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Everything posted by Etherious

  1. DayZ Mercenaries, I am willing to give you tons of guns and ammo just because I wanna be good and helpful towards your organization and if you need ANY supplies just MSG me and btw I added you Arkod.
  2. Etherious

    Made fun of my age, dead in seconds.

    Lol, you supposedly mature adults are nothing more than peasants who are all talk and act like assholes to other to make yourself feel better when your no better than a ant that I step on a REGULAR basis.
  3. Oh ok :3 so u got teh engine parts?
  4. I have a SVD camo but no mags, havnt found mags for it yet!
  5. Etherious

    SVD Ammo for trade.

    I would LOVE to trade for those SVD mags!! i have about 12 AS .50 mags :D, wanna pm me? or do some kind of msging?