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Everything posted by Etherious

  1. Etherious

    Trading Post

    Alright, I will take a M4, and AK101. :P
  2. Etherious

    Bandit or Hero?

    It's up to you man. You are the one who makes up your adventure. Don't let others dictate that.
  3. Etherious

    Trading Post

    Hooray! Frag.net fixed the Official Dallas DayZ servers. :D Now, my camp is back. >:} Edit: Well, fuck. Apparently I need to find a better hiding spot. Cuz my camp got raided hard. lol
  4. Etherious

    Super silent kill.

    Well, it was either desync or a cheater killed ya.
  5. Etherious

    Trading Post

  6. Etherious

    How can we fix camping ?

    Yea, I thought the generic "camping" we all know of. I was sharpening my pitchfork for some chaos, but alas it was the real "camping he was talking about. :/
  7. Etherious

    What happens when you get kicked by battlEye?

    Yes, your character will stand back up, and go to the crouching position in a endless loop until despawn. xD
  8. Etherious

    Trading Post

    I contacted the server provider for the server, and they said they would fix it today. Apparently it was due to a DNS issue, and it prevented connection to the master hive. Yea, my character with tons of stuff on, got deleted / reset. Oh, well. ;_;
  9. Etherious

    What happens when you get kicked by battlEye?

    Your body stays in the server for 30 seconds after you get kicked. If you're running, you continue to run until you despawn. If you're not running then you stand up, and crouch constantly until you despawn.
  10. Etherious

    Ethical Hunting

    Did you even read the entire post? Because your post seriously shows that you didn't.
  11. Etherious

    Trading Post

    *Sigh* Well, I had tons of stuff to trade, but the server my camp is on, is not connected to the public hive. >.>
  12. There were because most servers had the dynamic spawning script running on their server. In the Vanilla mod, the helicopter crashes had predetermined crash points like they are now.
  13. Etherious

    Source Code & Values

    Yea, but honestly modding off the cilent files doesn't really make a difference. We need the server files in order to truly mod DayZ. Also, there really is no need to go study mod on EnScript. Since it's close to SQF, and almost as easy to tinker with. EnScript is so amazing, especially considering it's 200% faster than SQF.
  14. Etherious

    Source Code & Values

    Anytime, I want to look at the PBOs (btw this isn't the source code / server files which have more of the game's data), I use PBO Manager v1.4, and Kegetys ArmA tools.
  15. Etherious

    More players vs more infected

    Honestly, it's not that their having a hard time, but more so focused on getting EnFusion fully up. I have no doubt we will reach a point where we have hundreds of zombies, and 100 players. Of course, this won't happen for a real long time. :P
  16. Etherious

    The what if

    I could just imagine everyone battling out for their lives. :o
  17. Etherious

    Persistance Reset?

    I think it was just your server. However, now I am scared of my camp being gone too. So, I will go check it now. :P
  18. Etherious


    All the new loot zones are mainly civilian. Of course, this isn't really an issue. I just personally would have liked a different approach to battle that glitch.
  19. Etherious

    Private vs Public

    Honestly, I find people PVP in both hives just as equally. I certainly PVP in both hives like it's going out of style. There is no difference, and it will never change unless the players do. At the current moment, the majority have a mindset of killing others for fun, and the loot. I am certain it will change as DayZ comes along in it's development cycle. However, it is a a long, long road til it's completion.
  20. Etherious


    They did that on purpose, because there was a wall glitch, and loads of people used it. So, in order to battle against this.....they took out all loot spawns in that building. They have said that they will try to fix it with the new player controller they are making, and hopefully put back in the loot spawns then. So, don't expect loot in that building for months once more.
  21. Etherious

    DayZ City FPS

    They have had server side improvements, but client side improvements won't come til Beta. They have also stated this multiple times that when Beta hits, they're will be optimizations.
  22. Etherious

    need help for hiding my camp

    Anything in the debug area of the map aka outside of the map is immediately cleaned up by the server (after restart).
  23. Etherious

    Arma 2 Tents

    I don't think they plan on making them usable. I think it's just a easter egg or a cameo of the old Arma 2 tents. :)
  24. Etherious

    DayZ staff/devs/Bohemia show their love.

    They never ban without reason. Please, do not start speaking nonsense. ^_^