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About Maj3stic

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Zombie Safe Room #97
  • Interests
    Game design, mapping, game playing, graphic design, and zombie killing

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  • Bio
    My name is Majestic, I am a lone wolf.
    C'ya in Cherno!
  1. Stealth is key, comerade XD
  2. Maj3stic


    LOL I guess my Governor fantasy is a distant dream XD, I do see where you guys are coming from though
  3. Maj3stic


    This could be useful in roleplay servers, as well as a way to find someone's base. I understand what you mean, it isn't 100% practical, but then again, so are crowbars in DayZ XD
  4. Maj3stic


    Hi guys, So I was thinking of how there will most likely be base building implemented after release towards the end of the year. However, I think if torture was pulled off NOT just for trolling, and could be scripted in some way, it could work. By that I mean, look at this as an example Player1=Thief Player2=Base Owner Player1 goes to Player2's base. He takes a can of beans. When Player1 takes Player2's picked up beans, this could trigger an event due to the fact that Player2 had the beans first, so that Player2 can subdue and tie up Player1 using almost the same script as the immobile sit position. This could then lead to bear trapped rooms for your sick little minds... Combat-friggin-logging could also be disabled, or if they try, they trigger a trap. After all, nothing is more satisfying than seeing a retarded logger getting his leg caught in a bear-trap, screaming in pain. Just a li'l idea...
  5. Maj3stic

    Walking Zombies

    The amount of times people have posted this is the amount of hairs I have on my head...
  6. Maj3stic

    Illnesses & Ways to Die

    I exactly agree with what you are saying, and how the suggestions some people have said are true, but I think for it to be authentic it needs to be an evolving feature (eg. The Road)
  7. Hello everyone, I have a different look on the opinion that making guns, food, and vehicles rarer will make the game hard. I find this more unrealistic on the parts of the developers and may make the game more boring. While this is contrary to most other forum posts, please hear me out. In reality if you ran out of food and water on your person, regardless of the situation and environment, you could always get more. However, what if you could make the game darker with more diseases? Most of the posts are asking more more diseases, what I am trying to point out is that if you give each one a special property it will make the game a lot darker, for example, I had my appendix removed in real life because it no likez me, but what if that happened in DayZ? What if you character starts to collapse and die and there is nothing you can do to stop it? Imagine how that would make the player feel? But saying this, I know someone MUST say on behalf of their dynasty that it will make the game suck if you bend over and die all the time, but- A.This mod and soon to be game needs more realism, face it XD B.That is the cruel reality of most near-lethal diseases/illnesses, with or without medical care If this were to be real life, and you drank water from a lake,you would probably get some nasty infection. This is quite real in the sense that if you are near some foundry in Cherno, imagine how much mercury or biomass would be in the water? Imagine in loot tables if you pick up a bandage, and some dude used it without the player knowing, and you get a blood disease. If realism is what the game is aiming for, I personally believe more of this type of feature should be added, rather than more stupid military guns or vehicle monstrosities. Anyway, I thank you for bothering to read my humble post, Majestic
  8. Maj3stic

    Killing without killing...

    I probably agree XD
  9. Maj3stic

    More Servers in Asia

    I will look into this, it looks quite cool. Thanks dude!
  10. Maj3stic

    More Servers in Asia

    I have very good hardware (Alienware M17x), but lag due to connection issues. My laptop can run the game decently, it's just bad connection
  11. Maj3stic

    More Servers in Asia

    Yes I have, but they still lag. However, I connect depending on the ping inside Arma II, which may be incorrect. Usually, servers I can connect to are either spammed with side chat, infestd with hackers, or on some other island (I prefer vanilla). Anyway, yeah, Aussie and European servers lag. I have tried Russian ones, which are ok, but they often turn on and off frequently. I hope the on/off thing becomes something servers should be prosecuted for, as it buzzkills my DayZ happy time...
  12. Hello, I am more of a vigilante in DayZ, and prefer to kill without killing. Essentially, what I do, is gain a person's trust, and 'befriend' them. I then, when they go somewhere, loot practically everything they have, and also steal things from their inventory. While shooting is easy and quick, this is more fun and maybe even more realistic. I hope more people do this, as this is not only more realistic and fun, but maybe classier XD I think this would make the mod/standalone more interesting, but it's just a thought. C'ya in Cherno
  13. Maj3stic

    More Servers in Asia

    BTW, the servers that are hosted here are often really tiny and also are only on when the dude actually wants to play, so not often. For the past 4 months all the Korean/Chinese/Japanese servers have not been on (at least not that I have seen). C'ya in Cherno...
  14. Maj3stic

    More Servers in Asia

    Hello survivors and bandits, I have a humble suggestion/request I would like to see either in the mod or standalone. I am a survivor living in Asia, and I love to play DayZ. Unfortunately, the only servers that are always on are American. They have the lowest ping (180), with an FPS of around 10 and with lag spikes, 1. Essentially, it makes you want to kill yourself XD Anyway, since there are many Asians playing the mod with server hosting that is unreliable here, it would be beneficial to everyone if there were more official dedicated servers, rather than some dude at his office using his S3 server. I hope you take heed of my advice, as this humble survivor is craving zombie blood...
  15. The japanese servers have really bad ping here. Might have to do with da g*vernm*nt XD Jk's it actually is a lot like America here, just safer, brighter, and less gunz