss me off in combination ^____^